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Posts posted by ckingsbridge

  1. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Twenty-Seven

    Smint45: As you know from reading the final chapter, Aedan and Demitrios aren’t actually mated – but they may be in the near future. ;-) I’m really glad you enjoyed the story’s climax, and thank you so much for all of your kind and consistent reviews as I’ve been publishing Blood Red!

    Tishana_Glenwood: Aw, thank you so much! That’s really kind of you. I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying the story, and I hope you won’t mind following my future works on Livejournal or Fiction Press! :D

    Candicane: There’s a very good chance that there may eventually be a BR-verse ficlet featuring mpreg! I’m willing to bet that the very first person who gives me a Blood Red prompt asks for that, LOL. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the story, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    2rainsong2: Thank you very much! I’m so happy you enjoyed it, and I really appreciate all of the kind comments you left for me while I was writing Blood Red. :D

    KC: Lorcan will definitely stay dead! LOL. I have no plans to resurrect him, don’t worry. And there will certainly be BR-verse ficlets in the future – though since I’ll no longer be posting to AFF, you’ll have to look for them on Livejournal or Fiction Press. I’m really glad you’ve enjoyed Blood Red, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    DanielTae: Thank you so much! I’m really glad you found it satisfying. :D

    Franz: If somebody requests a Demitrios-POV ficlet for their birthday, I’d definitely be willing to write it! You may want to follow me on one of my other platforms so that you’ll know if and when I do. :-) I’m glad you enjoyed Blood Red, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Aleks: Thank you very much! :D

    Wolfluv: As you know now, they aren’t mated at all! LOL. I’m really glad you’ve enjoyed the story, and I hope you’ll read my future works on Livejournal or Fiction Press! Thanks so much for all of your kind reviews. :D

    Midnightsscream: Thank you very much! I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter. :D

    Sunao Tsuji: Haha, thanks! I’m glad you think so – I do too. ;-)

    FrozenAphrodite: Yes, the capitalization of the word “Step” is intentional – it serves to signify that the sorcerers are moving through magic. If I didn’t capitalize it, it would be too confusing, because it would be difficult for readers to tell whether I meant Aedan was disappearing and reappearing magically, or simply taking normal, physical steps. :-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Dragonfly_dust: Well, after reading the final chapter, you know Kimon had a little bit more on his mind than being worried about Aedan and Demitrios. ;-) I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the story, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Mel: Aw, thank you so much! I’m thrilled to hear that. :D

    Loverofyaoi: I hope you enjoyed the conclusion to Blood Red! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. :-)

    Rosei: Thank you very much! I’m really happy you enjoyed it. :D

  2. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Twenty-Five

    Tishana_Glenwood: I always promise a happy ending with my stories! If everything were all happy and shiny right now, that’s when you’d have to worry that there would be an unhappy ending. Emotional balance is vital to story structure! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. :-)

    Writer 11377: Again, I always promise a happy ending. Everything falling apart is a sign that the happy ending is close at hand – that’s what we call dramatic tension! LOL. The night is always darkest just before the dawn, you know. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    FrozenAphrodite: Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter and Lorcan’s villainous ways. :D

    Smint45: Thank you! And don’t worry, this definitely won’t be my last story – I plan on writing original fiction for a long time to come. :-)

    Dantae: Haha, I wouldn’t have the patience, either! ;-) I’m glad you loved/hated the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Dragonfly_dust: You’re very perceptive! Hee. You got closer than any of my other readers to guessing what the reality check was. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Fluffyskittles: Aw! *hands over the tissues* Just hang in there, it’ll all be better soon. Thanks so much for reviewing!

    Concepcion30: You’re right – the bond between Lorcan and Aedan can only be broken by one of them dying. ;-) I’m glad you’re enjoying him as the villain! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.

    Loverofyaoi: Why do you assume Demitrios will save him? ;-) Thanks for reading!

    Mint: Thank you very much! You’re correct, Lorcan does indeed have a bondage fetish (as was confirmed in the chapter following this one, haha.) It’s very difficult – almost impossible – for him to come if his partner isn’t restrained. Also, no, most of the words in the ritual were symbolic rather than literal (think wedding vows). The ritual can bind Aedan’s magic to Lorcan’s, but it can’t interfere with his free will otherwise. I’m so glad you’re enjoying these climactic chapters, and thanks again for your kind review!

    Responses to Reviews for Chapter Twenty-Six

    Tishana_Glenwood: LOL! I’m sure you enjoyed this week’s chapter, then. ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Tay: Hee! Good to know. I’ll tell Aedan and Demitrios to get right on that. ;-)

    FrozenAphrodite: Thank you very much! And don’t worry, I hate the Twilight series. Just like you said, it romanticizes abusive relationships, which I find absolutely abhorrent. And don’t even get me started on the misogynist pile of shit that is Fifty Shades of Grey! LOL. I am indeed familiar with the Vampire Chronicles series – read a few of the earlier ones back in the day. But one of my reservations about publishing is still that I think they’d make me take down the free internet versions of my stories, which I’d prefer not to do. We’ll see what happens! Thanks again for your kind words, and I hope your cousin is doing well! :D

    Smint45: You’re quite welcome, and thanks for reviewing! I’m glad you enjoyed it. :-)

    Wolfluv: Thanks! I’m happy to hear that. :D

    SinfulMind: Well, this is erotica, so the story in itself is mainly about sex! LOL. The story will be finished next week with Chapter 28 and the epilogue. I’m glad you’ve been enjoying it, and thanks very much for reviewing!

    Sapphire2619: Hee! That won’t be necessary, as you know after reading this week’s chapter, but that’s a very interesting plot twist! It would make for a great AU. :D Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Dragonfly_dust: How’s this week’s chapter for a glimmer of hope? LOL. I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Cham: Thank you very much! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story and its characters. :-)

    Zas: Now you know! Hee. I hope you enjoyed this week’s chapter, and thanks very much for reading and reviewing!

    Somedaynevercomes: Well, it didn’t exactly go down the way you expected, but I hope you enjoyed the climax anyway! ;-) Thanks for reading and reviewing.

    Loverofyaoi: As I’ve said multiple times, there will be no actual mpreg in this story, only references to it as a reality of this universe. I hope you enjoyed this week’s chapter, and thanks for reading!

  3. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Twenty-Four

    Writer11377: He’s not! LOL. At least, not any time soon. ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Dantae: Only three weeks left until the story is finished! If you think you can wait that long, you can get it all in one go. :D Thanks so much for reviewing!

    Mint (1): Thank you very much! That’s very kind of you. I’m glad you’re enjoying the story. :-)

    FrozenAphrodite: Hee, I love Lorcan, too! (In a love-to-hate-him kind of way.) He’s really a lot of fun to write. I’m glad you’re enjoying him, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Tishana_Glenwood: Yep, Lorcan is one sick son of a bitch! LOL. I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing. :-)

    Franz: Sorry, this entire story is told from Aedan’s POV! Maybe one day I’ll write a side story about Demitrios’ POV here. Thanks for reviewing!

    Smint45: Don’t worry, the end is near! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for your review. :D

    Wolfluv: Do you mean, if someone left the pack, they wouldn’t be protected by the oath anymore? I don’t think that’s the case, but it’s really a moot point, because beastmen don’t ever leave their packs. Or did you mean something else? I wasn’t sure. I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story, and thank you so much for your kind words!

    2rainsong2: Haha, yes, both Demitrios and Rhiannon are going to be very upset come morning. I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Loverofyaoi: LOL! You’re right, it’s not going to be that easy at all. ;-) But you don’t have too much longer to wait! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.

    Anon: Thank you very much! I’m happy to hear that. :D

    Detrix: LOL! The story’s almost over, so if you wait a few weeks, you can read all the rest of it in one go! ;-)

    Paige_Turner: Welcome to the story! I’m really glad you’re enjoying it, and thank you so much for your lovely review. Only a few chapters left until it’s all wrapped up! :D And LOL – once semen has been ingested, it can no longer be used to track people. ;-)

    Fluister: Yay, thank you very much! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story, and I really appreciate your kind words. :D

    Shinashi: Yeah, I hate when indecisiveness drags on for too long! LOL. I’m not familiar with whatever Shin Sekai Yori is, but… thanks? Haha.

    Mint (2): Lorcan is crazy, but in a very rational way, if that makes sense. The way he sees the world around him is all twisted and messed-up, but he’s still able to make calm, logical decisions that are in his best interests (for the most part). That’s my favorite kind of villain! LOL. As for the oath, yes, if anyone tried to rescue Aedan and put Lorcan’s life at risk by doing so, Lorcan would be able to attack them. Also, if Aedan were rescued or kidnapped and did not immediately try to return to Lorcan as soon as he could, the oath would interpret that as leaving Lorcan voluntarily and become annulled. So even if someone did try to rescue Aedan, he wouldn’t go with them. I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

  4. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Twenty-Three

    Tishana_Glenwood: Haha, yes, there wouldn’t be much of a story left if Aedan hadn’t done something like this. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    2rainsong2: LMAO! I’m glad you enjoyed it so much. Thank you! :D

    FrozenAphrodite: Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed it. :-)

    Smint45: I always promise a happy ending! (Eventually.) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Wolfluv: Aw, I’m sorry to make you cry! But I’m glad you’re enjoying the story. Thanks very much for your kind review! :D

    Fluffyskittles: LOL! Thanks for reading. :-)

    Mint: Without the commitment to update once a week, I’d never get anything done! LOL. I hate disappointing people, so keeping myself on a tight schedule like this works well for me. I think your question about the blood oath was answered in this week’s chapter, and Lorcan’s plans will be clarified next week as well. ;-) I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for your kind review!

    Loverofyaoi: Aedan can do lots of stuff that even he doesn’t know about yet! ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.

    J: Aw, thank you! :-)

    Phantomworks: Oh, Aedan knows Lorcan is going to use him! He’d rather that than see Demitrios hurt, though. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

  5. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Twenty-Two

    TricksterKitsune: Well, as you know after reading this week’s chapter, it’ll probably be a long time before Demitrios and Aedan can start mending their relationship. There’s still hope for them, though! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. :D

    Franz: Maybe one day he will! I’m really glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing. :-)

    Loverofyaoi: To each their own, of course! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing.

    Mia: Hee, thank you very much! I’m happy to hear that. :D

    Smint45: Thank you! I’m really glad you enjoyed the chapter and all of its feels. :-)

    FrozenAphrodite: Haha, thanks! I love writing Lorcan; he’s so much fun. I’m glad you like reading about him!

    Dantae: If things had been resolved between Aedan and Demitrios, the story would be over! LOL. I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Mint: Demitrios isn’t actually that upset about Aedan not telling him about Lorcan, and he’s also not surprised. What’s hurting him is his belief that Aedan faked all of the stuff that happened between them – the friendship, the respect, the caring – in order to secure himself a new master. We know that even though Aedan had ulterior motives, he still has genuine feelings for Demitrios. But after the fight they just had, Demitrios doesn’t know that, because Aedan didn’t tell him. So Demitrios currently believes that every good thing that happened between them was a lie. Also, I think I should point out that in this chapter, Aedan was shocked that the pack wasn’t considering giving him up, not the reverse. (Although maybe that was a typo on your part?) I’m very glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for your review!

    Basilisk6: I honestly don’t know how Demitrios can be considered as giving Aedan false hope! He made it clear from the very beginning that he was not interested in being Aedan’s master, that slavery is an abomination to him and his people. He told Aedan on their first day in the village that he was having a house built for Aedan in Koiti. Never, not once, did Demitrios ever say anything about there being a permanent commitment between them – in fact, he’s repeatedly given signs that there wouldn’t be. And Aedan knows that. Aedan has been fully aware from the beginning that Demitrios wasn’t expecting a committed relationship – that’s why he was so intent on changing Demitrios’ mind. I can tell you right now that Aedan doesn’t believe Demitrios “led him on” for a single second. Aedan knew he was fighting an uphill battle when he started – that’s why he kept it a secret, because he knew Demitrios didn’t want it. So I’m kind of bemused that there could be any interpretation of the text that says Demitrios gave Aedan false hope. In addition, I’d like to point out that it is entirely possible for people to want two conflicting things. Demitrios is in love with Aedan. He believes he can’t mate with Aedan, for Aedan’s own good, and of course he knows that rationally, it would be best if Aedan didn’t love him back. But he can’t help it. It is totally possible for a person to want the person they love to love them back, even when they know that love can’t go anywhere. Love isn’t rational, and neither are people who are in pain.

    Shinashi: Then how can you stand reading my stuff? LOL. I’m all about hard choices and tough moral dilemmas. I’m glad you’re enjoying the story anyway, though, and thanks for reviewing!

    Kirjava01: I think you might be right. ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing, and sorry about the latest cliffhanger! LOL.

    Sirin Black: Wow, thanks! I’m thrilled to hear that. :D

    Dragonfly_dust: Well, they had one part of the “fuck and make up” equation this week… might be a while before they get to the other half. ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.

    SinfulMind: It might not seem like it now (to us or to the characters), but this situation with Lorcan is indeed exactly what Demitrios and Aedan need! Just keep reading. ;-) I’m very glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for reviewing!

  6. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Twenty-One

    Smint45: You’re quite right – Aedan is falling in love with Demitrios, but because he’s never felt or even really observed love before, he can’t recognize what’s happening. There’s no way Demitrios could know that, though. Remember, he doesn’t have the advantage we do of hearing Aedan’s inner thoughts! I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and I hope the cliffhanger wasn’t too painful for you. Thanks so much for reviewing!

    TricksterKitsune: Aedan just shattered Demitrios’ heart into a million pieces, and you want to punch Demitrios? LOL. I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    CandyCoatedCyanide: They definitely do – but let’s give them some time to heal the wounds from this heart-to-heart before we throw them into another one. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Cham: Don’t worry about it! I’m really happy you’re still enjoying the story, and thanks so much for all your kind words. :D

    2rainsong2: Haha, I hope it wasn’t too agonizing! This definitely starts the hardcore drama-and-angst portion of the novel. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for your lovely review!

    Wolfluv: I’m glad you’re so invested in the characters and their story! I’m really happy to hear that. Thank you very much for reading and reviewing. :D

    Fluffyskittles: Ahahaha, thank you very much! Definitely the reaction I was going for. ;-) I hope you made it through the week okay!

    Klen K: Yes, they absolutely needed to get all of this stuff out in the open if they’re ever going to have a healthy relationship. It was painful for them both, but sometimes you have to break a bone so it can heal correctly. ;-) I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Dantae: Aw, sorry this was the week of the cliffhangers for you! I know I have at least a few readers who decided to wait and read two chapters at once, haha. I hope the wait didn’t stress you out too much and that you enjoyed the resolution to the cliffhanger! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. :D

    FrozenAphrodite: Demitrios got angry because he believed that there were real feelings developing between himself and Aedan. He knew that it couldn’t last, because he didn’t want to drag Aedan into his own outsider status, but he still wanted Aedan to love him back. He believed that Aedan was the one person he’d ever met who was actually able to understand him. And then this fight shattered all of that. What Aedan said in this chapter led Demitrios to believe that Aedan has just been blatantly manipulating and lying to him the entire time. He has no way of knowing otherwise. Remember, Demitrios doesn’t have access to Aedan’s inner thoughts like we do. He doesn’t know, like we do, that Aedan does have very strong feelings for him. His connection with Aedan meant everything to him, and Aedan just basically told him the entire thing was a lie. Now, we know that’s not true. Demitrios does not. Aedan broke his heart in the worst way possible and added insult to injury by blaspheming something sacred to his culture. That’s why Demitrios is angry.

    Loverofyaoi: See my response to FrozenAphrodite above!

    Belle Nakadar: LOL! It’s because I care about you guys that I had to do the cliffhanger – it was vital to the story structure! I want to write the best story for you that I can. ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Dragonfly_dust: Hee! Well, you kind of got what you wanted in this week’s chapter, but perhaps not the way you envisioned it. ;-) I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Bunny: Yay, welcome to the story! You probably picked a bad week to start, though, considering that’s like the only cliffhanger in the entire story so far. LOL! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it, and it’s great to have you along for the ride! Thanks so much for your review. :D

    Shinashi: I do love me some dramatic escalation! Haha. But I’d like to point out that Aedan is only submissive because he’s been conditioned to be so by a lifetime of non-consensual slavery. He is not a submissive person by nature, and if he’d been raised in different circumstances, he wouldn’t display any submissive behaviors whatsoever. So he is indeed very different from someone who is naturally submissive. (Though certainly not better, of course, even if he himself might believe that.) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Nitya, Meg, Mako, Nekosuke, Starsinhereyes, Charmm, Zas, A, and Anons: Thanks so much for your comments, guys! I’m really glad you’re all enjoying the story. :D

  7. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Twenty

    Wolfluv: Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed their little stand-off. ;-)

    Katniss Everdeen: LOL! Don’t worry about it. I’m glad you’re still enjoying Blood Red, and as you can see, it won’t be long before Demitrios finds out about Lorcan. ;-)

    Mint: Hee, thank you very much! Aedan’s definitely made a lot of progress since the story began. I’m really glad you’re enjoying it! :D

    Mako: I know, it feels like I just started writing this last week! We’re about to enter the home stretch now; I’m estimating that Blood Red will end up being somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 chapters. There won’t be any actual mpreg in this story, though! Maybe in some ficlets I’ll write after the novel concludes. ;-) I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    SinfulMind: If you’re interested, I got into a more in-depth discussion about Christos’ and the others’ attitude to Demitrios’ decision with a reader over on LJ, here: http://ckingsbridge.livejournal.com/26050.html?thread=651970#t651970. It may clarify the situation for you! I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for your review. :-)

    Smint45: Haha, thanks! It was really fun to write. Glad you enjoyed it! ;-)

    Writer11377: Aedan has SO MANY SECRETS!!! LOL. They’re all coming out now, though! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for reviewing. :D

    Loverofyaoi: Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

    Shinashi: Warm and fuzzy is definitely what I was going for! Hee. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.

    Dantae: Well, you got one of your wishes in this week’s chapter! Haha. I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks so much for reading! :D

    FrozenAphrodite: Actually, as irritated as Christos is, he actually respects Aedan a little more now. A show of confidence and a refusal to be bullied is one of the best ways to earn a beastman’s esteem. ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Allanasha: I’m glad you found the story again! Aedan definitely made a mistake in not telling Demitrios some of the secrets he’s been keeping, as this week’s chapter made abundantly clear. ;-) I’m so happy you’re enjoying the story and the characters, and thank you very much for reviewing!

  8. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Nineteen

    Anon: Yep, blood is about the most personal object there is! Remember, though, Lorcan vanished the knife and all of the blood. Given Aedan’s limited understanding of magic, he just assumed all of that stuff ceased to exist – which is actually possible, and may or may not be the case. ;-)

    FrozenAphrodite: Thank you very much! I’m so happy to hear that about Aedan – having a character who’s a Gary Stu is an author’s worst nightmare! I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks again for your kind review. :D

    TricksterKitsune: Yay, thank you! Welcome to the story, and I’m so glad you like it. :-)

    Smint45: There’s always plenty of smut in my stories, so that’s a safe bet! LOL. And yes, I do have some magical battle planned for later in the novel. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Concepcion30: I think Lorcan is a little too far gone at this point, haha. (I’ll give you a tidbit of backstory: Lorcan did have a pack when he was younger; he deliberately chose to leave them.) You’ll see what I mean in future chapters. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Dantae: Yep, people are big fat liars! LOL. At least Aedan is only lying because he’s afraid, and not out of malicious intent (though of course that doesn’t make it okay, or a good idea). Thanks so much for reviewing! :D

    Klen K: I’m glad you gave it a try and ended up enjoying it! Thank you so much for your kind words. And LOL, yes, I love my stories as explicit as possible, though I try to keep the sex congruent with the plot and not too gratuitous. Thanks again, and I hope you continue to enjoy the story! :-)

    Loverofyaoi: Demitrios’ response to Aedan scratching up the back of his neck was actually more psychological than physical (consider the significance of that part of the body to beastmen that’s been hinted at in the past). But yeah, Demitrios also wouldn’t mind if Aedan were a little wilder and rougher in bed, haha. I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Shinashi: LOL! Thank you very much. I’m glad I was able to hit all your buttons, and I hope you continue enjoying the story! :D

  9. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Eighteen

    Midnightsscream: Poor Aedan indeed! Just when he was starting to feel safe… I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Mint: Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed it. :D

    2rainsong2: LOL! I think Lorcan will find that Aedan isn’t quite the same boy he met at the arena. ;-) Thanks so much for your review, and I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter!

    Perona: Aw, thank you very much! I’m so happy to hear that. :-)

    FrozenAphrodite: It’s safe to say that Aedan won’t like what Lorcan has in store for him. ;-) Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!

    Mia: That’s so sweet! Thank you very much. :D

    Smint45: I always promise a happy ending with my stories, don’t worry. (Of course, that doesn’t mean I won’t drag my characters through hell and back first. LOL!) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Loverofyaoi: It’s really more that it gives Rhiannon and the alphas more time to prepare, haha. Unfortunately, Aedan doesn’t know enough yet to be able to effectively defend himself against Lorcan (not magically speaking, anyway). Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Concepcion30: I can definitely promise sorcerous battles ahead! (Though that won’t be for a bit.) I think this week’s chapter answered your (very perceptive!) questions about rogue sorcerers – I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for your review. :-)

    Dantae: Happy to hear it! I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing. :D

  10. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Seventeen

    2rainsong2: Haha, thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and I’ll relay your advice to Demitrios. ;-)

    FrozenAphrodite: We’ll see Demitrios’ reaction eventually, I promise! Just to clarify, though, Kimon didn’t ask Antonia for permission – he asked Aedan. Antonia has nothing to do with it. According to the cultural norms of this society, Kimon isn’t supposed to put any kind of pressure on Aedan until he accepts or rejects the offer of courting, which is why he’s been keeping his distance. Of course, he won’t stay away forever. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Smint45: Thank you very much! We’ll be getting an even closer look at Demitrios’ background over these next few chapters. I’m glad you’re enjoying the story! :D

    Wolfluv: Thanks! I did indeed pass my exam. :-) As you know now from reading this week’s chapter, you were right about Lorcan! More about that next week.

    Mint: Thank you so much! You’re right, of course – in fiction, what goes up must come down. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks again for your kind review!

    Belle Nakadar: Aw, thank you! That’s great to hear. :D

    Jade: Haha! I must be doing something right, then. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Dantae: I’m so sorry to hear about your terrible week! Hopefully things have gotten better by now, and I’m glad the chapter was able to lighten your day a bit. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing! :D

    Loverofyaoi: Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Aedan would have to accept Kimon’s offer before Kimon would be allowed to court him, though. ;-)

  11. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Sixteen

    FrozenAphrodite: Demitrios is definitely a gentleman! Sometimes it frustrates Aedan, too, but at the end of the day, that’s exactly what he needs after what he’s been through. And yes, Lorcan will be reappearing sooner rather than later! I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks for reviewing. :-)

    Ireyon: Aw, thanks! That’s fantastic to hear. But yeah, we definitely haven’t seen the last of Lorcan, and it’s only a matter of time now. ;-) Thanks again for reviewing!

    Loverofyaoi: Thank you! They both definitely took big steps forward today. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

    Smint45: Thank you very much! I’m so happy you’re enjoying their relationship developments. :D

    Jade: Hee, thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it. :-)

    2rainsong2: Thank you so much! It was about time they talked about some of this stuff, LOL. I’m glad you liked the chapter!

    YuJe: Thank you very much! I appreciate that. Lorcan will definitely be making an appearance soon, so get ready! ;-)

  12. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Fifteen

    Frozen Aphrodite: Beastmen won’t touch each other’s mates, that’s true, but since Aedan isn’t mated to Demitrios, he’s still considered fair game. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Smint45: Ahahaha, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thank you very much. ;-)

    KC: Thank you! I’m taking the exam in about a week, so I’m a total mess of nerves right now. LOL! I’m really glad to hear you’re enjoying the story, and thank you so much for letting me know. :D

    2rainsong2: I’m glad you liked it! You know what all the breeding talk was about after this week’s chapter. ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Writer11377: Awesome! Social worker solidarity. ;-) Good luck to you with your program, and thanks so much for your kind words!

    Loverofyaoi: Mating is actually a pretty elaborate ritual (a lot like a wedding ceremony), so Aedan wouldn’t have been able to get Demitrios to do it during the Lunacy even if he knew how it worked – which he doesn’t. LOL! You already know what all the breeding language was about after reading this chapter, so I’ll just say thanks so much for reading and reviewing! :D

    Belle Nakadar: Everything went very smoothly, yes! Thank you very much. :-)

    SinfulMind: Thank you so much! I’m glad you liked the chapter, and I hope you enjoyed Aedan and Demitrios’ conversations this week. :D And congrats on your graduation, as well! It really is a relief to have it all done with, haha.

    Lividfire: Needed them? Yep. Called for them? Nope! LOL. Aedan can be a stubborn little bastard when he wants to, haha. I hope you enjoyed this week’s chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Nemo: Thank you! I’m really glad to hear that.

  13. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Fourteen

    FrozenAphrodite: Hmm, I’m not sure what Luca and Aedan have in common, except maybe a hot temper… Their personalities are almost diametrically opposed. *scratches head* Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the Lunacy, and thanks very much for reviewing!

    2rainsong2: Thank you very much! I’m definitely relieved that it’s all over, haha. I hope you enjoyed this week’s chapter, and thanks so much for reading! :-)

    Smint45: Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and I hope the Lunacy this week made up for the hiatus. ;-)

    KayS: Thank you! I’m so glad to be done, LOL. I hope you enjoyed the Lunacy!

    Mia: OMG, that’s so amazing! I’m both flattered and humbled that the story means that much to you. Thank you so much for letting me know. :D

    Jade: Yeah, Aedan definitely thinks it’s too soon to broach the subject of mating, especially considering the argument he and Demitrios just had. He’ll bring it up in the future when he’s feeling a little safer and more comfortable. :-) I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks very much for reviewing!

    Loverofyaoi: Those conversations won’t happen at the same time, LOL, but they’ll both be pretty fraught! One of them will come up very soon. ;-) I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Snow: Thanks again for alerting me to that plagiarism and for reporting it to the site! I really appreciate that (and your kind review, as well). :D

  14. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Thirteen

    FrozenAphrodite: Haha, I’m glad you’re enjoying the new plot twist! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. :D

    Katniss Everdeen: LOL! In fairness to Aedan, he has no reason to believe that he’ll ever hear from Lorcan again, so it doesn’t make sense to him to tell people about it. If he truly thought that Lorcan was still a threat to him, he would definitely tell Rhiannon. :-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Smint45: Thank you very much! No, there won’t be any mpreg in this story – it just wouldn’t fit in the narrative I have planned. However, I won’t rule out the possibility of writing BR-verse ficlets in the future that contain mpreg. ;-) I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter!

    Ireyon: Pretty damn guilty! LOL. Remember, beastmen consider the rape of a sorcerer to be one of the worst possible blasphemies a person can commit. So when Demitrios judges what he did to be rape, it’s not just an ordinary crime to him – it’s actual sacrilege. That puts it on a whole different level! I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for reviewing. :D

    Lili: Thank you so much! I’m really glad you’re enjoying it. We’re going to get a lot deeper into Demitrios’ character and the motivations behind his distance from the pact and his antagonism with Christos very soon! :-)

    Wolfluv: Oh, don’t worry about it! I certainly don’t expect every reader to comment on every single chapter. I’m glad you’re still enjoying the story, and I added your new email address to the mailing list as requested. ;-)

    KayS: Aw, thank you very much! That’s so great to hear. :D

    Starsinhereyes: Thank you so much! What a lovely review. I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story, and I hope it continues to live up to your kind words! <3

    Loverofyaoi: Don’t worry, there won’t be any actual mpreg in the story, though it will be discussed at various points (and it’s definitely part of Lorcan’s plans for Aedan). We’ll be delving deeper into Demitrios’ character very soon, so stay tuned for that! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. :D

    Dantae: Haha, thank you! I’m so glad to hear that.

    Somedaynevercomes: Nothing like a good love triangle, right? LOL. I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Mint: Oh yes, you can count on Lorcan reappearing at some point. ;-) I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for your kind review!

    Aromanight: Aw, thank you very much! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it. :D

  15. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Twelve

    Smint45: Thank you very much! I’ll be dropping little hints here and there as to why Demitrios seems so estranged from his people, though we won’t start really getting into it for a few chapters. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story! :D

    Loverofyaoi: Mr. Alpha Grumpy Pants! LOL. If only Christos could hear you say that… ;-) I know we tend to think of lust as something “bad”, but think about it this way – without lust, there would never be any new life brought into the world. Beastmen and sorcerers consider lust to be a creative force that is inherently good, even if sometimes people twist it to immoral ends. Like, even though water can be used to drown someone, you would die without it. Hope that helps! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for reviewing. :-)

    Dantae: Thank you! There’s plenty more magic coming up, so stay tuned. :D

    Dragonfly_dust: Thank you very much! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. There are definitely tons of conflicts coming soon, haha. ;-)

    FrozenAphrodite: Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying it. This week’s chapter should have made whether Demitrios and Rhiannon are lovers a little clearer. ;-)

  16. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Eleven

    Nine: Hee, thank you! I’m happy to hear that. :D

    Loverofyaoi: LOL! These silly boys and their secrets. It’s probably not going to go well when the truth comes out. ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Smint45: Thank you very much! I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter. :D

    Writer11377: Ahahaha, I had to – the sex would have been too repetitive. Don’t worry, though, there’s a real doozy of a sex scene coming up in Chapter 15! ;-) Thanks so much for your kind words!

    Mia: Aw, thank you! That doesn’t sound weird at all – the brain is the primary sex organ, after all. ;-) I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story!

    Somedaynevercomes: No problem! I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story, and thank you so much for reviewing. :D

    SinfulMind: LOL, Demitrios is definitely very stubborn! His guilt about what happened back at the arena will crop up again in future chapters, and we’ll eventually discover the reason for his quasi-outcast status, as well. I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for your review! :-)

    Mint: Haha, thank you very much! Blood Red is definitely a departure from Close Protection, and I’m glad you’re enjoying it. (I’ll start thinking about publishing CP after I’m done with the hell that is grad school, LOL.) Thanks again for your lovely review! :D

    SaydenEmery: Thank you! We’ll see a lot more of the village and pack over the coming chapters. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story! :-)

    Laia: Thank you so much! I’m very glad to hear that, and I appreciate your review. :D

  17. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Ten

    Midnightsscream: Your speculations about Demitrios are definitely on the right track! We’ll get little bits and pieces of why he’s so distant from his pack over the next few chapters. And yes, Rhiannon’s kiss was a standard greeting between sorcerers in this culture. (You were on fire with your guesses this week, haha!) I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for your kind review. :D

    Smint45: Your guess about the full moon is pretty close to the mark! ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Yume: Aw, I hope the wait wasn’t too painful! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. :-)

    2rainsong2: Ahahaha, that would be fine with me! I always wish I had more time to write. If only all my readers were millionaires, right? ;-) I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thank you very much for reviewing!

    Ab3o: LOL, sorry about the cliffhangers! I’m trying to keep the story nice and tense (and, honestly, to keep the chapters short so that I don’t spontaneously combust out of pure stress, haha). Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Anon: That’s a fantastic compliment, thank you so much! Exactly what every writer loves to hear. :D

    Somedaynevercomes: I’m glad you’re enjoying the story! I empathize with your preferences for strict top/bottom roles – I have a bit of a kink for that myself. What I can promise you is that Aedan will never top, because one of my biggest kinks in slash fiction is a male character who’s a total power!bottom with no interest in topping. So it’s unlikely Demitrios will bottom, because I probably won’t write him explicitly paired with anyone else. Make sense? :-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Wolfluv: Aw, thank you very much! I really appreciate that. Hopefully I’ll be able to publish my stuff some day, when my life is less insanely stressful. :D

    Nine: Thank you so much! I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story, and I truly appreciate your kind review. :-)

    Mia: Thank you for the lovely review! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and I hope it continues to live up to your praise. :D

    Loverofyaoi: You’re right that Rhiannon’s kiss had an intent other than sexual, though you already know that from reading this week’s chapter. And I’ll just say that Christos’ attitude towards Aedan actually has more to do with Demitrios than with Aedan himself. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for your review!

    SaydenEmery: The reasons for the tension between Christos and Demitrios won’t be revealed for a little bit, but as you’ve seen from this week’s chapter, Aedan’s quick to draw his own conclusions. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thank you very much for reviewing!

  18. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Nine

    Smint45: It was definitely a good break, thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter and Aedan and Demitrios’ “steamy” sex. ;-)

    2rainsong2: LOL, thank you very much! I’m glad you’re enjoying it. :D

    CelticThunderFan: I’m glad to hear that! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. :-)

    Loverofyaoi: Haha, they definitely had to net up all the fish Aedan accidentally killed, if only to keep people from figuring out there was a sorcerer nearby! ;-) I hope you enjoyed the brief glimpse of Rhiannon in this week’s chapter. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    SaydenEmery: No, we definitely haven’t seen the last of Lorcan! It’ll be a while before he shows up again, though. I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for your review!

    Ab3o: Thank you very much! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story. :D

    Icelnu39: Thanks! I’m glad to hear that. :-)

    XxBreakinKnucklezxX: Aw, thank you very much! I’m so glad you gave the story a try and ended up enjoying it. I definitely encourage you to explore writing slash if you’re feeling inspired! :D

  19. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Eight

    Kat: Oh, I can promise a happy ending, so don’t worry about that! There’ll be plenty of angst in the meantime, though. ;-) I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Mia: LMAO, thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying it. ;-)

    SaydenEmery: Thank you! Aedan definitely wouldn’t be comfortable being suddenly thrust into freedom like this – it’s a scary concept if you’ve never experienced it before. I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter!

    Wolfluv: Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed it. :D

    Allanasha: Aw, thank you so much! I’m really glad to hear that, and I hope you continue enjoying the story. :-)

    Loverofyaoi: LOL! He’s definitely experiencing some huge culture shock here. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

  20. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Seven

    Itzybitzyspider: As you know after reading this week’s chapter, Demitrios didn’t know that Aedan has never been free – and he’s not happy to hear it, either. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed meeting the beastmen, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Babettegood: LOL, thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it. :D

    Cham: You’re definitely right about Aedan! And yes, Lorcan will be back eventually. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thank you very much for your review!

    CelticThunderFan: Don’t worry, I have no plans to separate Demitrios and Aedan just yet. ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing, and I’m glad you’re enjoying the story!

    Smint45: Oh, Aedan believed him – he just didn’t want to. LOL! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story, and thank you very much for your kind review. :D

    Tamela: I’m very glad to hear that, thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy the story. :-)

    Oo: Haha, thank you! I’m glad you liked it.

    Wolfluv: Aw, thank you very much! :D

    Dazedandconfused: Aedan definitely can’t live on his own at this point, and now you know why Demitrios didn’t realize that. ;-) I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story, and thank you very much for reading and reviewing!

    Puddinpocalypse: Thank you very much! I’m so happy you’re enjoying my writing, and I really appreciate your letting me know. :D

    Loverofyaoi: Hee, thanks! Kimon was really just offering Aedan sex, but he wouldn’t have been opposed to much more than that. ;-) And that mental image you had at the end was exactly what I was going for, so yay! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.

    SaydenEmery: I’m glad you’re enjoying Demitrios’ gentle beastliness! Haha. I doubt this story will be as long as Close Protection, but it’ll probably end up being relatively lengthy – I have the entire story outlined from beginning to end, but I’m super bad at estimating stuff like that, LOL. Thanks so much for your kind review!

    Anon: Yay, thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying it. :D

  21. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Six

    Cham: We’ll meet a lot of beastmen from here on out! LOL. I’m glad you were surprised by the rescue, and thanks so much for your review. :D

    Babettegood: Haha, I’m glad to hear that! Thank you very much. :-)

    Itzybitzyspider: It is indeed Jason Momoa! I’m told the redhead is model Bartek Borowiec. :-) And you’re right in assuming that we haven’t seen the last of Lorcan! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.

    Wolfluv: Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter (and the lovely pictures, of course). :D

    Smint45: Thank you very much! We (and Aedan) will learn a lot more about his magic in the chapters to come. ;-)

    Oo: Haha, I’m glad you like it! Thanks so much for reviewing. :D

    Anon: LOL, thank you very much! But no – while there was something different about their sex this time, it wasn’t quite the mystical mating you might be imagining. ;-) This week’s chapter should clear that up a little!

    Writer11377: Well, he definitely got some fire in him, so to speak. LOL! I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reviewing. :D

    Loverofyaoi: Oh, we definitely haven’t seen the last of Lorcan. ;-) I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for your review!

  22. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Five

    Babettegood: Haha, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I hope you liked this week’s plot twist as well. ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Smint45: So, as you know after reading this week’s chapter, Demitrios doesn’t know about Lorcan at all… yet. I guarantee we haven’t seen the last of him! Thanks for your review, and I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter. :D

    Naraka00: You got a bit of your wish about Demitrios in this chapter! I promise we’ll eventually see him in full-on wolf mode, as well. :-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Cham: Will it sound insensitive if I say I’m glad you flinched at the stabbing? LOL. I was really going for that kind of shocked reaction, so it’s nice to know I succeeded. ;-) Thanks so much for your review!

    Dantae: So Demitrios did save him, but probably not in a way you were expecting. (At least, I hope not! LOL.) I hope you enjoyed this week’s chapter, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Concepcion30: Yeah, I knew some readers would have a really strong reaction to the possibility of mpreg, so I wanted to clear that up right off the bat. LOL! As for the rape, the stabbing is really the reason I warned for it – I think it takes the scene to a different level, psychologically speaking, than the other dub-con scenes in the story, and I didn’t want to risk triggering anyone. I personally wouldn’t need to be warned for it, either. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for your review!

    Mint: We’ll definitely see a lot more of the development of Aedan’s magic in the future, as was foreshadowed in this week’s chapter. ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Wolfluv: Thank you very much! I really appreciate that. :D

    Laia: Thanks! I’m glad to hear that. :-)

    KayS: Thank you so much! I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story. :D

    B: I haven’t, actually – I’ve always found tumblr to be super-confusing and difficult to navigate. LOL! I’m really showing my LJ bias here. ;-) I hope you’re enjoying the story!

  23. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Four

    Vero: Hmm, that’s a good question! I wouldn’t say that Aedan thinks he’s better than the other slaves, but he does feel a strong need to set himself apart from them – which is all about protecting himself. Aedan doesn’t want to know anything about the others, doesn’t want to imagine what their lives are like or to feel any empathy for them, because that’s just going to set him up for a lot of pain. The more he cares about other people, the more he’s putting himself at risk, and by this point in his life, he’s learned it’s safer to just not care about other people at all. (Also, as a sidenote, the slaves he’s referencing who get off on the abuse are a very small minority – most of the slaves in the arena aren’t like that.) So it’s not so much that Aedan’s disparaging the other slaves as it’s just him putting up walls to protect himself. I hope that makes sense! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for your comment. :-)

    Babbettegood: Ahahaha, thanks! Great to have you on board for this one. :D

    Tee: Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying it. :-)

    SaydenEmery: Thank you very much! We’ll definitely learn a lot more about sorcery in the coming chapters. ;-)

    Nine: Aw, thank you! That’s so sweet. I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story!

    Dazedandconfused: Haha, thanks! Aedan definitely lives a sex-soaked life, LOL. I’m glad you’re enjoying it! ;-)

    Smint45: Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed it. :D

    Mako: Thank you! :D

    Itzybitzyspider: I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. :-)

    CelticThunderFan: I actually do have a piece of fanart for Close Protection! If you go to my LJ (ckingsbridge.livejournal.com) and click on the “art” tag, you can see a gorgeous drawing one of my readers did of Ryder and Luca. ;-) Hopefully one day I’ll have art for Blood Red as well! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks for the review!

    Cham: I’m glad you’re enjoying it! It’s great to have you on board for this new story. I’m always happy to add some spice to people’s Saturdays. ;-) Thanks for reading and reviewing!

    Mint: Yes, Demitrios can take multiple forms. ;-) We learned a little bit about that in this week’s chapter, and there’ll be even more next week! I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks so much for your review. :D

    Katniss Everdeen: As you know by now, it wasn’t Demitrios you should have been worried for! LOL. Thanks so much for reviewing, and I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter!

    Loverofyaoi: Thanks! I’m glad you like it. :-)

    Wolfluv: LOL, what a weird coincidence! Give your cat a treat from me. ;-) I’m glad you found the story, and I hope you enjoy it!

  24. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Three

    Lividfire: Thanks! :D

    Smint45: We’ll find out what Demitrios’ beast is next week. ;-) I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and thanks for reviewing!

    Lostogg: Aw, thank you very much! I’m so happy to hear that you’re enjoying my stories. :D

    Dazedandconfused: You’ll find out if your guess about Demitrios’ beast is right next week! ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.

    Katniss Everdeen: He definitely has a bit of a possessive streak, LOL! Thanks so much for your review, and I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter. :D

    Mint: There is indeed some kind of connection between Aedan and Demitrios, but it may not be what you’re expecting… ;-) I have about 8 chapters written at this point – I like to have them written in advance so that if I have a week when I can’t get much writing done, I’m still able to post a chapter that weekend. And I have the whole story outlined from beginning to end! I’m really glad you’re enjoying it, and thanks so much for reviewing. :-)

    Concepcion30: Thank you very much! I’m glad you’re enjoying it. This is a non-Earth fantasy setting, so it’s not meant to be historical, but I definitely drew inspiration from certain Earth cultures. ;-) I hope it continues to please!

    CelticThunderFan: Haha, thank you! I hope you enjoyed this week’s revelation of Demitrios’ capture. :D

    Jessie: I think this week’s chapter answered your question! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing. :-)

    Skydancer: Thank you very much! That’s so nice to hear. :D

    SaydenEmery: Thank you so much! I do love me some animalistic rutting. ;-) I’m glad you’re enjoying the story!

  25. Responses to Reviews for Chapter Two

    CelticThunderFan: Haha, no, I just found Demitrios’ name by looking through a list of Greek names and picking the one that resonated with me the most. ;-) I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks so much for reviewing!

    Naraka00: Whee, thanks! So glad you’re enjoying it. We’ll learn a lot more of the characters’ backstories in the coming weeks! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. :D

    Dazedandconfused: Your questions about Demitrios will be answered in upcoming chapters, I promise. ;-) Thanks for reading and reviewing!

    Smint45: Thanks! Demitrios won’t be able to train Aedan to use his magic, but that doesn’t mean Aedan will remain untrained forever… ;-) I’m glad you’re enjoying the story!

    Mako: Thank you, I’m glad to hear that!

    Itzybitzyspyder: Hee, not quite – I know “claiming” is a common trope with this kind of fiction, but I’ll be putting a different spin on that kind of dynamic. You’ll see what I mean in future chapters. ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Jessie: We’ll find out a lot more about Aedan and Demitrios’ backstories in future chapters, so stay tuned! I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story, and thanks for reviewing. :D

    Dantae: Thank you – I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

    Katniss Everdeen: Aedan’s definitely confused now! LOL. I hope you enjoyed this week’s chapter, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

    Mint: Well, now we know a bit about Demitrios’ true nature – more will be revealed in upcoming chapters! Thanks so much for reading, and I’m glad you’re enjoying the story. :D

    Shiyo: Haha, I’ll see what I can do! ;-) I’m glad you’re enjoying the story so far, and thanks for reviewing!

    Nine: Thank you! I hope you were satisfied by Othmar's fate in this week's chapter. ;-)

    Darkpink: Thank you so much! That's very kind of you. I'm really glad you're enjoying the story!

    NoirSmiles: I'm glad to hear that! Thank you. :D

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