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Phoenix Dawn

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Everything posted by Phoenix Dawn

  1. Ok, I am rewriting The Mark on the Moon. I've finally come to realize that when a story becomes more of a chore to write than a joy, it's time to rethink and redo. So, I am going to work on it once again and change it, and most likely I will change it entirely. I'm not sure. Some of you will like the idea, some of you will hate it, but in the end I hope all of you will enjoy at least some part of it. I know Shaelyn is not too happy with me, but then again he never is . I think he's been trying to tell me all along that I was messing up his story, I just wasn't listening (as usual). Now as for my other story, The Marquis Series, I just started that one so it will be awhile before I need to change anything with that one. Hopefully I won't mess that one up as badly as I did with The Mark on the Moon. Again I apologize to my readers. Please bear with me and support me along my fantastical disasters.
  2. The Mark on the Moon: SuperfluousMan: I know my writing is not up to par with so many others, but I was mostly worried about people stealing my idea, not about publishing. I guess maybe I should have a beta reader go over it.
  3. The Marquis Series: smint45: Thanks for the review! You'll be able to read about Grim and the staff in the next chapter, I promise! Kyuubifreak: Thanks! I'll hopefully have the next chapter up soon .
  4. I decided to start a thread to answer any questions reviewers may have about my stories, or concerns they see within the stories. For the story The Mark on the Moon: Sauropod: Thanks for the review! I loved Raven and Elaipha's reunion as well . This story will definitely be epic, and it's actually going to be more than one book, I'm just not sure on how many books there will be altogether. Random critique person: It may seem too soon for them to say they love one another, but they are both reincarnated, and so they are continuing the love they felt for one another thousands of years before, even though they themselves don't know about this. So them saying "I love you" just seems like an impulse. And making love was also on impulse. Rayffel mentioned that everything with Shaelyn just seemed to fit, but he couldn't explain why. That's all I'm giving away for now. There will be many answers later on in the story, have faith! For the story The Marquis Series, Book I: Prelude: dazedandconfused: I'm so glad you like my story! And thanks for the review . To answer your question, yes Cale is Constantine's son. Yeah, Lucifer is crazy but he's awesome . Just don't call him Satan! He hates it to no end . Sadly, Lucifer is not Cale's mother, but you will learn about his mother in chapter 4, i promise! And I'll be sure to check out the story you mentioned as soon as I can .
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