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StarLight Massacre

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Everything posted by StarLight Massacre

  1. This rang a bell and I think it might be ‘Whatever It Takes To Make It Work’ by Debbie. I went looking for it, but it seems to have been taken down.
  2. I believe that it might be this fic, lovelie. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5570636/1/Asmodeus
  3. The first one rings a bell for me, I thought that it was 'Whatever it takes to make it work' by Debbie. I went looking for it, but it seems Debbie has removed all her stories. So I can't be sure.
  4. I recognised this as soon as you started describing it and I think that the story you're looking for is The Overworked Wereleopard by yamiyugi23, but as far as I can see, the author has removed the story.
  5. It sounds very familiar, the story I read, Whatever it Takes to Make it Work by Debbie, did have Lucius included though and it is submissive Harry and Draco at Grimmauld Place. Is this the story you're looking for? http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600014034
  6. I only know of a few on FF.net: My Son the Wizard - http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9514290/1/My-Son-the-Wizard Emerald-Eyed - http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9639110/1/Emerald-Eyed There are also a few where Tony adopts Harry as his son, but isn't his real Dad, not sure if you'd be interested in those.
  7. I know what you're talking about. I read that story a few days ago, on Fanfiction.net I believe, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it again, or remember the title or author, so I think that it may have been removed by the author for whatever reason, which is a shame because I was looking forward to an update.
  8. The first one is Big Bad by Shirokuri. It was removed a while ago by the author for personal reasons. I've never come across the second one though, sorry.
  9. Thank you for your fast response, I'll make sure it's in the right place when I re-upload it.
  10. It was on Fanfiction.net. Harry was turned into a cat by Draco Malfoy, who gave him to Dumbledore, who then sent him to his relative, Robert Epps at the NEST base. It was called Fur, Magic and Metal but has since been removed from the site.
  11. I believe it's Solo Por Ti by Touch of the Wind on FF.Net. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5435441/1/Solo_Por_Ti
  12. Have you read 'Strawberry, Rhubarb or Anything but Apple Pie' by Zemstvo over on FF.net? It's Harry/Castiel/Dean/Sam http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6871075/1/Strawberry_Rhubarb_or_Anything_But_Appple_Pie
  13. I adopted both the story plot and the summary from someone else, can't blame me for running for all I'm worth with such a plot goldmine when I find one. I did read a story once where Harry was part gargoyle, I think it was on FF.Net and it was very strange. The Author hasn't updated in about three years, not even sure if it's still up to be honest, I haven't checked. I'm not entirely sure but it might have been called Landmarks or something similar.
  14. Number One is Confessions of a Male Escort written by She Who Cannot be Turned over on FF.Net and Number three is Asmodeus written by the same author, there is also a sequel called Little Boy Lost. The second I think is Master of Death by PhoenixfromtheFlame also of FF.Net. I don't think i've seen any of them of AFF and if I have then they have since been removed, so I hope this helps.
  15. It was called Big Bad and has since been taken down by the Author. I was reading it too and was upset when it wasn't updated for ages and was then removed.
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