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Everything posted by Surrealian

  1. Oh, well, yes. It doesn't have to be nasty. Constructive criticism was what I was refering to, but some people take a helpful review as a mean one. Bringing someone down doesn't do anything, but rewarding them instead of helping them is just as unproductive.
  2. I read that one. It was simply amazing until the Kouga/Kags lemon . . . I was like, NYUUUUU!D: It's just simply not meant to be sometimes . . . Don't make it so!
  3. I think it's like this. No one can learn ANYTHING, nor would they have any motivation to do so, if they are getting praised for what they are already putting out. People want praise, if they aren't praised, they'll strive to be better. Like a kid that sucks at a sport, but gets a trophy anyway. The truth hurts, if you can't take criticism, why are you writing? There is ALWAYS room for improvement with writing. ALWAYS ! ! !
  4. I voted for myself . . . Hahaha haha ha . . . Eh . . .
  5. I started this story a little while ago, and have gotten back some positive feed-back. So, I guess I just want to expand my horizons, so to speak, and get more input from more people.
  6. I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts, Doo Doo Doo Doo! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Surrealian


      Tall Ones! Small Ones! Some As Big As Your Head!

    3. sumeragichan


      Give 'em a twist. A flick of the wrist

    4. KerantliDreamer


      That's what the showman said

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