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Curious Lyss

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Everything posted by Curious Lyss

  1. Nothing Kicks the muse in the butt like a weekend without the computer. Back to editing and rewriting.

  2. Nothing Kicks the muse in the butt like a weekend without the computer. Back to editing and rewriting.

  3. Edit 9 more chapters...or go pack boxes. For once editing sounds like a blast. >.<

  4. Searching for a Beta Reader is like searching for the mismatched socks your dryer ate.

  5. It's an original, it doesn't have a fandom. Still interested?
  6. I am listening to what reviewers have to say. Chapters have been taken down to be edited. The first has been replaced. I'm hoping it's an easier read. The second should be up again soon. (After I attack it with a magnifying glass.) I'm also looking for a beta to double check things. If your interested you can see more here Thanks! - Lyss
  7. I willingly admit I'm a flawed writer. I have issues with simple grammar and I'm really comma happy. (Trust me, I wish I wasn't.) After 10 chapters and nearly 4,500 views, someone finally came along and turned my attention to the problem. Simple mechanics were getting in the way of letting them enjoy the story! Embarrassing as that is, I needed to see that. Some of the problems I've found in my work make me want to smack my head on my desk. I've taken all the chapters down,except for the first. (I went back and fixed every single little error I could spot.) I intend on going through them one at a time and putting them back up. But I think I need some one with a fresh set of eyes to give it a look over and double check for small errors I may miss. (I'm not going to flood you. I'll give one chapter at a time.) Title: Among Wolves Rating: Adult + Summary/Codes: Being Kidnapped by Werewolves for reproduction purposes was not on the top of her list of things that could happen. AFFO, BDSM, Beast, CR, D/s, Fingering, H/C, HJ, M/F, M/s, OC, Oral, Preg, SH, Slave, Solo, TF, Toys, UST, Voy, WD, WIP. Orignal > HET I consider it "Erotica" but it's not particularly heavy with it as the story progresses. (There is erotic content in the first two chapters and then only harassment from chapter 3 to 9.)It does have a plot. I'm not sure how the Beta business works on AFF. I don't know if there's a system in place, or if it's done by e-mail exchange. I don't have a clue. (I'll be honest.) I really just need someone who is really handy with the polish. If you like what your read and you have suggestions I'm open to it. I'm not afraid of criticism, so long as it's constructive. (There's always room to improve.) You can see the story here: Among Wolves If it's something you'd be interesting in being a Beta for, let me know!
  8. Hey guys! I've never posted anything her until last week. (I think I was intimidated. lol) But I thought I'd share what I've got going on. Title: Among Wolves Author: Curious Lyss Rating: Adult + Summary:Being Kidnapped by Werewolves and used for reproduction wasn't exactly on her bucket list, but as "Fay" will learn, there's a reason werewolves and shape-shifters never mix. Feedback: Would be oh, so greatly appreciated! Fandom: Orignal. URL:First chapter Latest chapter Thanks! - Lyss
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