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Everything posted by woldulnaitsirt

  1. Edit edit edit...More commonly known as what was I thinking when I typed that?!...Then the new chapter...Whoever borrowed my muse thank you for giving him back to me, finally....

  2. The more I write the darker it is getting..Why...Why, this was supposed to be the middle of the road fun story...*sigh*

  3. Whoever is borrowing my muse can you please send him back to me...I am sure people would like the next chapter...

    1. JayDee


      ...but they're so good at household chores. No, sorry, I'm gonna have to keep 'em.

    2. woldulnaitsirt


      Lol...I bet he would be considering usually he is not lazy...

  4. Four chapters and a road block..Do I dare publish the first four?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RogueMudblood


      We have a forum for advertising for a beta: http://www2.adultfanfiction.net/forum/index.php/forum/84-request-a-beta/ - There's also one for those who are looking to become betas, where you can look over others' resumes: http://www2.adultfanfiction.net/forum/index.php/forum/83-become-a-beta/ And hey -you're at least enough in the know that you didn't spell it "Betta" - gotta love me some fighting fish, though ;)

    3. woldulnaitsirt


      *Laughs* I tend to be a word perfectionist at times so "beta" would never be "betta". Thank you for the info and the review. Now if I could figure out how to put author comments at the top without just adding them to the first chapter.

    4. RogueMudblood


      You can always create a thread in the forums - yours would go here: http://www2.adultfanfiction.net/forum/index.php/forum/18-games/ for discussion on your story :) Just c/p the URL once the thread is created into the top of each chapter. ;) This FAQ: http://www2.adultfanfiction.net/forum/index.php/topic/3555-how-to-edit-andor-delete-a-chapter/ shows how to edit chapters :)

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