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  1. I have an idea for an Alucard/OFC fanfic that I would like written: The OFC designs an experiment in an attempt to rid vampires of their need for human blood using Alucard's blood as the source/reference material (since he's the ultimate uber vamp). However something goes wrong and Alucard is turned human. Romance, drama, and hilarity ensue as Alucard attempts to adjust to his new/old human form while the OFC tries to undo the mistake and return him to his vampiric form. Whether the OFC is a member of Hellsing, a government-contracted scientist, etc. I'll leave up to you--Though obviously she'll know of vampires' existence and have some sort of access to Alucard's blood. She'll also have to live within relatively close proximity of Alucard (at least once he's been turned human) in order for their relationship to develop and to get more blood samples and try more experiments on him to reverse her mistake. You may want to consider whether or not Alucard will remain staying at Hellsing while he's human as the place tends to come under fire every now and then. Also, maybe he's given a fake name to use while human so enemies of Hellsing won't find out what really happened. Maybe Seras is effected too (turned back into a human) since Alucard sired her? Or maybe Seras, as the only remaining Hellsing vampire, is left to take over the bulk of Alucard's duties while he's human. Please not that the OC should be just a regular and down to earth girl, no fighting guru, no skimpy clothes, no extraordinary or unrealistic physical attributes. ie: Not a Mary-Sue. I have some more ideas to flush-out the OC and plot some more so if you need any more help don't hesitate to ask. I can help beta, offer suggestions, help work out a plot, co-author, etc. Feel free to contact me via PM on here or fanfiction(dot)net. (My pen-name on the other site is superfreak330.)
  2. Some time after Smaug is killed by Bard a naked man is found washed ashore on Long Lake. (Said man looks like Benedict Cumberbatch, for reasons that will soon become obvious if they aren't already.) He is taken in by a local fisherman and his family who nurse him back to health. Once the man awakes he begins to refer to himself as Smaug and demands to know why he is now a feebal human. Nobody truly believes the man's claims that he's the fearsome dragon, after all the dragon's carcass is still visible in the lake. The fisherman's daughter (who's enamored with the man) says she believes him though, at least she wants to. So she sets out with Smaug on an adventure to try and return him to his natural form. Along the way Smaug has to learn how to deal with being a human while the fisherman's daughter tries her best to keep him under control and well behaved. Despite their constant bickering and all the trouble Smaug gets them into the two eventually come to love one-another.
  3. I have an idea for a Sherlock/OFC fanfic (with some rom/com mixed-in): Plot Summery After she witnesses the brutal murder of a high-profile government official a woman is put into the Witness Protection in return for her testimony. Twice she is found and has to be reassigned a new identity and moved to a different location. After the third time she is then sent off to England where she is assigned to live in 221C Baker Street and assigned a job at Speedy's Sandwich Bar & Cafe. Tired from having to move so much and so often, it takes the OFC a little while to grow accustomed to her new life in London. While she makes fast friends of Mrs. Hudson, it takes several months after the move into 221C before she is “formally introduced” to Sherlock. (She HAS tried introducing herself on several occasions but each time he was preoccupied with his cases--trapped in his "mind palace," so he doesn't really register her presence. Thus for the first several months of living in her new home all she really knows about him is what Mrs. Hudson or others have told her.) Though she has talked in passing to John and Mary on occasion when they've been by to visit Sherlock or Mrs. Hudson. The OFC finally meets Sherlock when she is leaving for work one morning. As she goes to open the door that leads outside Sherlock barges in and accidentally slams the door in her face, knocking her onto the floor. John is quick to help her up and scolds Sherlock while ushering OFC upstairs so he can properly treat her now bleeding nose and check for a possible concussion. Sherlock, though he does apologize for the accident, tries to rush John so they could get back on the case. John gets upset at this. Example: SH: “Yes, yes. She seems all better now, aren't you Miss...?” OFC: Goes to answer but is interrupted by Watson. JW: “Damn-it Sherlock, she's been here for eight months already and you don't know her name?!” SH: “Well, I'm sure I knew it at one point but probably deemed it inconsequential information and got rid of it.” OFC: “Gee thanks, nice to meet you too.” said halfheartedly. OFC Traits* Friendly and generally easygoing, but gives as good as she gets with Sherlock. While OFC does find Sherlock esthetically pleasing his personality takes a while to grow on her. Normal/average appearance, not super-model attractive. NOT A MARY-SUE! Important Facts & Info The main story takes place after season 3 of Sherlock. Although it does take a while to admit it to himself--let alone others, Sherlock DOES gradually fall in love with OFC. *I have more ideas you can use for the OFC, should you wish, but these are the basics.
  4. FYI: Somebody else already PM'd me about taking this on, but you're more than welcome to do your own take on it too. (Just thought I'd be honest and tell you that upfront.) All I know about Beast Boy I mostly got from the Teen Titans show. The old one from 2003, not the newer Teen Titans Go! But if you want to add in anything you like from the comic verse please feel free to do so. For written information about Beast Boy there's always Wikipedia. Also, if you'd prefer to differentiate your version from the other person who's writing based on this idea you can always substitute Beast Boy for another Teen Titan like Raven or Starfire, or even your own mutant OC--That'd be okay with me. The main thing that is important to keep is that the OC (the sister/Kurt's love interest in the fic not the aforementioned possible mutant OC) is NOT a mutant. As far as the genre of story I'd like, I'm mostly drawn towards romantic-comedies. Being an X-men fic it'll probably have some action and what not in it too though. And if you could write in some graphic smut too that would DEFINITELY be welcome! If you'd like to talk more about this feel free to PM me or email me at naruturd(at)gmail(dot)com and include something like "Nightcrawler Fic" in the subject so I know it's not spam.
  5. I have an idea for a Nightcrawler/OFC fic I'd like someone to write. Here is the basic plot/idea: The OC is a non-mutant/normal human who just so happens to be the older sister of Beast Boy, a mutant. (Yes, I'm talking about Garfield Mark Logan. THAT Beast Boy. I/you/we shall be "temporarally borrowing" him from DC for the use of this fic. He will be the only DC character in the fic as this is not meant to be a Marvel/DC universe mash-up fic.) Anyways... Mr and Mrs Logan, parents of Garfield and the OC, treated Garfield as a family curse and kept him hidden away from the outside world. (Think along the lines of how the Dursleys treated Harry Potter.) Homeschooled and never allowed to leave his room, Gar's only links to the outside world were his TV, computer, and his sister--the OC. While their parents are horrified by Gar and treat him like a unwanted house pet the OC saw just a normal human boy, her baby brother, and she loves him. Finally fed up with how their parents are raising Gar the OC runs away with him and they live the next few years on the streets. Moving from town to town the siblings don't stay in one place for long because of public opinions towards mutants. They eventually end-up at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters where Gar is enrolled and the OC is offered a minor staff position so she can stay with him. Here she meets and is instantaly smitten with the resident joker, and German language professor, Kurt Wagner. Please not that the OC should be just a regular and down to earth girl, no fighting guru, no skimpy clothes, no extraordinary or unrealistic physical attributes. ie: Not a Mary-Sue. I have some more ideas to flush-out the OC and backstory some more so if you need any more help don't hesitate to ask. I can help beta, offer suggestions, help work out a plot, co-author, etc. Feel free to contact me via PM on here or fanfiction(dot)net. (My pen-name on the other site is superfreak330.)
  6. "I try to be hard worker man but refridgimator so messy. So, so messy."

  7. otaku330


    I would like a romantic-comedy about Kakashi falling in love with a civilian OC, as there are not that many out there. (Usually the OC is a kunoichi, samurai, jinchuriki, etc.) Preferably with the main storyline set post-Shippuden, or in a slight AU, with little to no alteration of canon events. I'd also prefer if it the romance progressed naturally and wasn't rushed. The general idea goes like this: The OC is part of a shinobi family but is unable to become one herself for personal reasons. Examples of such reasons could be, but are not limited to: abhorrence of violence, hemophobia, asthma, a pacifist nature/personality, etc. Don't make her part of a prestigious family like the Hyuugas, Uchihas, daimyo relative, etc. But she can be related to a minor character (like maybe she's the granddaughter of Kosuke Maruboshi?) and possibly even posses a MINOR secret technique or kekkei-genkai (ie: can talk to animals, ability to effect plant growth, empathic, exemplary healing jutsu, etc.) She has secretly been in love with Kakashi since she was a child, but was always too timid and afraid to approach him—maybe she doesn't even think she's worthy of him, so she's watched from afar...in a non-stalkerish kind of way (kind of like Hinata with Naruto). She's shy around strangers and polite with her elders and those that hold positions of "power" over her (like the Hokage or her boss) but she is a witty spit-fire around her friends and family. She can have a perverse sense of humor too, but not Jiraiya level. Kind of Disney's Belle meets a female Naruto. And since Kakashi has a thing with dogs, I thought it'd be interesting if the OC had a similar affinity for cats. As for the OC's looks, I want a "plain Jane" character in her twenties with hair and eye colors that occur in nature. Yes, I know canon characters in the manga/anime have naturally unnatural colors (Sakura has pink hair, Tsunade has gold eyes, etc.), despite this I would still like colors that actually occur in THIS universe, not the Naruto universe. She should also have a realistic body type, preferably "curvy" but not obese, and normal/regular sized boobs—not life rafts like Tsunade has (think Velma from Scooby Doo or Nani from Lilo & Stitch). She prefers the natural look and dresses casually, in mostly tomboy type clothes but with a bit of a girly flare. I'm thinking that Kakashi has always known the OC exists, but they don't necessarily hang out in the same social circles, so he's never really paid her any attention. Thus, in the beginning, his feelings towards her would be mostly neutral with maybe a hint of curiosity. Now for the more detailed plot idea. I have a few, so feel free to choose whichever you wish: The OC is a cleaning lady for a service agency and her newest costumer is none other then the Copy-Nin himself. In a hurry to get somewhere, the OC accidentally bumps into Kakashi. She hastily stutters her apology then hightails it outta there, leaving behind something of value/importance. Kakashi notices this and goes to return it to her the next day at her work, where coincidentally her one friend/coworker knows about the OC's feelings towards the Jounin. The OC is going to a family gathering (reunion/wedding/funeral/etc.) where she is guaranteed to be pestered by her relatives about her love life. In desperation she follows a friend's advice and goes to the Hokage to hire a ninja to be her fake boyfriend for the duration of her trip. (Maybe she asks for someone specific that she gets along with, like Iruka or Yamato, but they aren't available.) And as luck would have it she's assigned Kakashi! Born into the real world, the OC is an avid Naruto fan and is somehow sucked into that world around the time that Naruto is about to go off and travel with Jiraiya for three years. (As such she obviously wouldn't be part of any ninja family, but the rest would still apply: her personality, looks, etc.) She is taken to Tsunade where she informs her of her knowledge of their world and offers to be an informant for the Hidden Leaf. She even volunteers to be mind-probed by Inoichi Yamanaka, so long as he only relays information pertinent to the village's safety and keeps her personal information (such as her romantic life, bad habits, fears, erotic dreams about certain characters, etc.) private. The OC spends the next three years between Naruto and Shippuden settling in and adjusting to her new life. She makes friends with some townsfolk and a few main characters, but actively avoids Kakashi in fear that Inoichi told the Hokage her feelings for the masked man and that Tsunade would use this info against her somehow. Kakashi begins to take notice of the new stranger and her odd behavior and decides to investigate. (This one is obviously different as it would take place right after Naruto and continue through Shippuden. Also note that the OC will still remain a civilian throughout the entire plot and not take part in any ninja training, missions, etc.) Ether way, awkward moments and hilarity ensues. I'll love you forever if you include graphic lemons, Kakashi masturbating (while thinking of OC), and the occasional Kakashi POV. (For an added challenge, try telling the majority of the fic from Kakashi's POV!) If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact me by either responding to this post or sending me a personal message. Also, since I have given different ideas for 4 separate plots, this request/challenge is open to more then one taker/author. Note: I've attached reference pics for the OC's body type/shape.
  8. otaku330


    Any recomendations for really good Kakashi/OC (NOT Mary-Sue) romance fics, perfurably with graphic lemons? I'll love you forever if it has Kakashi masterbating, is a CYOA, is told from Kakashi's POV or 3rd person Kakashi POV, and/or is a romantic comedy.
  9. Well, if you're feeling up to it, a good fanservice scene a little down the line would be nice. Maybe Steve finds he needs to relieve himslef after waking up from a highly provocative dream about the OC. Perhaps the OC isn't use to living with Steve at first, so accustomed to it just being her and her sister, that she accidentally walks in on him showering. I would die laughing if she is half asleep, walks in and strats using the toilet while talking to who she thinks is her "sister" in the shower.
  10. Just read and reviewd it! Looking forward to the next chapter!
  11. Sure thing, no problem! Now that you mention the SHIELD agent being female, maybe she could already have a boyfriend--or even girlfriend if that's what floats your boat, and is always trying to set the OC up on blind dates? Just a thought though, feel free to use it or loose it. It's up to your descretion. If you have any more questions or want help feel free to ask. And also, don't forget to give me a link to your story when it's posted, so that I may savor the fruits of your hard work myself. ^_-
  12. I have an idea for a Steve Rogers/OC fanfic. I was thinking that somehow Steve ends up reversing back to how he was before the super-solder serum, all short and skinny. Maybe he accidentally comes in contact with one of Bruce's experiments to un-Hulkify himself. Maybe he's injected with a poison by one of SHIELD's enemies. Perhaps one of Tony's new experiments with improving his arc reactor goes array...Anyways, while SHIELD and the Avengers are doing everything in their power to restore his abilities, Steve is forced to stay on the sidelines. I figure Steve could either reside at Stark Towers or with a (male) SHIELD agent. Why? Because Captain America has mad a few enemies and there are quite a few people who would like see him hurt, or experiment on him themselves, etc. Therefor he'd need round the clock protection/surveillance in a controlled and secure environment. If he stays with Tony I figure that, aside from being assigned an agent or two to tale him covertly, Tony could assign Steve his own assistant to help take care of Steve's day to day needs, acclimate him better into our "future" society, and basically act as a nanny/babysitter to the now de-superfied Captain. If Steve is sent to live with a SHIELD agent, the agent will do the above mentioned tasks of the assistant. I figure the OC would either be the assistant Tony hires or the sister of the SHIELD agent. If she's the agent's sister, I see them living together, sharing an apartment. Why is the agent and his sister living together? Well aside from it being more cost effective, the agent could also help look out for his sister better. (The big city is a dangerous place for a young, single, female to live in all by herself. And maybe she has been mugged or robbed before.) Same thing could be said for Steve living with the agent. Whether or not the sister knows who Steve really is is up to you, but I think the assistant Tony hires would probably know--maybe not. Again, up to you. Either way I envision the OC as being instantly attracted to Steve. After all, the serum just gave him added height, muscles, endurance, etc. It didn't change his already adorable face and good-natured disposition. That said, I believe the OC would do her best to befriend him and try to bring him out of his shell. Steve would of coarse be gobsmacked that a dame would find him attractive, let alone want to talk to him or be his friend, looking the way he is/was without the "physical enhancements." The OC shouldn't be any type of history or military major or specialist, not a tougher then nails fighter with a soft center, and not on the SHIELD payroll, as that's been done to death. What Steve needs/wants to learn about the world while he was frozen can be learned from History Channel, Military Channel, and Science Channel documentaries. She should be just a regular and down to earth girl, no fighting guru, no skimpy clothes, no extraordinary or unrealistic physical attributes. ie: Not a Mary-Sue. If you need any more help with the OC or plot don't hesitate to ask. I can help beta, offer suggestions, help work out a plot, co-author, etc. Feel free to contact me via PM on here or fanfiction(dot)net. (My pen-name on the other site is superfreak330.)
  13. otaku330


    Guest_aleushadrake_* Sorry I haven't responded sooner, but life has been kinda hectic lately. I would be more then happy to read your Kaiba stories, simply provide me with a link to do so, or email me copies in .doc format to naruturd@gmail.com. Make sure to include "adultfanfiction," "kaibafanfic," or something else relative to this topic in the subject/header so I know it's not spam.
  14. Hypocracy blows. It sucks how some people view the same thing diffrently depending on which person is doing/saying it. If it's okay for one person to do/say it, then EVERYONE should be able to do so without you getting your panties in a twist. Seriously.

  15. Okay, random question: Anybody have any freak'n clue what purpose pubic hair serves? Seriously, it seems to have no evolutional relevance whatsoever.

    1. DemonGoddess


      Apparently it works as a heat conductor, which would've made sense when humans were still unclothed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgenic_hair

    2. otaku330


      Which is my point. We have been clothed for over 4,000 years! You'd think we would've evolved past it by now.

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