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Posts posted by TsuzukiM

  1. I would be willing to do it but I warn you I haven't seen Gensomaden Saiyuki so I can only give you the proofreading sort of betaing.

    I've tried sending you personal messages through this but havn't heard back from you? You still interested?

  2. I really need a beta for Hakkai's Secret- an mpreg I've been working on. I know this sort of thing squicks people out, but I've been very disappointed in the lack of interest I've gotten. I've tried very hard to make it an interesting read. I have some writing skills so I'm hoping you'll give me a try? The story so far is under Gensomaden Saiyuki alternate universe. Please read and tell me if you are interested!

  3. I'm looking for a beta for Hakkai's Secret. I've got a link to it in the promo section of this forum if you like to preview what I have up. Its turning into a huge story (diarrhea of the word processor.) I'm looking for someone with the skills to help me with it. The first 15 or so chapters are really well done, as they were beta'd and worked over quite a lot and I think they are pretty good. The second part needs to be worked and polished and the rest ranges from raw to unfinished. I've actually penned out up to the 33rd or so chapter. You in?

    Oh- BTW, I am a female, I just can't seem to figure out how to change the profile here ;)

  4. People have asked me to post when I put new chapters up. I'm going to do it in this thread! I just uploaded chapters 7 and 8. I'll try and keep posting updates here.

    Title:Hakkai's Secret



    Summary:Through a series of unusual events, Hakkai finds himself in a delicate condition. What will happen if the rest of the ikkou reject him for it?



    So far I've gotten a 5 + rating. I do believe I have a talent for writing, and I hope you agree. This is a complex story with lots of original character later on complete with a few unexpected plot twists and moments ranging from WAFF to darkness sprinkled throughout. Incomplete but the possibility of 40 or so chapters.

    Thank you for reading!


    And end it with your name.

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