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Posts posted by lotusbalm

  1. I found it very interesting. Other than grammatical errors and such, I found it quite propelling and I'm curious about the next chapter. Keep up the good work! :D

    Yay! I'm so glad that you are enjoying it! And as to the grammatical errors - I write in bursts and usually publish it in its raw format. After I've not looked at it for a while I'll come back and edit it with fresh eyes, and probably get a beta somewhere along the line. Thank you so much for your feedback! :)

  2. Hi, I've just posted a new story here called Scarlett's Tale, please if you like The Pirates of the Caribbean movies go and read it

    Title: Scarlett's Tale

    Author: lotusbalm

    Summary:Inspired by a painting inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Disneyland, this is the tale of a redheaded noblewoman's descent into piracy after being sullied by a pirate and then auctioned off as a lowly buccaneer bride. Scarlett/Jack Sparrow

    AUTHOR'S NOTE:This idea has been rolling around in my head for quite a few years and the other day I was suddenly possessed to finally sit down and start typing it out. I've always loved the character that the imageneers at Disneyland had created of 'Scarlett,' the over-the-top gorgeous redhead who is being auctioned off in a scene in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. There's also a painting in the ride of the same enchanting redhead, but she's changed into this impish looking pirate who does as she pleases and I've always been tempted by the story that's going untold there.

    So this is my version of Scarlett. Hope you enjoy as I pay homage to the original character from the Disneyland ride! I mention the 'Scarlett' that is presented in the PoTC movies, but in my story she's just a Tortuga wench that copies the original Scarlett's look because of how infamous the curvy redhead is.

    Rating: Adult++

    Pairings: Jack Sparrow/Scarlett

    Spoilers: Erm...piratey ones.

    Feedback: Reviews and constructive criticism are very much appreciated! They feed my soul :}


    Thanks so much, and I hope to be hearing from you!



  3. Hi, I'm new here and I've just posted to my story, Namesake, please if you like The Mummy movies go and read it :)

    Title: Namesake

    Author: lotusbalm

    Summary: Evelyn Nefertiri O'Connell, nicknamed "Tiri," is the great granddaughter of Evelyn and Rick O'Connell. Tiri was born the same evening that her great grandmother passed away and is almost the spitting image of her. This is the story of the modern day O'Connell getting wrapped up in her family's legacy of curses, treasure seeking, and hokum adventures...

    "Tiri's world was spinning. She just had a gun pointed at her, her necklace bloody well singed the hell out of a man, and she'd kissed a mysterious dark warrior she knew nothing about!"

    Rating: Adult.

    Pairings: Ardeth Bay/OC, Imhotep

    Spoilers: The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.

    Feedback: Reviews and constructive criticism are very much appreciated!

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093993



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