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Posts posted by ShamelessAngels

  1. Hey guys, I don't know if anyone is up for this, but my friend was browsing all of the WWE fics and she was disappointed to see that there were none involving her favorite wrestler, so she wanted me to put a request up for one. She would like it to be Mike Mizanin aka The Miz and an OFC, and she would like it to include some, if not all, of these: D/S, Fingering, HJ, Oral, Solo, and if it's not specifically for anime only, some WAFF. Please let me know if anyone wants to take her up on this request!



  2. Hello! I've just finished half of my very first story. It is centered around several characters of Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil 1, and Resident Evil 3, and also has several original characters. Betas would need to be at least a little familiar with the events of the three games mentioned. The story also includes heavy Spanish dialogue, which is repeated in English most of the time, but betas who know a little bit of or are fluent in Spanish are preferred. I have a week before I have to send this to my sister to read. I promised her she could have it after finals, so I'm kind of pressed for time. If anyone is willing to help, I would truly appreciate it. The story is called Thy Silver Lining. Thank you!

  3. I looked through the Adam Lambert fics available here and I have noticed that none really push the envelope of creativity as far as what he's into. They are great fics, but most are just slash. It seems to me with someone like him, one could step far out of the box. Here are the challenge requirements:

    1. This is FICTION, so let's make him bisexual instead of just gay that way EVERYONE who likes Adam and his band mates can get something out of it.

    2. Based on the giant media storm that took place after the 2010 AMAs where Adam kissed Tommy Joe Ratliff on stage, let's have it be a story about them as well as an OFC.

    3. Oneshot PWP.

    4. It must include the following elements: 3+, Both M/M and M/F HJs, Oral, Fingering, SoloM, Toys, Het, and Slash. Other elements are welcome, but those listed MUST be included.

    5. It must have Adam giving a performance in concert before everything sexual takes place so that he is all glammed up, because that's who Adam is and what he enjoys.

    6. Adam is an international superstar now, so this should NOT include any scenes that take place during American Idol.

    7. Get creative. Make it fun, entertaining, and interesting. Step out of the box and take the characters to new heights.

    BONUS POINTS for including this outfit while Adam is on stage: http://bit.ly/boTJFq

    ***UPDATE*** This challenge has been accepted. If you would still like to do one of your own, you may, but it is no longer a priority.

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