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Everything posted by knzen
I could have sworn I replied to this post. I will admit that I have been basically wroting from memory as for the order of the story, so the group shouldn't have bet Cid yet. I knew to begin with that I would be deviating from the story at some point since Aeris would either have to die and stay dead, or die and be brought back as was initially planned for FF7. Although, in my defense, I never said that it wasn't AU. Not to sound stuck up, but if you're so sure you could do better by all means go for it, this site exists because of both readers and writers. I've been buy with school, applications for internships and grad school. Finals are coming up, I don't know how much I will get written since followers of my other fics are wanting new chapters also.
Unfortunately school has gotten busy, it's hard to find time to get anything written for the time being. I'm still tossing around the details of what is going to happen in order to not make all of the...scenes...seem similar. Once I get it worked out I should be able to get it written prety quickly like.
Hmm, that's an idea, I need to focus on getting there though. Still quite a ways away. I'll just get to chugging tomorrow night maybe. School takes up a lot of free time.
I'll admit, I never thought of that. Rukia doesn't seem like the shallow person that would forgive lost time in exchange for stuff. Then again they do live a lot longer than Humans, maybe time to them means a lot less since they're borderline imortal. Same here.
Interestingly enough I was trying to figure out who to pair Rukia up with, I see Renji/Rukia alot but they were childhood friends like Momo and Hitsugaya so I don't usually picture them as a couple romantically. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, I writer's blocked myself in that way once writing a novela and looking forward to a future scene I didn't want to write the scenes leading up to it. I'm kind of in that situation in my current novel.
He could always have an open relationship, I don't know of too many guys who would turn down spontanious threesomes.
The next chapter is the rest of that scene, then as far as Orihime is conserned it'll be all yuri until she gets with Ichigo. I wasn't entirely sure if it wasl ong enough, it's hard to gaigue on sex scenes because they basically take 20 times longer to write them than it would be to do them. I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to the Orihime/Unohana pairing o.o
Owo someone started using the new topic. You're actually really close to what I had in mind. I'm trying to get as many "wanted" pairings in as possible before having people couple up. Orihime and Ichigo is naturally the pairing I planed to go with. And yes there will be some Unohana/Orihime action in ch10 which leads to romance advice. I still haven't actually put Ichigo into the story though he should be there since he came back from Hecto Mundo with Unohana.
When I get reviews I'll try my best to remember to come here and post the review and my response incase the person missed the review. JulCan1987-----2012-09-27-----id # 3000031184 "Nice story, I can't wait to read the next chapter. Please update as soon as you can." Thanks a lot; I should get the next part done this weekend I hope. Good writing takes about an hour a page to write for me. The most recent chapter was 5 pages and took a total of 5 hours to write in two sittings. I must say, while writing them is fun sitting and typing about something kind of makes you want to do what you're typing about. That being said hours of wanting sex and keeping your mind on it is kind of torturous.
I made a similar topic for my Bleach fic. Since reviews are one way and authors can't respond to reviews someone mentioned somewhere to make a topic on the forum and link to it in your story at the end. Since you don't need to sign up with the forums to post it seems like a good idea to me. Here are the reviews so far and responses if needed: ForgottenOne-----2008-12-16-----id # 3000024227 "Great pairing! Hope you continue it with more Barret x any FF girl he never gets enough love" ForgottenOne-----2008-12-18-----id # 3000024242 "Great latest addition! keep up the good work" Thanks a bunch, you actually got me writing it again with these initial reviews (so you're not Forgotten). Streti-----2008-12-19-----id # 3000024267 "Nice hot story, especially liked the first chapter with Red totally covering Tifa and the second chapter with Aerith and Cloud's exhibitionism in the gondola. Barret's dialogue was amusing. I'd like to see more FFXII Revenant Wings stories and your style would be great for that. Final Fantasy IV also." Unfortunately I have never owned a PS2 or 3 so I've only played up to 9 and 13 (since it came out on 360). FF6, 7, 8, 9, 13 are freshest on my mind, meaning I can write a fic without having to play through the game again to remember what happens when. I'm glad you picked up on the dialogue thing someone else didn't which got me to make this topic. Jack_a_dandy-----2009-04-27-----id # 3000025408 "damn hot story i like to read the bigger orgy scene with aeris fucked by other guys or cloud fuck tifa or else maybe DP or TP, if you please" Thank for the review, more motivation to write and reminding me what I intended to write and where I planned to go. The most recent chapter (ch7) has some DP with Aeris. There is going to be a huge scene with that coming up in a bit. SpaceOddity-----2010-12-06-----id # 3000028991 "Nice one so far. I especially liked the Aeris and Cloud chapter and would really like to see more of just those two." Sure thing, I was trying to think of the pairings I wanted in the next chapter which is why I haven't done any writing on it. Also I'm bouncing back and forth between this, my Bleach fic, and my FF6 one, that way I don't get burnt out on any one. annoyed-----2012-08-28-----id # 3000030433 "you can say cock and cunt but you cant say fuck or bitch?" Seriously thanks for this review; you got me to make these topics for my fics which in turn got me motivated to do more writing. Honestly I kept with the censoring that the game does because it is amusing. You'll notice that bitch is never used but fuck is. There is never an instance where female dogs are involved so I have no reason to ever use bitch for descriptive purposes. The characters are more often than not fucking (no love involved). But to a writer, cursing as a description serves no purpose. For a character to curse out of frustration it has to be a character trait, to me anyway. Cursing is a lack of descriptive ability, say what you really mean, if you don’t know what you really mean don’t say anything. Words have weight. Like any weights the more you use them the more you grow complacent of their weight. Some words should never lose their weight, like love. How can you feel the same way toward a person that you do toward ice cream? If you’ve never read the fic and want to here is the link. Remember it is an adult story, what has been read cannot be unread. http://ff.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600081654
Ok I finished the scene with Orihime and her doppelganger. I kind of cut the chapter between the end of that scene and the next part. You want to read chapter 8 "Escorting the princess" http://bleach.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600011963
The other chapoters I changed by pasting fro mthe original document, that one chapter I apparently hadn't updated the original on my netbook. Thanks for the quick replies. I'll have to go through and check all of the other chapters of my other stories.
*sigh* Oh well. I'm back to writing when I get time. Reading old reviews works for me two fold, to remind me where I wanted to go with each fic and to modivate me to keep posting. I have two other stories that I'm working on, one is FF6, the other is FF7. Should I make a seperate topic for each in thier respective forums or make one broad topic for all of my writing? I had to go through and edit my other chapters of this fic and add line breaks, it was soemhow converted to one wall-o-text.
Don't have the option to view my stories or edit them
knzen replied to a topic in Archive Tech Support
When I try to sign into the archives the bar on the left still looks like I'm not signed in. I was able to get to stories to edit them from my control panel. -
Don't have the option to view my stories or edit them
knzen replied to a topic in Archive Tech Support
I can get to my stories from a user stand point but I don't have an option to edit them. It's odd because 5 minutes ago I edited them to add a link and when I went back to fix some spacing issues I can't find an edit button any more. -
I saw soemone mention somewhere that we could make a topic and link our stories to it for review sake, since we can't reply to reviews. Since you can post without an account it seems like a good idea to me. Mods, if this is in the wrong place please move it to wherever it should be. I thought this was a good idea since I see reviews and I try to address them in chapters but I never really know if I addressed the pairing appropriately. A few times I've wanted to reply to a review but there is no such feature. Also I've had some reviews misteriously dissappear. Healing is the Bleach fic I'm working on. Like my other fics, I basically made a story where I can work in almost any pairing with a little thought. Here are the two that I can see right now (dunno where the other 6 went) Jade-----2010-09-02-----id # 3000027529 "i like the concept! keep it up. I wouldn't object to some more yuri pairings...perhaps matsumoto or Isane >_>" I got one Matsumoto/Isane pairing in so far, there are more to come. They will wake up and chug the sake soon. Anon-----2011-03-16-----id # 3000028672 "I like the variety and you have a knack for, oddly enough, making the characters and situations believable. I'd love to see some Byakuya in there at some point, maybe with Yoruichi joining in too. Very nice." Thanks for the great inspiration. Buyakua I'm trying to get worked in, it's a bit hard for me to picture him involved with anyone since he showed so little emotion even to his own wife. Yoruichi is in on the action now, once the group in Hecto Mundo make it to shelter you'll get your wish.
I have a fic going on now with Unohana and basically anyone. There is some Unohana/Isane/Matsumoto action among other pairings. I'm working on another chapter now which will encompass 2 other requests. Here is the storry, Healing. http://bleach.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600011963