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Posts posted by kickback

  1. Realistically it doesn't seem like there would be too many ways to avoid that, unless (as Rogue suggested) authors were to make their own forum topic/profile and link to it in their author profile. I'm not sure how many authors or reviewers would want to do that though, especially if they are 'guests' and don't have an AFF account, much less a forum account. Though can you single out a sub-forum and designate it so anyone could post in its topics? Not sure what the options for these types of forums include or how advanced they are.

    The only things I could really think of would just recycle elements that are already being used on the site. None of which would prevent the addition of new subroutines.

  2. Nope, never have. At least I haven't been serious, more of a 'Yeah, this is probably corny and/or cliche... but I don't care! MA-HA!' or 'it was such an odd idea that I had to do it' kind of thing. If people take them too seriously then it's not really my problem.

    Some things that happen to be flat out entertaining are a bit cliche, but still have their own flare that makes them unique regardless.

  3. Not sure how difficult it would be, or time consuming, but instead of a profile comments box why not have a link that will take you to a page where you can ask a question and it will send it to their registered email? Or an email that they could specify? Kinda like a story review except you would

    a) Still not see their email

    b) Wouldn't have to add a box to their profile page.

    It could even be done somewhat like you're publishing a story, drop-down box with a few options for story related or other misc.

  4. I'd have to say, for me, it isn't a matter of jealousy towards the Sue.

    As some have mentioned, it's boredom or the perfection and unrealistic combination given to the Sue... but mostly, it's the fact that they change how the love interest or just interest would normally act.

    Someone who is a power hungry or violent sociopath isn't going to start being nice and not scheme against his interest just because they are everything the violent person has been looking for. Sue's tend to break character and plausibility because 'It's fiction, they can write whatever they want'.

    Which, is true. But lord, it makes for a very boring story that only grabs those who really want to get their naughty jollies off, or those that don't want to think enough to follow a decent plot and have to figure some things out as they are reading.

    Mostly, I find Sue's annoying. Granted most characters will have some Sue-ish traits, even if they aren't one, but still. Too much Sue is not a fun thing to read about.

  5. @kickback-

    Totally and completely agree. I cannot tell you, how often in the course of modding and/or clean up (moving things around and what not); I've seen many, many stories which are quality writing with nary a review. Yet stories which are pointless, and frankly, hack jobs, get tons. That's not to say ALL stories with many reviews are hack jobs. It's something I never will understand.

    But, that's my opinion as a READER as to story quality.

    Oh lordy, I can only imagine!

    It's especially fun as a writer when you request crits and even comments, and for the most part receive very few, yet one who does not request either one receives a boat load of both (even if some of the crits are so inane they make no over-all difference in the writing or the story).

    I agree that it's something I will never understand. Makes it no less frustrating, especially if you really want to discuss the idea with that particular fandom or would love to discuss similar ideas/situations that have cropped up within the universe and have a good ol' discussion about the fandom in general.

  6. I can say there are times when that honestly does bother me, as a writer and a reader.

    What bothers me more, are the stories that have a high number of hits but hardly any reviews at all...and, I hate to say it, but stories that are pwop that get dozens of reviews just for that fact alone, vs the stories that try to have a decent plot and are executed fairly well. Sometimes it seems like authors will include a sex scene just to get more reviews and hits for their story (this goes for published works too), and those that may not choose to include such a thing (or touch upon them very lightly) are over looked.

    Sure, the title of this community might be called AFF for a reason, but there are other adult themes outside of sex. I don't mean to sound like I have a problem with the people who choose to write about pwop, or sex in general (I do it too), it's just a personal peeve when sometimes, all a long and 'intricate' story has going for it are the sex scenes.

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