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Posts posted by MagicalReality

  1. Hello there, fellow forum goers. I am looking to become a beta, as it says above in my topic title. I have awesome spelling/grammar skills, and I can help with plot if you need it. I do have a limit on what I will beta, but we can discuss that if you're interested. If that is the case, please drop me a line at Chibi_Reaper_Death_Chan@yahoo.com. Promise I won't bite. :D

  2. I'm looking for a beta that can check over any spelling mistakes, incorrect grammar, or plot holes that I couldn't correct myself. I'm not a complete master at English, and even though I use Microsoft Word and have my best friend beta to correct certain things, others are overlooked. :(

    The fandom is Naruto, and it's basically an adult/minor slash, with Sasuke and Naruto as the main focus (Sasuke being the adult and Naruto being the minor, of course, so it's SasuNaru). Things to look out for are language, graphic yaoi (I guess?) probably some bigotry, and drama. The genre I would put it under is drama/romance.

    The title of the fic is Reckless Hearts. I guess if you want to scope it out before you reply, that's okay, too?

    So if you're interested, post a reply here or email me at Chibi_Reaper_Death_Chan@yahoo.com

  3. Anyone know of any really good Sasu/Fem!Naru fics, preferably when he's using the Sexy-no-Jutsu? I've read a few, but I want more!

    And if it's not too much trouble, can I get a few team 7 fics? Anything with Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura please? XD

  4. That, my dear, is a little fic called A Tenuous Grasp. There is also something of a sequel called The Lucky Ones, but I can't seem to find the fics on AFF.net, or anywhere else for that matter. Sorry I couldn't help more.

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