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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. how do you turn off the alert option from chrome????
  2. sorry guys but i used Chrome today and got the Malware for both the main site and forums...so i am using the Comodo that i downloaded the last time i talked to you guys and its fine...just a heads up! Dang google needs to fix this!
  3. omg thanks!!! i looked all last night and couldn't find it! i will defiantly put this in my favs now!
  4. Okay i must be dumb or something because i cant for the life of me find this in my favorites list. So here goes: Someone blasts Hermione with an ancient spell because they were jealous of Draco giving his attention to Hermione. Harry and other guys have to have sex with Hermione to break the curse and thus become linked...i think it was Harry/Snape/Krum/and the twins. Ginny was exposed for being Dumbledore's daughter and somehow became engaged to Nevile and Ron with Luna Dumbledore is exposed as a bastard in this fic and gets whats coming to him Ron is also an ass when it comes time for a ritual to be done, he wants Hermione to be cleaned after he has sex with her and people got mad at him... Any help would be appreciated! I have been thinking about this one for a while and cant remember it. lol Please and thanks!
  5. Just one more class...but sigh, just got loaded with HW for break..dang it why cant teachers just let us be free for Spring break! Good news tho, working on my first ever F/F story!

  6. 20846 (dang didnt notice i reached 2,000 posts!)
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