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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. doing homework and annoying my mom about how Tony Stewart is going to lose! :D

  2. Doing updates and revises on stories...lets see how this goes...

    1. spiralbreeze


      Have fun, I gots to do that sometime too.

  3. ended up going out drinking with my cousin...no hangover but homework isnt done..lol...

  4. enjoyed my bday yesterday, but had to bust my butt with chores today..including shoveling yet again...is it spring yet?

    1. FairySlayer


      Oh, joyous annual celebration of your majestic entrance into the world! May the unsavory duties life has thrust upon you go easily; I too pray that wondrous time of nature reawakening be upon us shortly.

      (For what reason am I unable to break free from this mode of verbage in my expressions? ;) )

    2. BoredStraight


      haha nice FS! People should talk like that all the time...

    3. kagome26isawsome
  5. Fall semester starts tomorrow, already know how hard 2 out of the 4 classes will be! See ya when i am free!

    1. DemonsAngel


      Good luck kags! Study hard.

  6. feeling good about my psych test this time...now just trying to motivate myself to do homework for a class i hate thanks to the teacher...:(

  7. Final grade in grant writing class! A!! woot!!! now hopefully i can write

  8. finally after 27 days with no rain IT FINALLY RAINS!!!!! XD

  9. Finally motivated! Guess it had something to do with the snow..weird..done with 5 page paper and finishing outlines...then the power point...cant wait till spring break!

    1. spiralbreeze


      Woo hoo, I don't get spring break until April though...

  10. Finally the pesky car sex scene is done for the Coitus conundrum! whew!!!! :D

  11. Finally was able to do some updates! Chapter 6 of Coitus Conundrum is uploaded!!! :D

  12. FINALLY! THE HEAT WAVE IS OVER!! *does happy dance*

  13. FINALLY!! my FA went through, i got my books and my final grades! In my Thursday class i got a C and inf Fridays class i got a B!! Summer semester here i come!!

  14. First cold of the season, got to lay around and write for once! Hopefully will have new chapters once i get back from Maine next month

  15. First test in Spanish tomorrow...studied till my brain said "ENOUGH" lol I hope it is enough for this Spanish test tomorrow....

    1. pittwitch


      Your brain should have said, "Bastante!" :P

    2. kagome26isawsome
  16. For those that havent heard, My grandma has cervical cancer...we dont know if it is treatable yet. We find out next Wensday. Please pray and light some candles for my family and me. Thanks

  17. Free Pizza and a fantastic DJ at school today! Made my day when he played oppan gangnam style! lol I was the only one that started to dance! Others were like WTF! ha! :D

  18. full steam ahead through school work! *whew* now time to chill and wait for class tomorrow night

  19. Gah! Dang muses want me to write but I got to do homework first! Knock it off muses, I will get to you when i am done with Homework!

  20. Getting ready for Mid terms..ugh..money came in so getting new glasses..:D its turing out to be a good week!

  21. glad the baby showers are over...mom was good this time and didnt say anything about me having kids..lets hope she keeps it up..but i wont hold my breath lol

  22. gods my day just keep getting worse..first i didnt get that much sleep because of a neighbors dog, next my comp screen goes blank (but the comp still works) and now i got a fricking migraine!! ugh! can i go back to bed!!!

  23. Going to be a hot day, got a couple of hours to chill in front of the A/C before spending 30 minutes outside going to class! THANKS THE GODS THAT MY SCHOOL IS ALSO HAS A/C!!!!

  24. going to be gone all weekend, celebrating parents 15th anniversary tomorrow and probably going to have a hangover Sunday! Oh and do some homework too lol

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