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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. snow in my pants
  2. 26695 (thanks i guess! lol)
  3. kagome26isawsome

    I Am...

    I am craving lots and lots of chocolate! XD
  4. 26689 (please don't hurt me! I just got a thing about everything not being right is all...)
  5. 26680 (someone skipped 77 so i am 80)
  6. 26668 (wooot i finally get even)
  7. UPDATE: SOA Charlie Hunnam pulls out of the movie! http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20745058,00.html
  8. kagome26isawsome

    I Am...

    I am hoping my football team wins today
  9. work B*tch Britney Spears
  10. Lindsey Lohan in my pants 0.o uhhhh you can stop now...its not working for me dear
  11. Not guilty...down own a car ever run around the house naked trying to air dry because you have no clean towels?
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