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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. Around the world-Aqua
  2. peppermint schnapps! lol
  3. Well i guess i am the weird one..i always use my real name!
  4. I understand BW! But people are commenting on it that the parents should be in jail also. Which I think is a little harsh. In my opinion,The girls should go to jail and parents should pay the parents of the other girl (who is alive btw) for her medical bills and donate some money to a just cause. **Update** http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Creepypasta_Wiki the site has addressed the issues and even set up a fund for the girl that got stabbed 19 times
  5. Your real name of course!
  6. http://www.jrn.com/tmj4/news/Waukesha-police-investigate-after-12-year-old-stabbed-261384231.html The link is to a news site.The site the girls want to be apart of is called creepypasta wiki and its horror stories by a character named 'slenderman' They did it so they can go to the characters house i hopes of letting them into the site and prove that he is real. This Happened in my state and seeing as this a writing site, i figure i would share. I got more links if anyone else is interested in more. To me, these girls might have some issues if they are reading stories of death, and murder. And for them who are not even teenagers yet, they really shouldn't be reading these in the first place. I am not blaming the parents here, but maybe they should have been monitored more...just saying
  7. asereje-Las ketchup
  8. Sunshine and Whiskey-Frankie Ballard
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