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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. i might write updates today, i might not..gonna be another week or so for updates...:bash:

  2. Is trying to have a clear head for school tonight...

  3. been on and off do to heat and lack of ambition to write as of late...sorry folks! might have to take a couple months off to clear my head

  4. Happy Halloween and Samhain!

  5. ITS THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT! no wait...false alarm...lol

  6. The Big Bang theory story 'Coitus Conundrum' has been updated! Chapter 2! Finally!! lol

  7. working on a chuck story, got a fantastic plot bunny

  8. HAPPY VETERANS DAY! I am glad i came from a family where my grandpa, aunt, uncle and father served!

  9. I am still around folks and working on a new fic! Its called girl crush!

  10. Had fun bowling with family, that wasnt the surprise tho..people come into the house singing happy birthday to me! lol now off to do homework..blah

  11. is bored...wanna write..but i dont wanna sit downstairs in the cold basement with my dad just to write...

  12. Got 3 stories updated, just got 5 left to do :bash:

  13. 6 WEEKS LEFT OF SCHOOL!! When its all said and done, hopefully i will update and or revise some stories. Already getting ideas for updates :D

  14. stressing out for no reason...gah!!

  15. New story up! so happy i could cry! now if i can get another plot bunny i will be relaly happy

  16. It just keeps getting better! I got another A! this time for interviewing class! so im up to 3 A's and one B- time to bust my butt to get that up XD

  17.  got a title for a story called “it started as a joke” now do i make it an original or raj/howard from the big bang theory?

  18. so I know i keep saying this every semester but spring semester i only have two classes in the morning on thursday and friday so I will totally spend it working the stories! Also i am 11 credits away from graduation!

  19. 1 month and 10 days left of fall semester! I am surviving!! Also got a couple of ideas for updates when school ends! XD

  20. going to get out of the house and go exercise before my parents have a fit...feh

  21. I am about ready to give up on writing if i only get writers block and update once every year or so!

  22. woot laptop is fixed again...now to get back on the main site and write again!

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