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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. http://mujaji.net/kia/?p=73
  2. 18009
  3. 17996
  4. 17992
  5. http://shirokuri.livejournal.com/18191.html on livejournal was deleted from FF.net because it probably was over the M rating not sure if it was on here, but only could find it on livejournal
  6. 17989
  7. here is the page with all the harry potter/Anita blake crossovers... sadly i couldn't find that story...hmm http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/main.php?list=2289
  8. 17986
  9. 17952
  10. 17950
  11. I did a google search and it showed who wrote it but they dont have it up anymore. here is the author: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296876442 as to why its down, no clue! happy hunting
  12. 17947
  13. 17933
  14. 17929
  15. 17925
  16. 17894
  17. 17870
  18. 17866
  19. 17839
  20. 17779
  21. 17776
  22. 17774
  23. 17772
  24. good work as always and i am glad to see the site back up! XD
  25. 17745
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