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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. I'll kick myself later if I don't wish you a belated happy birthday you obsessed samurai dude. So I will honour you with my presence today. Hope it was a good one. 27 is a good age to be.
  2. The kind that know how to give a girl a good chase and spank. Yes, he has to run faster than me. (Actually, rather difficult to do back in the day. I'm pretty fast, you know.) (Nowadays, it's only momentum going down-hill) I'm lying. It's that S&M chick that I wanted Grissom to go for instead of stupid Sarah Sidle.
  3. everyone knows that they get spanked on.
  4. Sunday's child, eh? Can't go wrong there. So love the little hat she has on. What a blessing. I may change my signature to a less grouchy aspect. Check all her fingers and toes?
  5. Yeah well, I can top it, although not that funny. The Dalai Lama has a Medicine Lama out on the lam, and guess who the fuck massaged my head today? A reincarnation of a 14th century monk who until he was 21, lived with the Dalai Lama. He said he did everything he could to escape the Tibetan stronghold (he had guards and everything), including pretending to be drunk and smoking every stray leaf that came his way. The other monks kept wondering who was supplying their healer with contraband. (He said that smoking the leaves made him feel sick, but he kept it up anyway.) So now you know why I've not been around here for a while. Life has suddenly become very interesting. He can see auras. And he kept hearing my husband's name in his head for a few days before he actually met him. Which leaves me wondering who the fuck I'm married to. Yeah. He's a Feng Shui master. He told us how to arrange our bedroom. We rearranged it the day before yesterday. edit: My contribution to 9/11. (From Joseph Terelya, a Ukrainian visionary)
  6. me and my siblings, mostly winter. My dad claimed that was because him & mom abstained during Lent...of course, he didn't tell me this until a couple years ago, when he was like 84. (Oh, yeah, Dad, I said, I thought you said you gave up CIGARETTES!) But it makes sense. Except for Andrew. He was born in June.
  7. I have a very round butt. It is very spankable. In 1987 I was enjoying the company of my 1st born and struggling to keep ends meet. I found out I was a really bad gardener, and some guy from Italy came down the mighty Frazer in a kayak and stayed in our camper for a day or two. He sold pictures to National Geographic or some magazine in order to pay for his vacation. (He had a camera mounted in plexiglas on the front of his kayak), and he did one river of the world every summer. He'd been down the Nile, the Amazon and some river in Australia. (I think...or maybe I joked about that one with him....after all, it would only be a billybong in the summer, right?) The one odd story he had was of taking a picture of a black bear in the river in the middle of nowhere playing with a soccer ball. *did I really say "keep" ends meet? I meant something else I'm sure. Was that all 20 years ago already?
  8. not during sex. I'm too focused on what's going on. otherwise, yes. when alone, I tend not to think of my SO. I've never felt guilty about it mainly because there are no thought police around (that I can see) ... Are you the thought police? *worries for a moment or two* ...and its been an activity of mine since age 5 or earlier, way before any kind of thoughts of an SO came up.
  9. Yay!!! (I was NOT born in 1987.) What are you going to do? spank me? XP
  10. AWWW, that's SO cute!!! (Too bad we didn't have 13 months)
  11. I was Tuesday's child. What does that make me according to that rhyme? Full of woe or something? (I always thought that was harsh.) Perpetual calendar Monday's Child So I'm full of grace. What do they know?
  12. The depths of winter. There was even a blizzard. January I off-set the effects with my sunshiney nature. AHAHAHAHAHAHA! I couldn't keep a straight face.
  13. I avoid doctors as much as possible. When I go in, I tell them the complaint, wait for their diagnosis and get the hell out. I'm a pretty healthy person, but my pragmatic side realizes how busy doctors can be. There is a shortage, and I don't blame anyone trying to "break into the trade" since there is actually so much law and ethics that doctors and nurses have to take now. I can see how a person can get that way. (cold) They are taught to be professional and detached. And Daz...that's just fucking scary.
  14. wow, DA. I think I'm even more in love with you. that thing about the phone...I've heard that before from people who have been sleep deprived. It's like your brain short-circuits and goes into a repetative loop. The rest, I'm just in awe. Oh, and about your mom. My secretary takes Primrose oil for what ails her. That's supposed to help (its an anti-inflammatory) I haven't tried it myself, but I hear it has very good effects on other things as well. (like minor injuries involving pulled muscles.)
  15. Hope that all goes well. Our thoughts are with you, young mother.
  16. Naruto and Luffy would probably end up being friends. They're both kind of idiotic.
  17. get out of town, no kidding, eh? well, take it easy.
  18. keeheeheee. Pirate Crippler. (Ninjas of the NIght)
  19. I think she took me seriously.....O_o well, Orochimaru does look intimidating
  20. but pirates do stuff with treasure!
  21. (I really voted ninja) (I forgot about Luffy, and look at my silly avatar! You think I'd know better!!! Sorry Sanji!! You're still my favorite pirate, please don't let it spoil your joy of cooking!)
  22. I'm sorry, but that just won't happen when I'm around. A short smart paddle to the ass will stop that. I don't think I've ever threatened you with a spank, have I? And if you don't mind that sort of treatment, I will introduce you to my pitbull, Pixagi. Have you met her yet?
  23. Good thing he didn't think a child had a dark aura. Now there's something you don't see too often.
  24. Of course, I voted, Amazon! (Keith ought to like this one!)
  25. It's amazing that I can just get around to M/F. I never even knew what yaoi or yuri or shonen ai was. I needed an interpreter. Being here has been a great learning experience. Let's shoosh down this hill!
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