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    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from sumeragichan in The Great Sue Hunt   
    Sanura ran as quickly could to keep up with the small cat who was sprinting between people, Damn it she couldn't move as quickly as he could and she couldn't run through walls.
    There was only one Fae she knew, Jem damn it what had she gotten herself into this time?
    She pulled her mask off and stuffed it into her bag and kept chasing after him. Excusing herself to different people as she bumped into them.
    “Damn it Jem, where are you?”
    She tried to use her cell phone, hoping to get a hold of one of the others. Rae's phone didn't respond, she was the one closest wasn't she? She was supposed to still be in Cal. She tried calling Jem but after three rings it cut off abruptly.
    That could not be good.
    He disappeared into the wall.
    “Fuck!” she hissed. She couldn't follow him through the wall but when she saw where he'd gone she realized she wouldn't have to, it was a hallway a sign that read 'Restrooms.'
    When she was in the hall she heard the thudding noise of someone trying to break down a door. She turned to a secondary hall and saw a blond woman with her hair done in meatball style tails in a short sailor moon outfit and red boots that were currently kicking in the men's bathroom door down. A few more kicks and she'd be through but something seemed to be keeping her from accomplishing it.
    “Do you really think that you'll stop me?' She heard her yell. “Did you really think that you could try and stop the inevitable and not pay for it you stupid bitch?”
    Sanura heard a loud hissing from the bathroom. Her energy creature was angry, he was probably in the middle of changing. Fuck that wasn't good either, he could get pretty big if the aggression level got bad enough.
    What the HELL was going on?!!
    Sanura pulled out her gun, knowing it was dangerous to do in public but she didn't have time to be subtle.
    It was crazy to do it against a Tzu, they were a hell of a lot more dangerous but something didn't' seem completely right with this one. A Tzu shouldn't have so much trouble with a door, even with an interference in it.
    When the Tzu went to kick the door again Sanura took her chance, pulling the Tzu's balance backwards and turning her attention away from the bathroom door.
    “who the hell are you!?” The Tzu spat.
    “No one you're going to know for long.” Sanura growled back. The Tzu didn't look as composed as the ones she'd fought before had. Sanura gave her a leering smile. “You're not the real deal.”
    “How dare you!” She snarled pointing her rifle right at Sanura.
    “See, if you were the full thing you'd have killed me by now.” Sanura shot. The Tzu shot a round at her but Sanura's reflexes were faster, she dodged the rounds and moved in closer and used her free hand to grab the Tzu's forearm, digging her thumb into the pluck string and moving her fingers back and forward viciously.
    The Tzu held her ground, trying to keep a grip of her rifle and started using the butt of the rifle to get Sanura off her. Sanura kept going moving her gun to aim right at the Tzu's heart. The Tzu kicked and opened her mouth to say something and Sanura took her last opportunity, she moved in close holding the Tzu still for only a second. Pressing her lips against the blond's, catching the woman completely off guard long enough to remove the rifle from her hands.
    The Tzu made a little sound and Sanura's eyes stared at her in a very predatory way. The green in her eyes darkened and she breathed into the Tzu's mouth then pulled back with the rifle in hand.
    The Tzu stared at her angrily. “How dare you.”
    “Yeah, that wasn't good for me either.” Sanura confessed. “Don't worry you won't want to worry about that, I'd worry about how your going to spend your last few moments.”
    the Tzu didn't answer, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she collapsed.
    Sanura sighed, she could still hear her creature hissing and growling in the bathroom meaning that whatever was going on Jem was still in danger. She focused on the unconscious Tzu and with a flick of her hand caused the body to dissolve into light.
    She turned to the door and tried to pushed the door open but it was jammed shut. Sanura was getting impatient.
    “Jem, let me the fuck in!” She growled loudly.
    “I can drop the shields, give me a minute with the chairs. I didn't put them there.” She heard her call back. “Is the shooter gone?”
    “I killed her.” Sanura assured. There was a silent moment before she heard.
    “SAN!” Jem shreked from the other side of the door. “I was trying to figure out a way to help her.”
    “Jem! She was trying to kill you.” Sanura reminded her. “I'm coming in.”
    She could hear a man cussing, demanding for answers and sounding very agitated.
    Sanura felt the subtle drop of the shield and with a front kick she broke the door open. She stormed in ready to attack whoever was hurting Jem and was surprised to find her cat twice as big as she was growling at a man in an Indiana Jones costume.
    He had a very tight grip on Jem, pulling on her arm and Sanura could tell it was causing her a lot of pain.
    'Let her go.” Sanura instructed seriously. Pointing the rifle at him. Her gun near the door.
    “This is none of your business.” He said in a matter of fact tone. “What happens between between me and my wife is none of your concern, now Ari we're leaving.”
    “The hell I am!” Jem yelled.
    “What the hell are you in the middle of?” He demanded. Sanura pointing the rifle at him.
    “I'm saving idiots from themselves!” Jem shot back.
    You need to see a doctor now, this isn't healthy. We'll go to the cops, whoever trying t hurt you will be caught I promise.”
    “You aren't leaving with her.” Sanura said calmly, her tone firm and in control.
    “Listen, no one asked you and whatever you've put into my wife's head you're going to regret. Ari I don't want you ever seeing this woman again.”
    'I divorced you.” Jem screamed.
    “I never signed the papers.” He growled.
    “The courts pushed it through.” She reminded him.
    Sanura interjected. “Look, Jem whatever personal issues you guys have they'll have to wait, actually I could take care of it for you right now.”
    “what do you mean?” The Fae asked her.
    “I can shoot him and no one would ever know.”
    Jem's head dropped. “No, you can't do that.”
    She's right, you can't. The large animal growled.
    “No one asked you.” Sanura shot at her creation.
    The man looked serious. 'Ari, get behind me. We're leaving and we'll get your friend help too.”
    “No I'm perfectly fine. Shouldn't you be getting behind me? You are the one she'd going to shoot after all?” Jem said.
    I could eat him.
    “No you can't eat him, you'd end up draining his energy and people could actually see you not the kind of attention we're after. That reminds me, Jem we need to go we've probably set off alarms with this crap.”
    The large animal quirked his ears and sniffed the air.
    “No, you aren't going anywhere, we're leaving and we're getting our daughter. Stay away from her.” The man said grabbing Jem's arm again.
    “No, I'm not going with you. I have a job to do and I have full custody remember.” Jem demanded angrily.
    “Ari, stop being crazy!” he shouted.
    I can sense your friends, there is something big happening.
    “Fuck, okay I've had it.” Sanura growled throwing the rifle down on the sink. She stormed up to the guy who was supposedly Jem's ex husband and pressed a few pressure points on his chest and arm.
    He dropped quickly.
    “what did you do to him!” Jem exclaimed.
    “Knocked him out using pressure points. He's going to wake up with a massive head ache unless you let me kill him.”
    “No, don't kill him I'm grabbing his whip though.” She picked up the weapon on his side.
    Sanura grabbed Jem's good arm and led her out of the bathroom. Picking up her gun on the way. “Come on, lead the way.”
    She turned to look at her feline companion who had shrunk his form and was headed off into the wall.
    Jem looked at Sanura for a moment as they tried to blend into the crowd. Sanura had tucked her gun back into the backpack and so far it would look like the guy had tried to smuggle in a weapon and who was going to believe him anyway.
    “I don't' want to know okay? Whatever he was going on about I really don't wanna know right now.” Sanura warned the pixie. Jem remained quiet, the experience must have left her drained.
    “Come on we've got to move faster.” Sanura tried to keep up with the energy signature. “I have a feeling things are going to get a lot worse really quickly.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “That was a half trained Tzu, I have the feeling there are more.”
    “There are more, we were running from another one before that one caught us in the bathroom.” Jem explained and Sanura stopped.
    “Did you kill it?” She demanded.
    'No, their sick.” Jem protested. “You don't kill mentally ill people for being mentally ill.”
    “Jem, their not sick their the sickness. What do you seriously think we're doing, saving them?”
    “Yes.” Was her simple response. “From themselves.”
    “No, we're hunting them down. Their all trying to invade and take over everything.” Sanura explained in utter bewilderment. Then she stopped shook her head and made a mental reminder. Jem was a pixie, they weren't exactly the most violent of creatures as is and Jem seemed even more passifist than most. “Okay, never mind lets just go meet up with the others.”
    They started moving but they stopped again, the feline was running back towards them.
    She's coming, run. He warned sprinting past them. Sanura looked up and saw a woman in a Sailor moon costume looking at both of them very angrily.
    “I think I found your Tzu.” Sanura said before grabbing the pixie and running the other direction.
  2. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from sumeragichan in The Great Sue Hunt   
    Sanura sat at the bar sipping on her drink in frustration, it had been a while now and she had not been able to figure out how to tell who was Sue and who wasn't. It was harder in this environment, their scent was masked by the heat, the air conditioners and worse the smell of humans.
    It wasn't a bad smell, just over powering for her. It had been too long since she'd been in the same room with so many humans and nearly no non human creatures. Even the energy signatures were being over shadowed by the human mass. Back home a gathering of such proportions would end up with most of the humans killed for conspiracy.
    She'd walked around, checked out the things they were offering but kept getting distracted when she spotted a potential Sue who turned out to be someone in costume.
    “There has to be an easier way to find them.” She growled to herself. She hadn't seen the others, gods knew where they were in this place but she had to assume they were alright.
    She watched the people walking by, all of them dressed up and something caught her eye it was something in a woman's arm. It was a baby, normally that wouldn't have peaked her attention but it was what the child was wearing. It was a infant animal costume and an idea suddenly ran through her head.
    “Sanura you're an idiot!” she berated herself.
    Of course, it was so stupid the answer had been sitting in front of her the whole time. She got up and started towards one of the few empty rooms, this wouldn't take long but it wasn't a good idea to get caught by the mortals. It was going to be complicated to explain.
    She kept looking around but there weren't any empty places, she resorted to finding the bathroom which was a nightmare of its own. There was a massive line and a majority of the women who were waiting had decided to wear the most complicated outfits she'd ever seen.
    After a while she finally had a stall to herself. She dug in her backpack, pulling out a small notepad and a pen.
    She pulled the mask upwards and with a frown began drawing something on the paper. She kept it quiet and quickly. After she was done she ripped the paper off the pad and crumpled it up into a ball. She started silently chanting cupping her hands with the paper safely in her hands.
    At first nothing happened, anyone looking might think she'd lost her mind but after a few minutes the paper started melting from her hands onto the floor. A small amount of light flickering as it did.
    “Hey the hotel power must be flickering.” she heard one of the women complain from the sink area.
    After a few more minutes the paper was gone from her hands and sitting on the floor was a very small cat like animal, it wasn't exactly a cat but its small face looked cunning, its tail sleek and its ears perked high. It was pure white, it's eyes tinted an odd shade of gold.
    Sanura sighed, it had been a long time since she'd tried that. “Okay.”
    She kept her voice very low. “I need your help.”
    The animal tilted it's small head curiously coming closer to it's maker. As it moved it seemed to shimmer into pure light.
    “I'm looking for Sue's.” She explained, her voice barely audible. “Do you understand?”
    It nodded and without waiting for her it dashed off. Sanura sighed hoping that it hadn't been noticed and got up, flushing the toilet as not to get anyone upset and left the bathroom.
    No one noticed, if any normal people actually tried to see it all they'd see is a piece of paper.
    She walked out following the trail her new little pet made knowing she wouldn't honestly be able to keep up with the energy for long. She walked around as casually as possible for about twenty minutes and then she saw him sitting by a door.
    “In there?” she mouthed to him, it nodded and laid down licking it's paw.
    Sanura stepped inside and was surprised to see that the room was empty except for three young looking women, all of them in costumes perfect hair, not a strand out of place. Their faces done in make up without a single thing done wrong but it wasn't their appearance that would surprise you, it was the sense of energy they were letting off. A smell, something that wouldn't be detected easily by normal people, Sanura could barely tell.
    “Low ranked.” she muttered to herself, no obvious weapons, stances too relaxed to be real warriors even if they were Sue's. Sadly this was going to be way too easy. Her little pet slid next to her and looked up at her expectantly.
    “You're sure their Sue's?” she mouthed and it looked at her in offense. He bared his sharp little fangs and and moved into the room, straight for the Sue's.
    He rubbed his head against one of the Sue's legs almost lovingly. The woman, who looked to be a natural blond looked down with a frown.
    “What is it?” The other one asked.
    “I thought I felt something touch me.” she frowned. As the creature moved away a pink energy seemed to cover the area. Sanura sighed, she'd made the thing cocky hadn't she?
    Yes, it was definitely a Sue. She moved quickly, guns would make noise, she didn't have a silencer with her. Knives would be good but she needed to be quick, three could scream pretty loudly if they wanted to and there was always the possibility that there was Tzu's around, Sanura could not put that out of her mind.
    Also though her creation seemed absolutely sure that they were Sue's Sanura could not take the chance that they weren't but knowing that they were definitely possible suspects narrowed her options. She closed her hand into a fist and started muttering a complex spell.
    It happened quick, she opened her hand up when she reached the closest Sue and did a open hand strike right between the woman's breasts. If she wasn't a Sue it would just hurt a lot and maybe crack a rib or two which would draw unnecessary attention but it was a risk she needed to take.
    As her hand connected the woman opened her mouth to yell but nothing came out, no sound at all. Only a strange look crossed her face before she dispersed into millions of particles of light.
    Sanura felt the burn in her hand and she knew she wouldn't be able to do it too many more times. The other two women were shocked, utterly shocked and Sanura could see the fear in their eyes. It was a strange idea that Sue's could feel fear but so many creatures in the multi verse felt that in the face of their end.
    Sanura moved quickly between the two women and touched both women at the same time, she felt the burn in both hands this time and they both disappeared into nothing.
    “Fuck, now I remember why I hate doing that.” She muttered to herself as she checked that the Sue's were completely gone. Her new companion snickered at her and opened its mouth.
    You should know better. He teased.
    “oh shut up.” She growled. “or I'll turn you back to paper.”
    You're going to do that anyway once you're done with me, I'm going to have fun with it. He purred contently.
    “So where can you find me more Sue's?' Sanura crossed her arms looking at him expectantly.
    Oh, there are many Sue's. He purred excitedly. All sorts, not weaklings like those ones. Warriors.
    “Tzu's.” Sanura whispered.
    The creature laughed. Oh, more than just that.
    “You aren't going to tell me are you?” Sanura growled in frustration.
    It isn't for me to tell you, ask the dragon. He looked at her as he said it but then he tilted his head .
    “what's wrong?” Sanura narrowed her eyes.
    A Fay, is about to be in a lot of trouble. He growled and started out of the room.
  3. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from sumeragichan in A story that shows what matters.   
    This story is meant to let you see what matters most to you. Read the story and then rank the characters.
    There was once a couple who had been married for several years. The husband worked hard, many hours and was never home and the little time he was he was too tired to spend any time with his wife.
    Though the wife loved her husband dearly she had begun to feel neglected, lonely and unsatisfied, so she sought out a lover. She found one who was more than capable of satisfying her needs but there was a downfall to it. Her lover lived on the other side of town and she had to walk there and back to go and see him. She did, everyday after her husband left for work she would walk to meet her lover at his apartment.
    When the affair began people around his neighborhood warned her that she must never be out at night, that she should be home before the sun set because there was a madman who would come out the second the sun was fully down and without prejudice would kill anyone who roamed around.
    She heeded the warning and made sure to be home before the sun set every day. Except one day, in the heat of the passion time ran away from her and it was much later than it normally was for her to leave. She knew that she would not reach the safety of her home before nightfall and she became afraid.
    She turned to her lover to help her, to perhaps drive her home or get her a taxi but he looked at her and scoffed. Telling her he was not responsible for her, that it was not his problem and it was her own fault for loosing track of time.
    Against her better judgment she risked leaving, knowing she had to get home to her husband. She walked the street and watched as the sun began to set. As a last hope she saw a ferryman preparing to leave and she ran to him desperately, begging him to let her cross the river so she would not be killed.
    Except when the ferryman discovered she had no money to give him he told her no and left her to her fate.
    The sun set and as she was told the man came out from the shadows and killed her.
    In this particular story each character has a part to play in the death. Rank them as you see who has the most responsibility. 1 for the character who has the most blame and 5 for the character you feel has the least to blame.






    There is no wrong answer, choose them however you feel is right. Each character represents something you value. The first being the thing you value most the fifth the least.
  4. Like
    silverdragoness21 reacted to silverdragoness21 in Review responses for The dragon's might   
    Okay, just posted the second last chapter of Sia. I am going to promote the sequel tot he dragon's might to maybe have it viewed a little broader. Not sure yet. I do hope you guys have enjoyed it.
  5. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 27: 4-10-11   
    Pen name: Sanura
    Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103400&chapter=8
    Type of fic: Flash fic
    Rating: Adult+
    Fandom: Original
    Pairing: Sam/Oc
    Warning: Slavery, NoSex, OC
  6. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 26: 4-3-11   
    PenName: Sanura
    Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103400&chapter=7
    Type of fic: flashfic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandome: Original
    Pairing: N/A
    Warning: abuse, violence, OC, Nosex.
  7. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 25: 3-27-11   
    Pen Name: Sanura
    Fic link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103400&chapter=6
    Type of Fic: flashfic
    Fandom: Original
    Rating: Adult+
    Warning: Nosex, Language.
  8. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 24: 3-20-11   
    Pen Name: sanura
    Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103400&chapter=5
    Type of Fic: flashfic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Original
    Warning: Nosex.
  9. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 23: 3-14-11   
    Pen Name: Samura
    Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103400&chapter=4
    Type of fic: Flash fic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Original
    Pairing: N/A
    Warnings: Violence, Death, NoSex.
  10. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 22: 3-6-11   
    Pen name: Sanura
    Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103400&chapter=3
    Type of fic: Flash fic.
    Rating: Adult+
    Fandom: Original
    Pairing: OC
    Warning: M/M
  11. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 20: 2-20-2011   
    Pen Name: Sanura
    Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103400&chapter=2
    Fic Type: Flashfic
    Rating: Adult+
    Fandom: Original.
    Pairing: OC
    Warning: Oral, HJ, M/M
  12. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 19: 2-13-11   
    Pen name: Sanura
    Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103400
    Type of fic: Flashfic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Original
    Pairing: O/C
    Warning: M/M, NoSex.
  13. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 18: 2-6-11   
    Pen name: Sanura
    Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103365
    Type of fic: Flashfic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Original
    Pairing: OC
    Warming: NoSex, M/M.
  14. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 17: 1-30-11   
    Pen name: Sanura
    Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103312
    Type of fic: Flashfic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Original
    Pairing: OC
    Warning: NoSex, M/M
  15. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from FairySlayer in Week 16: 1-23-11   
    Pen Name: Sanura
    Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103272
    Type of fic: Flashfic
    Rating: Adult
    Fandom: Original
    Pairing: OC
    Warnings: M/M NoSex
  16. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from FairySlayer in Review responses for The dragon's might   
    Okay, well I got my first negative review for my story.
    First I'm not going to remove it, I see no reason in silencing the opinion of someone who read this.
    I'm not the kind of writer who goes up in arms because someone writes something negative about my stories, the review was a legitimate point of view and I completely respect it.
    On that note I'll say this, i don't remove reviews, only ones I would be inclined to remove would be idiots who would be flaming for the sake of flaming. That said I have a few points to make for all of you.
    The review got me thinking about the subject, that's a very good thing for me, what was said had merit and it my mind worth discussing.
    ! I am very aware of the content I've written, I knew going in that I wasn't going to please everyone with what I wrote. Yes i enjoy writing things that you all enjoy to read, I'd love to please all of you but the truth is that I can't, I can only write what I feel is important to write. I know this will offend people, it is alright though, just understand that I am aware and am trying to be as respectful about this as I can without loosing sight of what I'm trying to say.
    2 The chapter that was put into question was not easy, I have no intention on saying I'm sorry for it either, I am very aware that rape and torture are not to be taken lightly, they're a harsh reality of life for many people. Confessing here that I am no stranger to these topics personally. That's all I'll say to that.
    The point of the chapter was to shake the ground, as is any chapter like it. The chapter I hope did it's job, like I said it was difficult to write when I did it. I don't take the scenes lightly at all.
    3 The world I've created for this story is complicated and different to the world that our reality exists in, it's why I chose to do it that way. For one humans no longer hold the top spot, it belongs to creatures of very different mentalities.
    The creature is of course Kayne, in our society is what he did wrong. Of course it is, i am the first to say it but in his world where she was considered his property, it was justified. Kayne would not consider what he did raping her, he saw it as teaching her a hard lesson.
    Quote 'Your choices will determine my treatment of you.'
    I am by no means saying she deserved it, no one ever does but in their world the lines are very blurry, brued enough to create the situation they are in. If you've read all the way to the current chapter then you know the complexity of their relationship and how blured the line between then actually is.
    Kayne is five thousand years old, a dragon of a relative decent age, he is by no means good, his inclination is to evil, he has his own secrets, he has his own darkness to hide and as I'm not ready to disclose that information we'll leave it at that.
    4 Natasha is not your average girl, not all people put in difficult situations like I've written would react the same way she did but I am a very strong believer in choices and their consequences.
    Choice is a dangerous thing, I believe that having a choice can be as dangerous as having non at all. This story has been about that, choices, bad ones, good ones and ones that were made in desperation and darkness.
    5Kayne was not as bad as he could have been, in the end he gave her a choice,it was a shitty one and I was not attempting to make it sexy or make it seem that she was enjoying it because she wanted to.
    She was lost, she believed that she'd lost everything and he put her in a position in which her body would react whether she liked it or not. In the end she had to decide, let the experience be completely traumatic or let go, she chose to let go because it was the only choice she felt she could make.
    Okay, if you're still reading this, I thank you for putting up with my urge to speak my mind, This story is my first original piece that I've posted, I posted it with a lot of fear that I would put it up and absolutely everyone was going to hate it but i was surprised to see how much positive feedback I've received, this is a culmination of a lot of things that I've had in my mind. Like I said, each person is allowed their opinion and I am no one to tell anyone how to think or feel. In the end if you choose not to read my story, it's fine, i respect it and am sorry that you feel so strongly against what I wrote, I honestly don't mean to offend anyone but like i said I'm not going to change it.
    With that I am going to stop, thank you for listening to what I had to say and I hope it puts some things in perspective.
  17. Like
    silverdragoness21 got a reaction from DemonGoddess in Review responses for The dragon's might   
    This is the first original fic I've ever posted. It was an idea I've had for a while and I figured this would be an easier way to answer reviews and some questions you guys might have.
    So hopefully I'll be hearing from you guys soon.
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