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  1. Hi I am look for a story with Harry a slave to Albus Dumbledore can anyone help me
  2. Here it is It called Salvation http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600023899&chapter=1
  3. Hey so im looking for BDSM and D/s fics not too fussy bout the pairings but i like my Robin as the bottom/sub The longer the better. Also would prefer it be complete i hate finding a good fic only to have it abandoned and i'll forever wonder how it ended lol Also look for Robin to be spanked / wear diapers / dress as a school girl / fam dom Thanks Stevo
  4. Hi am look for Harry Voldemort story where Harry is a slave/pet but dones not fell in love with Voldemort and are COMPLETE Place Help
  5. Hey im looking for Harry being a slut or bottom for the all male Weasleys or with Molly or Ginny where he FamDom use a stirp-on and with spanking in them Plasce help Stevo
  6. Hi I do not own anything HP related. It all belongs to JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Inc., Warner Bros., and any other entities involved. Author's Note: So here is challenge for people to do, anyone can write for them just please e-mail me with the link to the fic when posted. What all is a Bottom!Harry. Story ideas come from me getting angry at fanfiction, for example: not a lot of Slave!Harry fics with him been a slave to Death Earters The poit is the war over the Death earters have won and Harry is a slave And with this in it Abuse, Anal, Angst, BDSM, Bond, D/s, H/C, M/M, Slave, Orial, Toys, Spanking, Rim, Violence, HJ, Tort, Humil And harry lose his body hair and his age is 19 Plasce help Stevo Just e-mail on my proflie here if it be posted
  7. Stevo1711

    Fem Dom

    Hi im looking for spanking story's teen boys in them with a Fem Dom im them also looking for teen boy wear girl things and teen boys in diapers Plasce help me STEVO
  8. Just read it i love it thanks
  9. Hi im looking for spanking story's gay teen boys in them with a MaleDom or FemDom also looking for gat teen boy wear girl things and teen boys in diapers Plasce help me STEVO
  10. Hi am look for a human teen boy who was captured by orcs or with Captain Gorbag (an Orc) And with this in it Abuse, Anal, Angst, BDSM, Bond, D/s, H/C, M/M, Slave, Orial, Toys, Spanking, Rim, Violence, HJ, Tort, Humil Plasce help Stevo
  11. Hi am look for a human teen boy who was captured by orcs or with Captain Gorbag (an Orc) And with any of this Abuse, Anal, Angst, BDSM, Bond, D/s, H/C, M/M, Slave, Orial, Toys, Spanking, Rim, Violence, HJ, Tort, Humil If anyone now a story wuth this and dont mind if not COMPLETE Plasce help Stevo
  12. Love read story with spanking and daipers in them with m/m in them but dont mind if the boy in them is getting spanked by a femdom Plasce help Stevo
  13. Hi am look for Wesley Crusher getting spanked by anyone and would also like reading story when he in diapers (as a teen) Plaece help me Thanks Stevo
  14. Thanks i have read that one before but thanks
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