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Posts posted by LoneWolf91

  1. Chapter One

    kjpotter: I like it so far and can't wait to see the rest. Speaking of the rest, how often do you intend to update? Have you written ahead at all?

    Thank you and I'm glad you liked it! I'm planning on updating once per week or so for the time-being, and at the moment I haven't got any written ahead, but I likely will once I get into the flow of the story. ;)

    Jayde Alyxandre: Great story. I absolutely love it. I cant wait to find out what happens next.

    Thank you for the kind review, Jayde! I'm pleased to hear you're enjoying it! :)

    HeartStar: I would love to see more soon!

    Thanks, HeartStar! I'll certainly make sure to have the next chapter out on time then! :D

    mrequecky: Yay, loved!!!

    :D <3

  2. Ok, so I feel really bad if I don't reply to reviews when people bothered to put in the time and effort of leaving them, so I've started a thread in which to do so. This thread is just for the story Broken Shards, which is currently the only one I have up.

    Each chapter shall be represented by a new reply, to make it easy to keep track.

    Thanks to everyone who reviews!


  3. Hey there! I'd be happy to give this a go, if you're still looking for a beta? Snarry is actually my favourite pairing lately, and I'm mildly obsessive about catching grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, sentence structure and so on, so I can easily help out there! :) I'm also perfectly happy to offer assistance with plot and story progression and don't worry, I'll be gentle with any criticism!

    In terms of how quickly I'd be able to beta for you; at the moment, I'm a student on holiday, so for the next fortnight or so, it shouldn't take more than a couple of days max to get the work back to you. In a fortnight though, I actually start university. Now, I can't see this slowing down the betaing process by more than a day or so, since I will still have free time after lectures and labs, but lets say the maximum turnaround time might increase to 3 days, just to be safe. :D

    Finally, please don't be put off by the fact that I currently have no stories posted here. I read a lot of fanfiction, and have a few posted on various other sites, as well as a few more in progress. I'm fully literate, and English is my first (and only fluent XD) language.

    Aaaaand, now I'm running out of things to say! If you're interested, please either drop me a message via the site, or send me an email to the following address:




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