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Everything posted by W.D.Lady

  1. Thank you so much for your support everyone!
  2. Hello everyone! I had recently published Nightmarish Reality about two and a half months ago in March. I am now featured in a Horror Blog. Not only that, but it's also my first interview as well. Here are the links if you would like to read them. Book Featured at Erebus Horror The Interview Anyway, I wanted to share the great news and let other writers know to never give up on their dreams. Thank you for reading. Have a lovely day!
  3. Aww!! You guys are so sweet! Thank you, Jem, DG, and Kagome!
  4. Hello all you happy shiny people! I have published my first novel, which came out on March 8th. It's about a boy who suffers from nightmares. It's a psychological thriller/horror, but the first novel isn't so much horror actually. More suspense and drama. I've been working on this novel for ten years now, so please check out my Author's Blog that has the links to Createspace and Amazon. I will be working on getting a Kindle version out soon, next week. Here's the link to my blog with all the information you need know about me and my novel (s) at http://wdlady.wordpress.com/ Not only do I talk about my ups and downs of self-publishing, but anyone who's interested in self-publishing/traditional as well, I have other links that might be useful to you as well. My paperback book is $9.99 and the price of the Kindle will remain at $2.99. However, the paperback novel has illustrations from my artist, Nicoy, while the Kindle will not. Thank you for your time! Hope you enjoy my novel. ~WDLady
  6. Hello, I'm W.D. Lady :-) I've been here for quite some time, in fact for like four years or something like that… 2006, I think? I was here for only a short time and then posted a few stories and fan fiction. I eventually didn't have enough time to write due to college and trying to graduate. I'm working a little bit now and trying to get one of my stories posted. It's an original story and it's still a work in progress. I've been writing for as long as I could remember even though I started off pretty bad. I've been trying to improve my writing despite certain issues in my life and my problems with trying to be perfect all the time. I've eased off a little bit and I'm trying to be a bit laid back, but I'm a hard worker and certainly not the same person I was before. I love writing a little bit of everything, but mostly focusing on psychological thrillers, sci-fi/fantasy, and comedy/adventure. Not so much into the romance… but I do like drama and sometimes action. I do write things on the controversial side since I like to question themes like God, religion, sexuality and some other issues. Often some people find my works rather offending, some love them and others hate them, but I try to have interesting characters and develop interesting plot twists. I'm really good at developing characters and creating depth, I think that's my strongest point whether they are good or bad. In addition, I'm really good with creating realistic dialogue, yet I lack the skills to do very much detail and scenery. Trying really hard to change that and to focus on minor details even though it is tiresome and a bit tedious at times. I am a very slow writer and sometimes it will take me years to develop an interesting storyline; I feel I don't want to rush it, so I take my time with ideas and try to revise as much as I can. Sometimes I'm pretty much my worst critic, actually… I am my worst critic. I get a little down sometimes because I don't feel that my writing is up to par and a lot of it has to do with my attitude. Things have been pretty tough for me, even though I did graduate, I just don't have a very good job right now… and it pays very little and I'm only working part-time. I do, however, want to become a published writer. I think the only problem for me as a writer is just having confidence in my own work. Anyway, that's probably enough information about me. Maybe too much...
  7. EXACTLY! (gives you a high-five)
  8. I used to feel the same way, so don't feel bad if you consider yourself the only one. I got so bad to the point that I would actually delete my stories and get depressed if I didn't get any reviews or enough reviews. As writers, whether it be fan fiction or original stories, we are clearly sensitive to people's thoughts/opinions of rejection and even we crave some kind of recognition... even if it's good or bad. When I was younger, my stories were my babies in a sense, and I didn't know any better. I was very sensitive to people's thoughts and opinions… I still am a little bit because I am somewhat fearful of rejection since I often write controversial issues. If you're going to be a writer, you must ask yourself why do I want to be a writer? It's not because of the fame, the glory, or the recognition. You shouldn't write if you think you're going to be the next Stephen King or the next Stephanie Meyer with the "Twilight Series," and make $1 million dollars and have a hit movie with billions of fans. I went through that type of phase as well, thinking that if my stories were really that good I'd get like 100 and something reviews, right? WRONG! Stop thinking that way because it's not going to happen... YOU MUST write for the most important person and that's YOU. You could be the greatest writer in the entire world and still get only one review or maybe none whatsoever. Do you really want to finish your story because someone told you your story was great? You're basing your motivation and writing goals over what other people think and determine for you. You have to write because you want to write! You do it for yourself. You should have a passion to write, even when people tell you to stop. You shouldn't care what other people think, regardless if they comment or not. Feedback is still appreciated sometimes; however, write for you and only you! Get motivated and get satisfaction from finishing your story. If you really think your story is bad, have a Beta reader read it for you so they can give you honest, and constructive criticism. Anyway, that's all I have to say and good luck.
  9. I don't like Mary sues for some of the reasons listed above... but I don't happen to be jealous of them either. I think writers need to realize that a character without flaws does not exist, no one is perfect, even in the real world. If you are going to come up with a character... it needs to be a character that people can sympathize with and relate to. A character that has everything is not going to be interesting to read about. For me, I don't mind a character who has different colored eyes, but if it's there just for the sake of being unique then that is a sad excuse of a story. I've watched anime shows that have characters with different eyes but it wasn't the premise of the story, each character had a trait of their own, and all of them had flaws or problems of their own. If the character lives in a world where people have different colored eyes then it's not so bad, but set in a world in modern time seems rather ridiculous. What really matters is what the characters bring to the story such as their personality, conflicts, and challenges they must face. Without a well-developed character, the story seems bland, without any life or emotion.
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