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Posts posted by gunshyvw

  1. I'm basically looking for authentication in dialogue and manner of speech. I can guess, but since I almost had John say "Don't piss him off" already, I'm probably off to a bad start.

    Nothing in the fic is erotic yet, but it will be...someday.

    Fic is based off Doyle canon Silver Blaze, roughly. I may also need help with horse racing, if you know anything about it. I've done some preliminary research, but I want to make sure that what I'm saying is accurate, or at least plausible!

    Probably going to be somewhat longer than the Doyle story, since I have some sexual tension to work out between the two. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into an epic, but I'm not sure yet. Depends on if Moriarty is behind this particular mystery or if it's just a bit of fun. :)

    Thanks in advance!

  2. The amount of research for a fanfic depends on where you're placing it within (or without) the cannon storyline. Does it take place after the cannon story ends? Then you're probably ok with just knowing the major plot points and a few major details. Placing your story between events in cannon takes a little more finesse to make sure characters don't reference events that haven't happened yet or people that haven't been introduced in the story unless there's a plausible reason for them to know a character prior to their appearance in the cannon story.

    I think the most challenging type of fic is one that takes place during a major cannon event. The details are SO important in a fic like that. But that's just me, and I'm sure I've read fics where they weren't so picky outside of my preferred fandom and never noticed if the dialog or actions were exact. So it's mostly a personal choice on how much research is put into your fic. But I do have to say that research for fics is probably one of my favorite things to do because it gives me a reason to go back and read and watch my favorite fandoms! :rolleyes:

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