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I absolutely LOVE Harry Potter. I am a bit of a closet nerd. I love to read and I have been an aspiring writer for ten years. My favorite books include: Harry Potter; The Kushieline Legacy; The Lord of the Rings Series; The Narnia Series; The Dune Series; The Earth's Children Series; The Mists of Avalon; The Crimson Petal and The White; and The Speaker for the Dead Series. That is , of course, just the tip of the iceberg.
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I wasn't aware of the other two profiles... But you can get rid of the old copy of Aphrodite's Curse, and thank you. I appreciate you looking into it, perhaps it was just a problem with my computer.
Hello! I have a small problem I was hoping someone could help me out with. I've recently posted a new story on the aff.net website, and I got a few ratings, but then I stopped receiving them. This continued for some time, with me assuming that people may not be reading the story, since it is a sequel. But after the story got so many hits, I started to wonder. So I started another profile, and tried to rate the story myself, but I was unable to. I would rate it, and it would seem to process than at the bottom of the screen it said that you could not rate the story more than once. But when I went to my original Author's Page it did not show that the story had been rated. I tried this several times without success. Please help me! I want people to be able to rate my fic. I tried rating my other fic, and that one worked just fine. Reviews also seem to be working fine. I would really appreciate your time and consideration. Thank you! Author Name on aff.net: MissStephanie Story Title in Question: Hades' Redemption Genre: Harry Potter/ AU
Just dropping by to leave a couple of Review Responses before jumping over to add another chapter to the fic. *skullz* It is so wonderful to have your continued support. I'm glad to hear that you are continuing to enjoy the story, and rest assured, the chapters will be getting back to their normal length as the story progresses. Promise. I'm trying to ease everyone into my character's displaced mind-sets and since I have so many character viewpoints, this can be a bit tedious and overwhelming, so I am trying to present the information in absorbent bits. Anyway, have no fear. The next chapter it longer, and the next even more so! *Lordyu* It is so great to hear from you! And I can't express how much it means to hear that this is your favorite fic. I have had every intention of taking the story in this direction, from the beginning, so I am so glad to hear that you like where I am going with it. I hope that things continue to please, and I can't wait to hear more from you! Alright, then, onto the fanfiction site to drop the next chapter off. I hope that everyone enjoys, and I LOVE hearing what you guys think!
Of course I always appreciate and take to heart the feedback that I receive from my readers! That is why I am always so eager for reviews. This is a WIP that I have every intention of turning into a long and epic series. I also intend on revising and reposting this fic for years to come on any sites that will allow it. It is a dramatic and violent story that is wrought with angst and darkness, and in need of a lighter tone and viewpoint. This is what your delightfully flawed Ronald Weasley has provided. Plus he adds a depth of emotion to this viewpoint with his feelings of ineptitude and jealousy. Not to mention the fact that I can't wait to tell the horcrux hunt from his perspective. The horcurxes seem to be twisted extensions of Voldemorts personality, which have developed their own instincts in accordance with their creators magic and will. We must not forget Harry's second year, in which a horcrux sought out another redheaded pure blood with the surname Weasley. Poor Ginny Weasley was nearly possessed by Tom Riddle in an effort to give the disembodied wisp that remained of Voldemort a home. Why then would it not seek the same means in order to protect itself from the Dark Lord's greatest enemy? It only makes sense to assume the horcruxes center on pure bloods in accordance with their alliance to Voldemort's sick bigotry. I have already finished a couple of entries with Ron and I am more than pleased. He will be making an entrance into the story in the next couple of chapters. Thanks again, *alquimista*, it's always great to hear from you!
Hello to All! I am back, with the sequel to Aphrodite's Curse in tow. I would like to start off with a few general warnings about this fic. If you have already read Aphrodite's Curse, none of this should be a shock to you, but nonetheless... This fic contains superfluous amounts of the following: Angst Graphic Sexual Encounters Which of course entails Nudity Forced Sexual Encounters (Rape) Sadism and Masochism Violence Disturbing Rituals Death Bigotry Uncomfortable Material That should just about cover it... I think...Oh well, any surprises will just add a bit of spark, eh? Alright then, on to the Review Responses. I have had a lot of readers come to me upset about the lack of Ronald Weasley's influence in my story. It has been pointed out more than once, that Harry Potter is a story of friendship, between the trio, as much as a story about the strength and valor of the Boy Who Lived. I would like to say first, that this is not Rowling's story, this is my fanfiction. It is set in an Alternate Universe and adheres to rules that I have set. Yes, it is based on the brilliant works of J.K. Rowling, but it veers wildly from her story in more than one area. My version of Severus Snape is only remotely like the noble character in the books, and my Ginny has given into feelings of angry judgement and selfish denial. Not to mention the existence of Ancient Magick which adds an entirely new idea of powerful magic being inherited through bloodlines. I have always viewed Ron as a bit of a prig, even J.K.'s version. Don't get me wrong, when it comes down to it, he is thoroughly loyal and dependable. But he has selfishness and bitter jealousy bred into him by years underneath his colorful brothers. It is a character flaw that is necessary and keeps the story rich and vibrant with drama. Ron is often the pivot point of arguments and fights, although Hermione is often on the other side. Still this is a richness and vivid clarity that any story could use, and I have been needing a new POV for my sequel so...in order to keep my readers happy and enliven my story, I will be adding a viewpoint shown from Ron's perspective. This may prolong the arrival of the next story update, but since I have only written ten chapters so far, it should not be too difficult to incorporate. Thanks to *alquimista* and *Anon* for bringing this to my attention with their detailed reviews. I really appreciate your feedback you guys, and hope that you are happy with the improvements I try to incorporate. I also think it would be very interesting to hear the story of the Slytherin locket through Ron's eyes, for you brought up a good theory, *alquimista*, regarding pure blood possession. And a special thanks to *Skullz* for continuing to follow my story, and always giving feedback and praise. You can't know how much I appreciate your loyalty. I can't wait to hear what you think of the idea to add Ron on as a POV for the story to continue to unfold.
The first chapter of the Sequel to Aphrodite's Curse, Hades' Redemption, has been posted on AFF. I will be starting a new thread for that story, which I will post under the same name on this site for Review Responses. I can't wait to hear what you guys think of the first installment! And Happy Festival of New Life to everyone!
The sequel excerpt has been posted on Aphrodite's Curse. I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks
Hey, Skullz, I know that it has been a while. but rest assured, I have not been standing idly by. I've been a bit busy, but I have managed to get about six chapter done in the sequel to Aphrodite's Curse. I just want to make sure to get a nice solid backing of storyline before I start posting the story, because I don't want to have to go back and edit after it is on public display. At least not if I can help it. Still, I expect to have an excerpt posted by the end of this month, and the first chapter should be posted by the end of May. Thank you for being patient and loyal to me, and keeping dibs on my progress.I always, Always, ALWAYS love hearing from you!
Aphrodite's Curse has been completed! I have left and Author's Note expressing my gratitude for all of my readers, but I would like to reiterate... THANK YOU!!! All of you, every single one, even those who have never left a review, although I do not know your name, I still cannot express how much I appreciate you following this story, which I have worked very hard on. I will be posting the next story in this series as soon as I have an adequate start-up. It should only be a couple of months. I will post an excerpt on Aphrodite's Curse when the time is upon us. Even still, I would like to leave some Review Responses, and express even more gratitude! *skullz* It has been a ride, no? I can't believe it is over! Thank you so much for sticking by me, through to the end. You have been a rallying force for me, prompting me to write when I was so swamped with life I couldn't think straight. Thanks again! I know that you are eager to see Kalista and Harry together, but you are right, they still have a lot of trials ahead of them. We'll have to see how they make out through the darkness and chaos, if they can fight through to one another. Is love enough? Is it enough to baffle the entwined forces of evil, gnashing at our heels? Hmmm? I bet you can't wait to find out! Still, love has deep powers of its own, Kalista herself has made this abundantly clear, no? *Kiana Tavers-Mereel* *Assists in flamer bashing* (I hope you'll let me borrow your beskar staff!) Thanks so much for sticking up for me, those flamers were really getting me down. It truly heartened my spirit to read your review and praise. You can't know how good it makes me feel to hear that you truly enjoy and connect with the original characters I have created. I know that Snape has some heady issues... But I always thought he was just a bit too noble. It is unrealistic that someone who has gone through what Severus Snape has and push forward with the most sacrificial resilience, ever toward and through the plans of the very wizard the cost him his greatest love, and reason for redemption. Still, the sadness and broken valleys of his life are only a reason, not an excuse, Severus may himself be blinded to his own selfish ministrations upon the world, but the world itself does not turn a blind eye. He is a very different character in my story, a darker character, warped and altered by the world and it's doings, forever broken. I love Luna, she is one of my favorite characters, so I really enjoyed the Puddifoots scene. Glad to hear you liked it as well. I do hope to hear more from you, and can't wait to reunite on the boards of my next story, and the sequel to Aphrodite's Curse.
I have posted an Author's Note on my fic, in an effort to stop flaming attempts. Even still, here is a brief response to the most recent insulting review I have received, along with responses to my regular, and greatly appreciated reviewers. I will give Anon's review first, because they have always been polite, even if they had some criticism to make. Thank you Anon! *Anon* It is about time that she came out on top, in a different sense of the word then she has been experiencing as of late, no? I, personally, did not feel bad at all for what I've done to Severus. The slimy git deserved it! In fact, I think he got off a bit easy. She should have kept his member all shriveled and useless for a bit. But, she only meant to use her extreme powers in order to break free of the Vow. I am so happy to hear that this is your favorite fic, and I cannot wait to hear more from you! I will be posting another chapter next week. I hope the Author's Note didn't get your hopes up. *steve* If you have not noticed, your one-lined negative reviews have grated my nerves, just a bit. Even still, I would not want to lose a readers who really is merely trying to obtain clarification. The fact that you have never come on this thread to begin an actual discussion added to my annoyance though. You just left those mean reviews, and did not even give me and opportunity to explain the points of my fic you argue with. Not fair, not nice. Annoying. Bad Steve! Still, I do understand what you mean about her getting out of the Vow a tad too easily. But I did not want to have to involve Sedah in any way, his magick easily overpowers both Kalista and Severus. It would have been too easy for him to thrust the horizon of Hades death over his professor, and broker the Vow on his own terms. In fact, that was Sedah's plan from the beginning. He is still struggling to gain mastery of his own Magick, too though. I am trying to make this plot believable, and in order to do this, these characters cannot just wake up and all of the sudden be the most powerful beings in the world. Protagonists cannot be perfect, they cannot win and come through on top all of the time. That would be boring. And antagonists cannot be so overpowering and unstoppable that the protagonist has no hope of ever overcoming them. And you cannot just KNOW all of my characters deepest thoughts and plots, there are still many things going on behind the scenes that I know, and you, the reader, have not yet been made privy to. That is how books are written. Everything is not just put out on the table, their are layers and hidden paths in stories, moments in which the reader must think: Holy Shit! I didn't even see that coming. That is what I am trying to do. But perhaps you are right and I should come up with a more profound way to dissolve the Vow. Any suggestions?
Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Fleeting Happiness, has been posted. Now, onto Review Responses. *Kenobi* Thank you for the polite way in which you framed your criticism. I have had a bit of an issue with flamers, so I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Constructive criticism is one thing, bashing my story, quite another. Anyway, I understand what you mean about the Sedah/Severus bit getting somewhat rundown. I'm getting a bit tired of writing about it as well. But I already have a set plan of action in mind, and I want to make it believable. Not like, oh, all of a sudden, Dah dah tah dah, Harry to the Rescue! You know what I mean? And Kalista can't just have a complete mastery of her extraordinary powers right off the bat. But have no fear, I promise the plots twists and thickens and spreads and does all sorts of fun things, very shortly. *Darthyulis* I am so happy to hear this is your fav. HP fic. I have worked very hard on it, and that is just the pay off I look for! I get what you mean about the Vow arrangement getting old, and I want you to rest assured, things will be switching up very shortly. I just want to have you know, this story has the makings of an epic series. I plan for much more to happen before anyone lives happily ever after... And you never really know who will even live, no? Still, I hope that you will continue to read as Kalista comes to terms with her newfound powers. She is under a lot of pressure, and she has just awakened her magick a few days ago. I am trying to make a believable character that is not so strong and resilient one cannot associate, plus, Kalista is beautiful, but she is not perfect. She has faults, and her weakness, especially when it comes to intimacy, is only one among them. I can't wait to hear more from you!
Alrighty, time for some Review Responses and a New Chapter Summary! First the Responses, of course, *steve* Why is she so weak-willed? Hmmm, perhaps because she has come to find herself in a situation where she is torn from her true love and repeatedly raped, not to mention the fact that nearly the entire school harbors ill-will toward her. I think that would make anyone a bit down-trodden, no? I wouldn't say 'weak-willed' , your choice of vocabulary leaves a bit to be desired. What would you have her do? Fight them, she's done that, pit herself against them magically? Have you noticed Sedah's wandless aptitude, or anything about him? Would you attack him? If you would, you're an idiot. And a dead one, at that. Should she tell someone, and simply die? Or can you think of some way for her to reveal the plot of Snape and Sedah without breaking the Vow? Please, do tell. Liliane's suggestion about the blatant diary was simply brilliant... God, people are fucking stupid... Anyway, onto more polite, and therefore more relevant and important, reviewers... *Bob* Glad to see you're rooting for Harry, but then, who isn't? Stay true and keep reading, and find out if Harry does as well... *MasterSpike* So glad to hear from you again! A lot has happened since the last time I heard from you. I hope that the complete 180 doesn't throw you off! I know that Kalista has been through a lot, but that is often the fate of the best heros and heroines. They cannot live stationary lives of totally comfort and happiness. That is just boring, no? Much more not-boring-stuff to come, so keep you seat belt strapped good and tight! *Skullz* Yeah, I thought I would treat you guys to two chapters since I took a bit longer. I know that I have taken a bit with this one as well. It has been a crazy, but very good new year. I got a new car and a new kitten! I hope that your new year has been just as good. And I hope you continue to enjoy the upcoming chapters. Alright, now onto the Chapter Summary for my most recent post. Chapter Thirty-Four: A Deeper Darkness Kalista struggles to take control of her powers before all if lost. Will she be able to find her way through the darkness that seeps to absorb her, and will she be able to unleash the power that the Ancients have spoken of? Meanwhile, Harry struggles to contain his own desperate worry and fear as he waits for Kalista to awake. He is assaulted by feelings of uselessness and guilt on all sides, feeling vulnerable to the unknown force that has attacked Kalista... So there it is, everyone! Please rate and review to let me know what you think! I really do love hearing from you guys. I will try to have the next chapter up within the next few weeks. Until then, Happy New Year, to everyone!!!
Thank you, Skullz, for the Smiley appreciation! I like to think that I am quite talented when it comes to those little guys... Anywho, I finally got around to posting a new chapter, so I thought I would come by and give a little summary for a heads up. Chapter Thirty-Two: A Punch in the Face The tides continue to lash against the young lovers of Hogwarts, where Hermione soon finds her happy bubble isn't as thoroughly insulated as it seemed. Bastien's crass response to her friend's broken relationships causes a rift to rise and spread between them. Thoughts of Ron still dally around the back of her head, but she finds herself distracted, and not in the pleasant ways she's found as of late. Meanwhile, Harry continues to lurk on the outskirts of depression, flirting with dangerous thoughts. He begins to find his ire rising around his friends, but fights to keep himself from taking his own troubles out on them. He and Ron manage to broach their deepening relationships with a carefree stance, but they find they can't avoid their problems forever. Harry finds his problems coming to light quickly as guilt begins to eat away at him. Kalista is not herself, not at all, and when she passes out in a cold faint in class, Harry won't let anyone stop him from getting to her side. Alright, there it is, I hope you enjoy it, and I am sorry for the wait. Christmas is coming up, though, so it might be a while before the next post is up. Hopefully just a couple of weeks, I'll try to get it up before Christmas. But it might not get up until after New Year, depending on my schedule. I again want to thank you guys for sticking by me, and promise that no matter how long it may take, another post is always coming.
Alright, so with Thanksgiving coming up (yes, I am an American if you haven't figured that out yet ... Again, I'll put another plea out there for help with my attempt at portraying British accents in my story)plus the new Harry Potter movie coming out... Which was FREAKIN' AWESOME , by the way... But I am sure you already knew that... Ah, but I digress... What I mean to say is that I am going to have to postpone the next post for a tad longer. A couple more weeks. I know that it has already been a month, and I really do apologize for my lack of attention. But I promise, promise, PROMISE that I will not let this fic die, I have no intention of it dieing, I still have lots of fun ideas swirling around in my head, and we've just gotten to the confrontational part of the story. Anyway, I just wanted to drop a line so you guys didn't think that I was abandoning you or anything like that. And I urge you to resist turning away from the fic in light of the more disturbing developments as of late. I know everyone wants Harry to get the girl, and he certainly deserves her, but it wouldn't really be a story if I just gave her to him... And we still have to find out what he will do to attain her. Not to mention he still has that tiny little problem involving destroying a magical mass murderer and saving the world... That could get in the way a bit. Well, I hope that you guys aren't too upset about my recent absence, and again, I really am sorry. I love you guys, and I love hearing from you, and I will not let you down. I'm just a bit swamped in my life at the moment. Big Thanks to Skullz for sticking by me and keeping tabs on my posts, and for wishing and thinking toward my health. I really do appreciate it!
Hey, Skullz. So sorry to keep you waiting, but I have been so busy with school and work and the upcoming holidays. Plus, I have had a nasty flu as of late that has just been hanging on. I have started the next chapter it still may be a bit before I get it up to par. Hopefully by this weekend, definitely by the next. Thanks so much for being so patient, and faithful, I promise that I will not let you down. Here's to hating flu season