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Everything posted by pradlee

  1. I'd like to help. I've already started "A Mess of Pirates" and have been eagerly awaiting a new chapter, but I'm interested in your other stories as well. (If you're really on top of things and get back to me within the week, I won't be able to start right away 'cause of finals, but after next Thursday I'm home-free.)
  2. mannequin boyfriend
  3. never
  4. Both the original story and the oneshots sound right up my alley. I'll be glad to do it. I'm new to online editing, though, so will you email me the story for me to edit, then I return it? Or is there some fancy application on this site that'll change the process?
  5. capture-the-flag
  6. Hullo, I'm pradlee. Nice to meet you. 1. I would prefer to Beta for original MM stories of any type (romance, fantasy, sci-fi, action, horror, et cetera), but, because I enjoy reading just about everything, I am also willing to edit just about anything. I am fine with MM and FF fanfiction, but my performance on these could be affected by not being familiar with the story off of which they're based. I might refuse the job if I'm not acquainted with the original story and characters. I enjoy unconventional relationships (e.g. macho gay jock, snarky midget, falling in love with an animal**) and unconventional, surprising, unique, new premises. 2. I absolutely refuse to have anything to do with stories that focus on heterosexual romances, fanfiction or original. I am, however, fine with heterosexual heroes, as long as the story is centered on fantasy or war, or something else similarly action-packed. I won't do fanfiction whose main purpose is sex. I believe in developing a plot and good, complex characters. I dislike cliché anything: character stereotypes, gender stereotypes (e.g. dumb blonde, macho homophobe jock), plot (falling in love with rapist). 3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4. Ermmm... Should I go into teacher recommendations...?? Well, I've always gotten top marks in English. I enjoy reading. I enjoy analytical writing. I enjoy editing others' writing. I can be highly critical, if you like. Or not. I can edit for just grammar/mechanics/usage/spelling, or I can do that and add suggestions for content. If there is something really big that I feel needs to be amended, I won't just change it; I'll write you a little note about a general direction to take to improve that section. That way, I won't make huge changes to your story, but I will help you to become a better writer. **I do NOT mean bestiality with an unintelligent beast for the sake of sex. This would only be acceptable if the animal could communicate with the human. For a good example, see "Love's Limits," one of my favorite stories here.
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