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Posts posted by jenny_r

  1. April 4 – July 4

    river girl

    You are correct—they’re both hurting. Eren more so physically, and Haakon more so emotionally.

    Will Treaty

    Can you read my mind?

    Yes, you are right about Haakon protecting Eren. Eren doesn’t need the necklace. It doesn’t really mean anything, although he thinks it does. It’s a symbol of his faith, but his faith in other people is what truly matters.

    Haakon actually tried to distract Eren by talking while he was straightening his fingers. He tried.


    Yep—some TLC does wonders for the body and soul.


    I update whenever I can, but unfortunately it’s not too often because I have a pretty demanding full-time job. I wish more than anything that I could write for a living, but it’s probably not going to happen.

    I hope Eren finds faith and love and happiness and protection, too. :)


    Haakon actually tried to distract Eren by talking to him while he reset his fingers.

    He doesn’t really know how to be gentle with Eren, or anyone for that matter, but he’ll learn. :)


    Yes, some of the human feelings and emotions that Haakon has suppressed because of the war are quickly coming back to him as he interacts with Eren.


    Haakon is also Scandinavian, but he is from a different part of the land—a more southern region.

    Honestly, I chose the names simply because I like them.


    Yep, Haakon has been trained to suppress his emotions (particularly his sympathy), like any good soldier in that time.

    river girl

    I’m so glad the story evokes emotions. That’s my goal.


    I’ll keep writing if you’ll keep reading!


    Glad you’re enjoying the story.


    Eren is dirty and skinny right now, but he’s also tan (as tan as you can get in Scandinavia) from being out in the sun. He’s definitely not burly or particularly well-fed, but he does have good muscle tone and he’s strong—when he’s not grievously injured, that is.


    It’ll take a lot of rest and LOVE to heal him. :)


    Thanks for reading!

    I try to make my characters as ‘real’ as possible.

    Will Treaty

    Again, you’re reading my mind.


    I wish this story was already completed as well. :)

    Yes, Haakon yelled at Eren because he was nervous. He had a sense something wasn’t right.


    I’m glad. Tugging at heartstrings is my goal.


    I’m so glad you think it’s compelling. I try.

    Thanks for reading.


    Thank you for reading!


    Glad you’re enjoying reading.


    Aww, thank you. Glad you like it.


    You’re right—Haakon’s defense is crumbling and he feels more and more for Eren, but he would die before he ever showed it.

    A.J. Montgomery

    Thank you for your kind words.


    Glad you’re anticipating the next chapter.


    Thank you for the support. It's definitely appreciated.

  2. February 21 – March 25


    I’m glad you’re enjoying the story so far. I like Eren, too. I tried to make him appealing. But I also like Haakon. I think you’ll come to like him in time.

    Will Treaty

    Of course Haakon will change his mind about Eren; otherwise the story would be very short!

    Haakon is indeed married, so he will feel deep guilt about his attraction to Eren.


    Hope you continue to read as I post new chapters.

    Will Treaty

    Haakon’s feelings will eventually change. You know it’s going to happen. :)

    river girl

    They will eventually find their way, though it will be hard—painful, even.

    They should be enemies, and yet they are not. Others will not look too kindly upon that.


    Eren is grievously injured, but he will be taken care of. That’s where the ‘comfort’ part comes in!


    Haakon is not so bad. He’s just very concerned about what others think of him.


    Eren is in good hands; he just doesn’t know it! Haakon doesn’t yet realize his capacity to protect and care for someone.


    Aww, thank you for the kind words!


    Haakon will not be thrilled that Eren has hidden his wound from him, to say the least.

    Will Treaty

    Thank you for the kind words! Haakon will not give Eren over to anyone else, but you probably already know that from reading the next couple chapters!


    Yes, Eren will find faith in his relationship with Haakon. :)


    You’re right. Though Haakon is a force to be reckoned with, he isn’t as cruel or ruthless as he tries to appear.


    Haakon’s not so bad. You will come to see that in later chapters.


    Haakon is scared because he does already feel something for Eren. Battle doesn’t scare him, but emotion does.


    I try to make my stories both heartbreaking and heartwarming. So hopefully that’s how this one will turn out.

    river girl

    I’m not sure what to say—just that I love your review! It’s very poetic and seems to capture the story perfectly. Thanks for writing it and giving me so much inspiration. :)

  3. I have this story "Captive" that I'm working on. I really enjoy writing it but would like more comments, suggestions, etc. I'm open to any kind of feedback, good or bad. Right now I'm working on Chapter 5. It isn't hardcore M/M yet, but as you can probably tell from reading, it's definitely headed full steam in that direction. The greater the buildup the greater the payoff, right?

    Give it a try. I think you'll like it. ;)

    Title: Captive

    Author: trichgirl03

    Rating: Adult+

    Summary: A boy is taken captive by a lord. The boy is under the impression that he is to be exchanged for another prisoner, but he soon learns that the reasons for his capture and the stipulations of his return are significantly more complicated.

    Warnings: Anal, Angst, H/C, M/M, Minor- Minor involved (Under legal age for sex), Oral, Rom, UST, Violence, WIP

    Feedback: Awesome! Reviews are the greatest inspiration to keep writing

    Fandom: Original

    URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600102153

    Thanks in advance for reading!

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