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Everything posted by Jaymclg

  1. good start man another story gieven up just like another story where ginny was turn into a baby the same way man people are stupid this days they write and they quit when they get reviews. Good thing I'm writing one like this one and the other one show you assholes how to really finish a story juan email address 2010-05-27 id # 3001331565 no worder the idea is the same you're the same asshole who quit on the other story man I love this web site no censor on [/b]reviews and I can curse whatever I want to unlike those faggots lovers from the other web site juan email address 2010-05-27 id # 3001331566 I'm glad many of your stories in the other web site don't get many reviews who wants to read stories from someone who likes to [/b]quit on stories and write faggot ones I refuse to put up with the ass-hat who believes this site is completely uncensored, if it in fact were, then there would not be a section available to us to report abuse. Nothing is ever entirely uncensored in my opinion there would be chaos without a certain amount of censoring being enforced. I have had enough of the ass-hat who is sending me abusive reviews on not one but a couple of my stories. I have discovered abusive emails for reviews for my Harry/Ginny stories not once but two days in a row now. I understand people get frustrated when a story is not completed or continued. Do people not realise that writing is not all I do, that it is not my soul purpose in life. I do have a life, a busy one in fact. That life sometimes has to come first over pleasure, a hobby. I am known to suffer with seriously bad writers block. Just because it has been a very long while since I last updated my stories does not mean I have abandoned them. It takes time for me to sometimes get back on track, especially after a really bad case of writers block. I am not perfect, nor have I ever claimed to be as such. I need to know whether there is a way to block this user from reading anything I have written. People like he or she do not deserve to read my work or anyone else's if they cannot do it without being childish and abusive. They deserve to be made to wait for what they want. Someone needs to seriously remind this ass-hat that Rome was by no means built in a day. I would have used the section of the site created for the purpose of reporting abuse, but the site would not let me have access to that part. But then again, I want to shame this person for their rude and childish actions. Finally, I loath the word faggot with a passion. A word which I have read not once but twice from this one reviewer. Word of advice to whoever this ass-hat maybe, I am not the asshole, or anyone else on this site. No the only asshole I can think of right about now is the dick who is writing these reviews. Grow the fuck up already.
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