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Everything posted by SuirenAngel

  1. Hey all, This one story has been bugging me, but for the life of me I can't remember the title. Draco has been married to Harry for years in the guise of Ginny Weasley. Harry has no clue until one morning he wakes to find Draco instead of Ginny. In the end it turns out Ginny had wanted to lead a different life and since Draco was in love with Harry, she and Draco came up with a plan so that they both got what they wanted. And the children knew all along. Much appreciated if anyone could tell me what the title is or who the author is. Thanks, Suiren
  2. Lol, I'm always looking. Thanks a lot.
  3. Heh. The link to the story 'Mine' that Dravanamyst wanted is Mine by Trivium E. Bondrasi Found on FF.net (It also has a rewritten version.)
  4. Ok, so that 'MINE' by tas was a very icky no-no. I love Top!Harry; can't stand bottom!Harry at all. Now I feel so much more depressed than I already was. Earlier I was searching for crossover fics with LOTR and couldn't find any Top!Harry, so then I came on here, and so now *Sigh* no luck with finding just a Top!Harry fic with plot. . .
  5. Oh wow, more stuff lol. Anyway yeah anything by pikachumomma I read, lol thanks though. Well, that wasn't the 'Mine' I read but I'm totally going to read that one. I'll add a link to Mine once I remember or come across it again.
  6. Is this the story you're loking for?
  7. Thanks all.
  8. EH. . . . . . Perhaps I should have mentioned I prefer slash. . . not het Thanks anyway. . .
  9. Hey, I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of any good Harry Potter/Naruto crossovers with Top!Harry/Uke!itachi; set in Naruto-verse anywhere?
  10. Is this it? Subordinate Robes by NeverLoveAnother from ff.net
  11. I proofread, corrected a few minor grammar issues, and used red text to add my two cents in.
  12. Well I'm thinking anywhere from 15 to 25 chapters should be enough to build a good storyline; though it really depends on the length of the chapters, how many mates you choose, and how fast the relationships develops. I'm thinking as long as the developments in Naruto's relationships aren't too slow and not too fast, it shouldn't take more than that many.
  13. I'm pretty sure it's "Perfect Bliss" though I don't know if you'll be able to find it anymore, plus it was on hiatus anyway.
  14. You know, I've heard of that fic before bt I've never actually read it. It was pretty cool. Thanks
  15. Hey all. This idea popped into my head a few days ago, and I just had to post this. It's completely AU Zuko is still a prince, however he pretends to be a regular samurai. His uncle, the feudal lord - I don't like his father so he's dead - thought Zuko could benefit from seeing the world through a commoner's eyes. He comes across a Geisha house one day and spots Sokka. He, of course, has no idea that Sokka was a boy. As he spends time there, he becomes smitten with Sokka. He then discovers Sokka is a boy and panics, but it doesn't change how he feels. And when he hears that the Geisha house is going through hard times, he negotiates with the matron of the house for Sokka, and in the end, Zuko becomes Sokka's danna. Short I know, but that's basically what I want. A Romance story with a little drama about Zuko's sexual identity crisis thrown in. And we all know how much Sokka loves to shop, and in this story he'd be able to get all he wants in the end. Lol. A little helpful tip if you need it: Geisha were generally women, however adolescent males were sometimes Geisha too. Geisha trained at local schools and had teachers who specialized in every area of training: dance, flute, drum and tea ceremony. As the young girls approached the age of becoming apprentices, the okiya would negotiate for a mature geisha to become an apprentice’s mentor, or “older sister.” The older sister helped promote the apprentice and taught her the art of entertaining at parties, from how to make witty conversation right down to how to pour sake. The older sister received a portion of her younger sister’s fees as her fee for training the apprentice. A popular view of the geisha is that they were prostitutes. Some prostitutes posed as geisha in order to attract men, but a true geisha rarely engaged in sexual relations with her customers. In fact, geisha were, first and foremost, entertainers. They went to parties, where they kept things lively, played drinking games with the men and danced or sang. A geisha’s presence was considered essential to the success of a private party. Several geisha present meant the host was a man of wealth and status. Geisha made their money through the fees they charged at teahouses or parties where they entertained. Years ago, a geisha was registered through what amounted to a union office. The registry office kept track of what teahouses she visited, how long she stayed and what her fees were. The office then paid either the geisha or her okiya. A geisha may well have had a personal patron or danna. This relationship was usually sexual, but outside of the geisha’s normal work environment. The danna was generally a wealthy man who could afford to pay the geisha’s expenses for school, lessons, private recitals and even clothing. With a wealthy danna, a geisha could often afford to break with an okiya and live independently, if she wished.
  16. I was wondering if anybody could direct me to some really good creature slash with Harry as the Dominant/Top/Alpha. I've read some great stories before, such as Perfect Bliss, My Own Control, and another that I forgot the name of. However they were unfortunatey abandoned. ~ Suiren
  17. SuirenAngel


    Hey all! I have a request for a Seme!Naruto, Uke!Haku Fic. I'm tired of all the fics that make either Haku or Naruto a girl. Frankly, I don't like gender switched characters. And I have only found a few stories that keep both of them as boys and Naruto as the Seme. So it would make me very happy if someone could write a nice shounen-ai story with this pairing. I don't care if it's based in the canon universe or if it's AU. It can be a *Long* one-shot or multichapter fic, though I would honestly love a multichapter. Thanks, ~ Suiren
  18. Well , I was going to include the option of Ichigo/Hitsugaya, Ichigo/Yumichika, Ichigo/Ulquiorra, and Ichigo/Grimmjow too, but didn't think they would fit. So I went for Hanataro and Ishida because I thought they'd be the easiest to incorporate into the story setting.
  19. First while I think my idea would make a few things easier for frustrated readers, I wasn't making any serious requests because I knew it would be too much for such a large achieve even with larger sub-category supporting software. And I knew you would probably have to have every author specify exactly what type of role each character would have throughout the story. I'm sorry you had to waste time writing that up. Most of my problems come from trying to use the search engine looking for Top!Harry or Seme!Naruto only to find bottom/sub!Harry and uke!Naruto, no matter what trick I try. Or as Guest_Apollyon_* put it, the confusion of different slang people use. I'm used to Top/Bottom order like HarryDraco, H/D, or even (Seme/Uke) Narusasu. However I know that not everyone uses the same terms or that they're still new and don't know the difference in slang. So I was mostly just venting a little. As for "But I can say that in any non-Anime sub-domain, the sub-sub-sub (as that's what you're asking to be created) would likely never use the terms "seme" or "uke" as those are anime/manga specific terms." I was just using 'Top/Seme!Harry’ as an example as I just assumed whoever even cared to read it would think, 'Oh. . . Seme as in anime/manga.' Well I guess you know what they say about assuming. Heh, sorry.
  20. I know, doesn't it suck. I once searched through a dozen pages and anything interesting turned out to be top!Draco. Can you say major gross! I was near tears and physically sick to my stomach. I think they should put sub-categories in the pairings list, like for example: Harry/Draco Top/Seme!Harry Top/Seme!Draco Equal/Switch Unknown (for stories that don't specify or hint at sexual roles played in the bedroom.)
  21. Total SEME!Naruto paired with two or more Ukes. Mpreg expected! Your choice of : Gaara Haku Kiba Kimimaro Neji Sai Sasuke Shikamaru Shino (If you have someone else in mind, ask and I might consider it as long as it isn't any of the jounin senseis, Iruka, or anyone way older than Naruto.) AU - Naruto is your average college student. Well as average as a demon prince can get. This particular 200 year old was the Golden Nine Tailed Crowned Prince of Fire Country. His maternal grandfather, Kyuubi, was Demon King. However no one at his school was to know that. All they were to know was that he was a loud orange wearing punk who majored in Business and Accounting. While Naruto’s parents and grandparents all agreed a college education was very important. This wasn’t the reason Naruto had been sent to Konoha University. He was sent to the University to find his destined mate(s). As a Kitsune, Naruto would be reaching his 210th year; 21 in human years. And this was an important step in Naruto’s coming of age. As the time approaches for Naruto’s birthday, his youki will start to expand and search out optimal mates. Once he finds the one(s), he’ll start the mating ritual and establish alpha rights of his mate(s). Although he knew he'd love them equally and protect them all. Privately Naruto hoped he didn’t end up with 10 mates like his grandfather had – five females and five males. Because he knew while he may be dominant in the bedroom, he would be at all his mates’ mercy outside their rooms; should he inccur their wrath. His mother and his grandma's/grandpapas' were proof enough of that. Not to mention his Paternal grandmother, Tsunade’s, violent punches of retaliation against Jairaya gave him nightmares. ~ Suiren
  22. Pairing: - Top/Bottom order - Harry Potter/Kurt Hummel mpreg (Follows the movie timeline 2001-2007, but is completely book descriptive. This is so the age gape isn't so large.) side pairings are Ron/Hermione and whoever else. Harry Potter decided not to become an Auror. He instead just wanted a break after completing his eighth year. He took an extended vacation across Europe and Asia, taking with him Andromeda and Teddy. As he did this he took to learning how to prepare many different foods they ate and found himself enjoying it very much. It used to be one of the few chores the Dursley's gave him that he actually liked to do, and now it seemed fun. And as soon as he was back in England a year later, he decided to enroll himself in culinary school. Harry moved to Boston, Massachusetts soon after he graduated. There he met the most pretty creature on one of his trips into a wizarding alley. Kurt Hummel Had just finished his sophomore year and was off to see his maternal grandparents. Every Summer he woud spend at least a week with them, and the reason why was because he was a fifth generation squib. This in itself wasn't a big deal, but the fact that he was also a carrier changed everything. This year, however, was different. Last Fall his grandparents moved from their house in Columbos to Massachusetts and this year Kurt decided to spend the whole Summer with them so his dad could spend time with Carole. After a week in Boston, Kurt came upon a small jewelry store and he saw the most peculiar pendent. It was a crystal quarts wand pendent set within a white gold claw and a long chain. He didn't understand why, but he felt as if he had to have it. A few days later he met the most stunning green eyed man he'd ever seen in the old wizarding shopping block near his grandparents new house. And the thing that shocked him most was that the man was as interested in him as he was in the green eyed man. When the subject of age came up, Kurt was a little dismayed when Harry said he was going on 21 and Kurt 17. He found that Harry was from Surrey, England. Harry found out that Kurt was a squib. And they hit it off from there. The necklace Kurt bought was actually a pendent that was stolen from the Potter family 100 years age. Neither Harry or Kurt know. The pendent however did have magical properties and was aptly named the Potter Family Betrothal Necklace. This necklace had the power to test the magical and genetic compatibility between the current Potter heir and the wearer of the necklace. Harry had just recently gained the Head of the Family ring and the necklace activated. And when the two engaged in sexual activity, the necklace bound the two magically in marriage. Which alerted the Boston Wizarding Records of a magical bonding, and they in turn made a muggle copy and since one of the registered was British, they sent a copy to Britain's Ministry of Magic. Of course I don't expect everything to go smoothly, after all Burt Hummel doesn't strike me as someone who would accept this sort of thing right off the bat. Though I expect he would come around and accept it eventually as long as Kurt is happy. And Kurt who doesn't learn he's married until halfway into his junior year, think of all the conflicting emotions he would have. He would be glad that he's with Harry, but he is still in high school and what about college. Then there is Harry. Can he really make a marriage work with such a naive teenager who hasn't gotten to experience some independence and crazy adventures yet? He really likes Kurt and could definately fall in love with him, but would it last? Would his family and friends understand? The Weasley's forgave him for breaking up with Ginny, but would they support him when they found out he was married to someone he barely even got to know? Please, don't make Harry look like something he's not. I follow the books discriptions of Harry, not Dan Radcliffe. I don't want Harry to look different, his hair is black and messy, he wears glasses, has green eyes, and gotten taller in the sixth and seventh year (I have bad experiences of a 15-17 year old Harry being described as a badly malnourished 12 year old). I also don't think there is a solid resemblance between Harry Potter and Blaine Anderson. And I don't think even Kurt to get Harry to have any sense of fashion or say words like fabulous and such. Kurt also isn't very confident in his sexuality. He tries to act as if he is, but its painfully obvious that he isn't. So a story were he truely does gain confidence in all aspects of his character would be nice. He is a feminine boy and needs to accept himself fully, and I think in this storyline Harry would help him do just that. This is a reason I am not a big Blaine/Kurt fan. Blaine tells Kurt to tone himself down; to blend in. I'm not cool with having someone pretend not to be all of themselves, especially not for the sake of other people's opinions. Though I do want Blaine to appear in this story. He could be Kurt's friend. Though I think it would be funny if Blaine thinks that Kurt has a crush on him even though Kurt is just in awe to finally have a friend who can understand where he's coming from. In canon, Blaine unconsciously leads Kurt on - though I'm not really sure its entirely subconscious or not - so I would like to see him learn some hard truths about himself that he needs to know about what his actions could do. And I would really love to see Harry totally school Blaine on how to serenade someone, I heard the song Only One in Color by Trapt today and it suddenly gave me inspiration for a scene in which Harry sings to Kurt. ~Suiren Kurt is also a 'minor' when Harry and he engage in sexual activity although Kurt is of the 'Age of Consent' so you should make sure to use the proper warnings and disclaimers. (Please don't accept any challenges if your not serious about writing it. I find it rude and have already been disappointed three times.)
  23. People really need to stop saying they accept my challenges and not go through with it

    1. xDAISUKIx


      ouch... they do that?

    2. xDAISUKIx


      well... i love writing, but i suck at thinking up plot. XD

    3. SuirenAngel


      Yes, yes they do. It's happened to me three times

  24. I've already covered the bottom!Draco community. It's AFF I haven't. This site is the hardest to sift through for bottom!Draco stories.
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