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Posts posted by Justice6891

  1. Dear Prospective Beta,

    I'll be honest here: I'm an English major. I am a major grammer Nazi, but it's very hard to find the flaws in one's own work because the brain automatically supplies what is supposed to be there instead of what's actually written. I double and tripple check my work so please do not be offended if I do the same to yours. That being said, I am shite for deadlines-- couldn't be on time to save the world let alone my own life-- mostly because characters come more easily to me than plot lines. A sounding board for ideas is the best description of what I'm looking for, somebody who can help me tie together the pieces I've already come up with. I'm even willing to offer co-authorship on such chapters.

    My life is going to be hectic for awhile, I'll admit as much, but I am diligent and consistant in my writing. I also take constructive criticism well. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'll put in my best effort if you do the same.



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