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Everything posted by firebirdy13

  1. Plot bunnies for TFA Oww aren't they cute! Won't you please take one of these adorable, slash loving, plot bunnies home with you to care for and nurture? But be careful! Some of these bunnies can be a little mean. Bunny 1: Bulkhead and Bumblebee. Ok come on people! He needs love too! And Bumblebee is his best friend. Bunny 2: My friend said after seeing Lockdown for the first time that he looks like a child molester. That leads us to this! Lockdown kidnaps Bumblebee. A rape fic. Bunny 3: Lockdown kidnaps Optimus to get back at Ratchet. A rape fic. Bunny 4: Ratchet and Optimus. Optimus wants to spend so time with his special bot. What? It's cute! Read "Bot to Bot" by Dark Mrowlidash. Bunny 5: Ratchet and Bumblebee. Thank you hoppersnail! Read "Don't Stand So Close to Me" Bunny 6: Sentinel rapes Optimus. Ratchet to the rescue. Eventually Ratchet and Optimus. Bunny 7: Bumblebee sleeps with Sentinel to save Bulkhead. Eventually Bulkhead and Bumblebee. Bunny 8: Megatron and Optimus. A rape fic.
  2. I would like to request a subcatagory. Catagory name: Transformers/Beast Wars. Subcatagory: Challenges Section catagory to be in: Cartoon. Do you have any stories for it?: yes I had posted my challege and it had been taken down. But it was view over 200 times in the four days it was up. I even got three reviews! I think would be a great way to stimulate some creatvity .
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