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Posts posted by jb88

  1. Harry potter / charmed / twilight crossover.

    Charmed sisters all died without leaving anyone to look after their children (around ten I think). Harry was with them in a foster home and left and looked after them. They arrived in forks (twilight).  James potter and Sirius black found harry and the cousins and took custody, and also started getting a home built for everyone.

  2. I am trying to look for a fic that's about 5/6 chapters WIP with harry in another reality. harry changes his name to riddle and sets his cover as the cousin of harry and the son of Salazar Riddle / violet Evans and the grandsvoldemort. he arrived in this reality in the ministry cell, the potters in the end sponsor (harry) who stays at hogwarts to complete his WASPS in defense.

  3. I read a fic where cho is pregnant with cedric's baby (cedric is dead) and gets attacked by pettigrew i think. harry is with her and she uses this spell to transfer the baby to harry before she dies and harry decides to keep the baby and raise him/her for cho and cedric.

  4. The story title i believe was harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban and it was about harry being sent back in time to try and save people. he had a photo of his godson in his wallet and he always drank with neville and luna? in the future on halloween he was also headmaster. he said he was a seer to cover his knowledge of the future and was an artist and guiter player. also i think hogwarts had a ghost? as a go between the castle and harry. Ginny in the ends is told.

  5. The fic is called phoenixes but i can't find it (it isn't on fanfiction.net or AFF)

    Its about a group of phoenixes (order of phoenix members) in a Voldemort controlled world. remus and severus are already together when voldemort asked them to go to a slave auction. Remus smelt his third mate (harry) a slave. In the second part voldemort and harry find out the father and son.


  6. 1) Harry potter and NCIS Crossover. Harry is in america trying to find his children after ginny takes them and marry's malfoy. he helps gibbs and the team in the first page. Fornell is a wizard and has a seer!daughter. ducky then adopts harry and palmer. gibbs adopts siva. :angry: FOUND!!!

    2) harry was transported via a portal during a flood in surry when he was a child and grew up in an elvin? world (i Think) where they are split up of submissives who are not allowed to become fighters (Child Barers) and dominants who where the warrors. Harry and his adoptive family go to hogwarts then leave when voldemort is killed but harry stay's because he was draco's mate. in the end harry goes home to the elvin? community and marries and childhood friend and has children. If anyone can help i would really appreiate it. FOUND!!!

  7. im looking for a story that has harry as i guess a whore but i think he likes it and he dresses up as a school girl but he's still a boy with all his bits andwhat not and walks up to a club that lucius and i think it was severus with him and lucius gets all possesve and has sex with him on top of a car in front of everyone at the club..

    if some one can find this story it would be greatly apprciated! ^_^

    I'm not sure but i think what your looking for is a fic called "What Lucius Wants" by Moaning link below

    http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600012162 ^_^

  8. Thare is a story that is really bugging me that i would like to find.

    Its a story that the light gain an allience from vampires by selling harry for sex. In the end harry choses to be turned and become the consort (i think) of the vampire lord. Complete i think. <_<

  9. Can anyone give me some fics when harry goes to a diferent school other that hogwarts NOT beuxbatons and durmstrang. would be nice if he finds an OMC as a mate as well?

    others where he still goes to hogwarts but gets an OMC as a mate? <_<

  10. I had a weird thought today. Lately I have been watching a reading The Secret Garden. Is there any Harry potter fanfictions based off or similar to it? I know sometimes people write HP characters like they are characters from like Phantom of the Opera or Jane Eyre, so it made me wonder if there were any Secret Garden fics.

    I can remember one story like that but it was so long ago. i'll try and look though!

    sorry but i couldn't find it

  11. 2. I remember this story starts with letters. And Harry is liked by all the death eaters with Severus as his favorite. When he was a kid he only like Severus' stories and I think Voldermort is Harry's mate. All the death eater that get a letter which returns their memories of Harry. They then rush to Voldermorts side.

    Where Harry finds them and seeing that Severus is the most distraught. Harry hugs him and says "Sev tell me a story."

    The one above is called Blood Dripped Wings by Kamerreon. However she has taken it off Fanfiction.net but it is on her yahoo group @ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kamerreon/?yguid=305669452 (you do have to join though!) :rofl:

  12. I can't remember alot but it is a story of harry's (grand)son finding out about harry and cedric's relationship (via a picture in harry's office) before ced was killed from ron and hermione and went back in time to stop cedric being killed. if anyone can help it would be nice. :)

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