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  1. I'm pretty sure kerowynn is talking about Serpens Armarum by Evandar on fanfiction.net, it's complete and a really good read but sadly the sequel hasn't been updated in a while. Hope that helps! Mikal
  2. For number 3, I can only think of one one-shot that I've read, it's Pureblood Absolution by Xandria. Mikal
  3. hi again, I'm not sure about this one but is number 3 Delectationis Draconigenae by LdyBastet? Let me know because I think I may have read another story with that description before, then I can see if I can find it if this one isn't the right one. Mikal
  4. Hello the first one sounds like Radix Acclaro by Random Dispatcher also on fanfiction.net Hope that helps!
  5. hello! I'm pretty sure that number 2 is Mates by LeoZodiac! hope that helps! I would have replied sooner but I had to register and all that. Mikal
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