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Posts posted by sglily

  1. I can at least help you with Story #2 you are looking for...

    The story in question is called "Unknown" - where Ryou is a "lesser" angel and Bakura, a "higher" one. This story, along with all others written by the author, was removed years ago from both AFF and MM... I think she also published on FF - gone as well. See an earlier post responded to by me containing (perhaps) more info (if interested) in this section. The copy/paste function used here in the Forums isn't supported on my TouchPad, go figure.

    I remember Story #3 but would have to research a bit more to help in locating it.

    Sorry I didn't have better news... I also really enjoyed the R/B angel story and hoped to have read it to the end... The FINISHED end, that is!



  2. Howdy Everyone!

    Yeah, I know... don't fall over and hurt yourselves... there is finally an update to Ghosts waiting for you over in the YugiOh! fanfiction section. As I said in my pathetic Bio, (yeah, surprise-surprise, also updated), hardly posted in time for Christmas as orginally intended, but here is it regardless. I know updates are few and far between, but I do have to say that I am thankful to each and every one of you who has stuck with me over the years... and to those readers who recently found this story. I adore it and hope to finish it in a timely fashion - as I still adore a good Ryou/Bakura read.

    Oh, and speaking of Christmas... and various other holidays celebrated around the same time of year, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Merry/Happy Holidays to you all!

    Did anyone get a Wii-U? Just wondering... I'm gonna wait to see if they work out all the bugs the new system currently is experiencing...

    Nothing else of note to say other than sorry, as usual, for being late and never updating any story of mine in any type of timely manner. Just know that I still love these two guys and hope to keep their story/stories moving on.

    Much love,


    Review Responses for Ghosts of Christmas Past – Chapter Ten:

    Dragonlady222: Wherever you review, it is much appreciated! And really, thanks so much. It is so nice, so cool to see readers who have stuck around for years. Sadly, it has been years… with not a whole lot to show as far as updates and this crappy writer goes. So, yeah it is awesome to “see” you out there and to “hear” from you as well! Not sure what the deal is with MM… I haven’t been out there to scope anything out since the last time I posted there… and only when I finally figured out how I could. What a nightmare it was. Not looking forward to tackling it again with this newest chapter. But, it is what it is. Try to stick with me if you can and you’ll find out once and for all if Ryou and Bakura can “make it work”.

    Kiara: Wow. Thanks! I hope that you can still state that when (not if, mind you!) this story is finally finished! I’m honored, regardless! Glad you enjoyed the bantering between Bakura and Marcy… it was fun trying to make a female Bakura that could stand up to the dumb ass but not come across as a rip-off of his character… if that makes any sense. I’m sure we’ll see more of Marcy somewhere down the line… ; )

    Jen: It cracks me up that readers are still “finding” this story. That’s a good thing, trust me… but, funny to me in some kind of bizarre way because I guess I’m… well… bizarre! Babbling is more like it, eh? ; ) Glad you liked the interaction between Ryou and Bakura. Glad it came across exactly as you so expertly stated it – a weird kind of “nervous comfort/comfortable nervousness”. They are definitely trying to feel each other out upon literally running into each other after so many years… but it is almost as if they’d never been parted… well, once they get all that nasty business that happened during that separation of 6 years, right? I was hoping that Ryou’s story wouldn’t be too over the top. It seemed to be one tragedy after another. But, I wanted it to be bad enough, him lonely enough, almost desperate enough to fall head over heels in love with Bakura all over again – which he always was… but he needed to be reminded. I am only sorry that you experienced something that traumatic in your own life. It is one thing to write about a fictional character dealing with life changing events of such sadness and heartbreak; it is another to have lived it. Hopefully you have found comfort and love in the world and those special around you.

    Evilpyecat: Your penname keeps cropping up all over the place, my dear! That’s a good thing! However, I am worried for you that you can “see” Bakura through my story! He might just manifest himself and take over the world… or something… ; ) Lord help us all if he should do so and then be on the hunt for his Ryou. But, seriously, thanks so much for the kind words. Hopefully you will have caught the latest update in the story that has few of them as it is… few and far between… but never forgotten. Enjoy!

    Madalice: Another one who “just stumbled upon” the story! Oh, I love it! I know, it sucks to find something you like reading and it sits there forever unfinished… well, I’ll finish this, but not quickly, unfortunately. In the meantime, enjoy the latest update! And thanks again for finding it and dropping me a note!

  3. Wow. I really SUCK! I haven't been in here to check for awhile... so before I do anything else, I'll say "hey!" to those of you who have left a message here since last I lurked...

    Evilpyecat: Bless you for being ever faithful and letting me know you're out there waiting for more! Don't hurt yourself or anything getting over to YugiOh!... but, I've got a little present for you... ; )

    Guest Amanda: Thanks! And hopefully you're still interested in the story enough to keep coming back and look for another update! Good Lord... has it really been that long? Uh, yeah.

    Guest Captain Jelly: Awesome name by the way... ; ) Ouch. You've been looking at and trying to read that still mangled Chapter 8! I have to get on that one and fix the formatting. But, glad to hear that you enjoy Ryou's kiddos! I hope they get a chance to meet Bakura, too... that would make for some really interesting dialogue, to say the least! Now, if only Ryou and Bakura could get their collective asses in gear, eh?

    Kaizera: Yep, you are the first poster-er of the year. Go, you! Sorry that I missed you by a few days with this update... hopefully you are checking back regularly and will see it somewhat timely!

    Thanks again, everyone! I am going to go out and take a look at the reviews for the story and reply... posting back here in a few.

    'Til then!


  4. Just checking in!

    Kuro, my love... Happy Stalking Awareness Day??? Really? Oh, my! That one was made for Bakura, wasn't it? Yep, right up his alley! It makes me laugh every time I read it! Oh, and you can stalk me any time you please! Wink-wink. Kiss-kiss.

    Captain, thanks for continuing to check out the stories. Updates are few and far between... But, they do happen!

    Evilpyecat, oh,wow! What an interesting handle you've got! I also see that you hail from Bakura's hometown! However, he is from out in the middle of actual BF Egypt! Had to laugh at that as well! Thank you for the kind words! Glad you enjoy my versions of both Bakura and Ryou. I do miss referring to Ryou (or I should say having BAKURA refer to his light) as precious one. I guess that means I should work extra hard at finishing up Ghosts in order to do so, huh? ;-)

    Thanks to everyone who continues to read and support the awesome pairing of Ryou and Bakura! A special shout out to everyone who keeps my stories - and this thread! - alive! It is much appreciated and truly makes my day.

    Best regards,


  5. ACK. I missed April Fools x__x I have an excuse! I was in the Hospital again >n< But out home free now! :3

    But the real reason i came here - there was an episode of teh Show i watched today, Supernatural (6x01, for those that care to know) where Dean was checking all the doors and windows - it reminded me of Bakura, from...chapter 10 of Hazy Hot and Humid (I believe, I'm running on memory here XD). It was a nice surprise - and it made me want to write Bakura as a Hunter. XD

    Okay! I rambled on, added something to the page here. :3 Everyone have a wonder Easter Holiday (if you celebrate) and a Wonderful Weekend (If you don't)! :3

    Kuro, my love...

    What is this? In the hospital? Again? Here's to not having to add another "again". Be well, love.

    I should have known that you'd be out here wishing everyone a "happy" something-or-other! You're my official greeter and holiday cheer-er! Go, Kuro!

    Maybe... if I can get Ghosts under way and finished some day... I'll revisit Wicked next. It's the next one in line that would be somewhat easiest to finish. Don't like to leave anything openended. I will finish everything I've started... eventually.

    That cracked me up about you being reminded of a home security-wise Bakura! You're better than me... I'd have to look up the exact chapter that one came from... but, like you, I would have at least got the story right! Not to be egotistical or anything... but I really loved that part. It was one of those things that just sort of appeared while writing, sort of an added bonus that really had nothing to do with the actual storyline at the time... just another glimpse into the world of Ryou and Bakura and how much Bakura really cares for (and is in love with) his light. I'm a sucker for those kinds of moments.

    I think I am inspired to get cracking on the chapter from hell!

    Thanks again for keeping this thread alive! And a very Happy Everything to you!

    Much love,


  6. Hi all!

    Just a quick update since I'm here...

    Don't know if anybody has noticed but I couldn't take it anymore and have been fixing the formatting issues for this story - as top priority since it is the most current and the one that is at least being updated from time to time. Only got two more chapters to go! WooHOO! Been taking it slow and doing one a day or so, or whenever I have the time... also been working on the current chapter that has been nothing but a bear for me. Here's to working through it and having something to show for the effort, eh! ; )

    Thanks so much to everyone who continues to read this story, to those who take the time to review, and to everyone who visits here and posts their thoughts, comments, or encouragement. It might take me a bit but I reply back to everyone! Your support is truly an inspiration. Believe it.

    Back I go to duking it out with Ryou. He's not being very cooperative... might have to hand him over to Bakura a bit prematurely...


    Yeah, I think he needs a spankin'... naughty boy that he is.

    Much love,



    Bakura going crazy was amazing to read, but that poor christmas tree! I hope he fixes it!


    And I love Marcy and Bakura's interactions. Sooo perfect. This is amazing. SO WORTH THE WAIT!


    You said it all, my dear... "Bakura going crazy"... and he did just that, didn't he? I think I am more concerned with Bakura HOUSE than the Christmas tree! Bakura went on a bit of a pissed-off rampage, at best. Let's hope he can get his shit together so that he doesn't have to end up taking "Anger Managment" courses, or the like. Wouldn't want someone going postal like him around MY kids, that's for sure! Calm down, big guy. Breathe... that's it. Take another sip of your scalding, sugar-laced coffee... and breathe...

    As for what's in the package... we'll all have to wait and see... :D

    Glad you liked Marcy. She's been pretty well received. That's always good to hear! Perhaps that is because she is not a threat? I don't know. I thought it was kind of funny to have a strong female character that played off of Bakura and pretty much didn't take any of his shit... in fact, dishing it back to him at any given opportunity. Fiesty!

    Thanks also for all the holiday well-wishes! I think you hit them all!

    Stick with me! I will continue this story and see it through to the end.


  8. Hi Everyone!

    Uh... Anybody out there? Or is that the prevailing sound of crickets... Hopefully not!

    Well, there are no excuses to be had. None anybody wants to hear, at any rate. But, I finally did upload the second half of Bakura's reaction to Ryou's disappearance from Bakura's place of residence... Certainly, that is worthy of something, right? Right??? I'm very curious (and anxious) to hear what everyone thinks! So, please, do me the favor and honor of a review... or even a shoutout right here. That would be lovely... and totally make my day. Really. Really, really.

    As I mentioned, you get the full brunt of Bakura's reaction in this latest installment. So, was it what you expected? Did you choose... ...poorly? Or did you choose... wisely? Mainly from the list of "how will Bakura handle it" choices from my previous long-winded update to this Forum? Well, I imagine (hope!) most people didn't go with the... Bakura takes it with a grain of salt... oh, well!... and goes on his merry fucking way with his life without Ryou. Uh... no. So, if you didn't choose that (ridiculous, by the way) scenario, good for you! That would've been completely out of character, eh? Although, it would have made for a nice, short, all-wrapped up neatly sort of story. Just saying... ; )

    Oh... and thanks again to Saiyamaru for alerting me to the latest distressing state my older stories are currently in. AGAIN. I already addressed the issue on my profile page, somewhat. Yes, the most recent updates to the site here have messed AGAIN with formatting of older works that had been uploaded in a way not currently supported (and undoubtedly frowned upon now) by the new regime. It takes me so bloody long to upload a chapter the way I want it with the new stuff I am trying to update, that I can't see in the near future, me going back to fix the mess left behind. Believe me, I am not happy about it. It not only looks bad, but makes me look bad as an author... seemingly uncaring of one's hard work. Be it as it may, just know I am aware of it and I'll be happy to send you an Advil from the massive headache you will get from trying to dechipher whichever story you are attempting to read... if I have any left from personal consumption, that is...

    Honestly, it took me most of the morning to get the update out there, looking presentable. I use Word. If you use the Word cut/paste option to keep all of your formatting, there are huge gaps in the text and it's still unacceptable. So, I opt for the other one which then means I have to manually go in and correct any formatting issues (mainly the use of bold and italics)... and unfortunately, I use a lot of the last one there. Maybe that doesn't say a whole lot for me as an author, eh? Regardless, this particular chapter, I needed italics to differentiate between the two he's mentioned in the story. You'll know what I mean when you hit them. High end of thirty, almost forty, Word document pages later... Yeah. Long, boring morning.

    Enough is enough. Done bitching.

    On a somewhat lighter note... I swear to God... I NEVER in my entire LIFE heard the song that is featured in this newest update during Christmas, as much as I did this one past! It was just... well... uncanny. Made me at least think of this story... which is a good thing!

    So, without further ado... please enjoy! Thanks again to everyone who continues to follow this story. I do love to hear from you, so thanks a million to the ones who take the time to let me know how I'm doing, what you like, what you dislike, and everything in-between!

    Love you all!


    Review Responses for Ghosts of Christmas Past – Chapter Nine:

    Anon: Yes! Surprise, surprise! I am still alive and kicking. Oh, yeah, and still writing… Glad to hear that all of the above make you so happy! Well, as you can see in the new chapter here, Bakura is going through an entirely new phase of “confusion and angst”! It just sort of spiraled down from his initial shock of finding Ryou gone… and spoiling all his plans for the morning… and beyond. Glad you enjoyed Marcy! I know it is not everyone’s “cup of tea” to have original characters crop up in stories revolving around set characters such as Ryou and Bakura. But, this story demanded a few. Marcy is intentionally a very strong and demanding woman… and definitely a female Bakura. Needed someone who would be able to stand up to His Rottenness and hold his/her own. Hope to hear what you think about the latest installment!

    Moonbunny87: Wow. You called that one! Yeah, there was that ominous sort of calm before the storm… and then Hurricane Bakura unleashed his mighty fury! RWOAR! Or something like that. Yeah, Bakura is definitely not a morning person… and maybe it would’ve been a (major) stretch for him not to immediately remember Ryou and all the loveliness they shared the night before even when still half asleep… (Shame on him!)… but it needed to happen that way. Please forgive me! ; ) Seems like Marcy is likeable by most reviewers! Like I’ve been babbling about, she is so a female Bakura. Ryou gets under Bakura’s skin with sex and love… Marcy by being strong with tenacity while pulling no punches… Bakura-style!

    How’d’ya like them fires, hunny bunny???

    Captain: Here’s to being UBER HAPPY! Hopefully I made you so AGAIN with this new installment of Bakura’s Wrath/Enlightenment Hour… or however long it took you to read it. Personally, I wanted to smack the crap out of Bakura after his self-demolition of his household once he got past the boiling point… poor baby didn’t get his own way… got a little taste of his own medicine. Perhaps your opinion has changed, too??? But, in the end, I suppose he deserves a hug. Maybe only after he officially makes things right!

    Dragonlady222: Bakura is a bit… s…l…o… … … …w in the morning, eh? Yeah, not the sharpest tool in the shed when awoken before his time. Needed that extra beauty sleep or something… his wildcat just wore him out! Too bad he didn’t remember that a bit more timely. Point taken! Looks like Bakura just might be on the trail of his long, lost lover… We’ll see…

    Ojaesama: No heart attacks allowed! Thank you! I hadn’t even really noticed how Bakura is a bit more of a softy when all things Ryou are involved… well, up to this new installment, that is! I think poor Ryou’s ears must have been ringing… probably burnt to a crisp and now laying on the floor of his apartment… after Bakura’s… well… outburst. Glad you enjoyed the chapter… and hopefully this new update will give you a little taste of what is to come in the future. I’ll try to update to the best of my abilities. And thanks again for the lovely comments! This story is very dear to my heart and it is very humbling to hear that others enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy making it come to life!

    I have an account on FF.net, under the same penname actually (with perhaps a “1” after it? Don’t’ remember…), but none of my stories are published there. Only here on AFF and also at MediaMiner.

    Moonbunny87: You stinker! I honestly didn’t know it was YOU! Don’t worry… I am constantly forgetting stuff… name? What name? Yeah… I think Bakura had visions of creating himself a Man Cave of the upscale variety… because he could… even going so far as to build himself a brand new home in the ‘burbs. But, it’s kind of sad how money can’t buy you love… sounds like a song or something… ; ) Oh, and he did a little remodeling by himself in this latest chapter… he should probably fire the dumbass new contractor, by the way… ; ) Oh, my… Bakura guest starring on “Queer Eye”… good Lord! That’s a funny observation… and one I didn’t quite take that way! It is interesting the twists others can see with my “Blind Eye”, I guess! I guess in a way that Bakura was playing the stereotypical role of a gay man of some stature and wealth… Ryou was definitely not looking FIERCE in his wardrobe of choice that evening… and through no fault of his own. But, Ryou must have been rocking it enough to get a free pass to The Man Cave, yeah? ; )

  9. Hey love, just sticking my head in because its been a while since I have. : ) You liiiiiivvvvveeeeeeee!


    Hello! Just checking in, hope the new year is treating you and yours well. : )

    Hey, you!

    Saw your "head"... and just had to reply before getting to the meat of it all below. Thanks for keeping at me... I don't like all the dead time in-between, but, unfortunately, oftentimes, there's not much I can do about that. But, as promised... if a few days late (since I missed my "by the weekend" target date), here is the second half of Bakura's reaction to Ryou's slippage from the Man-Pig's bed... and house... (since it technically isn't a "home" yet!).

    The New Year? Holy crap! It is, isn't it?!? My, how time flies when one is having fun...

    Let me know what you think of the latest installment... I'm very curious to know!

    Much love,


  10. I think that if Beau (and Ryou, for that matter) followed the "trend" of becoming the cliche of what Ryou is usually portrayed as being (i.e. bookish, backward, shy, crying all the time, afraid of his own shadow, etc, etc, etc), it wouldn't have worked. Now granted, I have said that Beau is smart for his age (at least more book savy than his brother, at least enjoying the ability to read as well finding joy in the fine arts... even if in the form of crayon and paper... more of the Ryou-ish type of things) and he did cry when Kura acted up at the Mall and both boys were in danger of not getting the Wii they wanted, but I wanted to give Beau a little bit of fire. Oh, he has his older brother wrapped (much as Ryou usually has Bakura wrapped in some fashion in at least my stories!), but I wanted him to be able to stand up to Kura too... to not be a constant wet rag. (Maybe a little example of that would be when the two boys had the pulling contest with the picture of Bakura and their father.) And, Kura... he is just a little devil! I wanted to make him sort of sly... and already a big flirt... knowing exactly the right words to say that would have his little brother nothing but putty in his hands. But, I also wanted to make it perfectly clear that he lives for his brother... Beau's wealthfare is pretty much all he cares about... He may be a little devil but he is not a complete demon. He is lovable and far from evil. He has a huge heart and just happens to be more of a typical, messy little boy... with a bit of ADHD thrown into the mix. Both brothers play off one another... and ulitmately, love one another as only twins can.

    Oh, Ryou never got over Bakura. And, yes, it is sort of sad how just one night rocked Ryou's world - in more ways than one... rocking and knocking it right off its axis, is probably more like it, eh? Maybe it had been overkill as far as really delving into all the whys and whatfors surrounding Ryou's decision to leave Bakura as he had, all the internal, emotional stuff. But, once again, I wanted it perfectly clear why he did it. There should be no question in anybody's mind now why Ryou is denying himself the comfort of his first love. He feels that Bakura doesn't want him even half as much as Ryou wants Bakura. Ryou believes he was nothing but a fling to Bakura. To Ryou, he has so many things going against him... and anything he could bring to the table in a relationship would be loaded down with emotional baggage, hefty debts, and the added "bonus" of two children... and to someone like Bakura, just one of those issues on its own would be like the kiss of death... And even though Ryou was perplexed by some of the changes he had seen in Bakura in the few hours they had spent together on that infamous night, Ryou still perceives Bakura as being locked within those old ways. So, yes... Ryou is caught in a Catch 22... where he has come into his own, allowed himself to feel, found the love of his life, could possibly be happy... and then, undermines all of that with all his fears and doubts and making decisions for both Bakura and himself based solely on Bakura's past behavior, when the moron ran out on him six years ago.

    I hope that I did answer the demon question for you. If you think of something you need answered better... or in more detail... let me know. It challenges me to think... which is a good thing!

    And, thank you for alerting me to the awful state of Rings. As it so happened, Rings was not the only story that had been affected. I went through and at least got rid of all the code garbage that didn't belong in the body of any of the chapters of all my stories. Some are still in bad shape as far as huge gaps and whatnot in-between paragraphs but at least it is readable. I will attempt to go in and fix that mess when I can. It really irks me that past chapters that had been perfectly fine up to the big overhaul of the site were completely and utterly dorked up. Hopefully, the end result will be for the best so I'll bite my tongue and say no more.

    Get ready for the Big Blowout! I had to seriously consider chopping Bakura's chapter in half because, like Ryou's scurrying away back home, it grew and is now this monster. Not so big as Ryou's 3-Parter. But, it is 50 pages of a Word document. But, honestly, there was no good place to stop it so I'm going to let it roll as is. It'll just take some time to read. But, maybe it will be worth the wait? Let's hope!

  11. This would be the same author/story asked about in the post 4 or so down from this one by Guest_pixie0714_*. Good one, by the way, remembering the name "Ridge"!

    The author is Kristina Dalton. Looking up her profile, all of her stories have been removed.


  12. Hello!

    I don't remember this particular story's title but I finally remembered the author's name: Kristina Dalton. She had several very similar style stories centered around a rich, "man-mountain" type (I remember one of the characters in a story she wrote was named Roth). I checked, but it seems all her stories are gone. And, if I remember correctly, she had taken several stories down because they were to be published.


  13. Answer One: Which one should it be? Um... Yu- Good God, no! Hands down, it would be Ryou in the French maid outfit... although, I truly believe that Bakura would get more of a rise out of that... Enough said. (As if! Yeah, Bakura would be going around the house, tailing (sniffing) after his "maid", dropping shit on purpose... and Ryou, being the efficient little neat freak (oh, there's another cliche in Ryou's world, for you Saiyamaru!) he is portrayed as being in a lot of fanfics, would stop, strike a pose, bend over slowly (knowing he has a pair of eyes on him) while thrusting out his pert little ass and displaying it fully underneath all the frilly lace, probably shashaying back and forth for added enjoyment/arousal for his dark... and would end up sans the maid outfit for the rest of the day... and night. Yeah, a Bakura fantasy come true!)

    Answer Two: Um... Mal- WRONG! Oh, Nite-Nite, back in the Cat and Mouse days, got me thinking about this one. Definitely Bakura role-playing as a lecherous professor. Oh, yeah... and... didn't Bakura already dream something along these lines in Rings? I know there is some naughty school "girl" Ryou fanart inspired by this very same musing. Oh, yeah... Professor Bakura would wield his ruler well on school girl Ryou's pert little bottom for being... unruly... (Do we see a trend here?)


    Question Three: Would you rather see Bakura (His Royal Darkness) SOOO-PER HERO! Fighting crime and nailing the Bad Guy? ... ... ... or... ... ... Ryou getting the drop on his dark, tying Bakura up (to the bed), and doing a little master/slave roleplaying?

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