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Posts posted by PumpkinHat

  1. I was unsure if you were still looking for a co-writer or not, but I had a few questions in case you were.

    What exactly are you looking for in a writer to work with? Would I be writing just the actions of one character? Or would I be contributing to the story in other ways as well. Not that I mind either way, just wondering what all you would be looking for. Would you be opposed to advice on character development?

    I find the idea of this story intriguing because I'm just a nut for delving into character psyche. Josh sounds like he's got some inner issues, just by looking at how his thoughts work in that short prologue. Elaborating on that could be fun.

    Anyhow, I don't have much work up for my own writing. Only one story in the progress and it needs some serious editing lol. But, I've co-written another story with a friend of mine and I'll be happy to send a link to you. If you are still looking for a co-writer, feel free to message me.

  2. Okay if I may add my two cents. Riley has every right to be withdrawn and less-than-cuddly right now. He was raped people. I don't know if anyone of those hating on Riley for his introversion has had any experience with the topic but it's not pretty. I haven't personally but I've had close family and friends for whom I've had to suffer through the issue alongside. It's not fun for them and it's not going to be fun for those around them. He's going to be pushing people away until he's comfortable again because he's a realistic character and that's how people in those situations deal with their problems. Don't hate him for it, just understand.

    Now, to my votes.

    ARASHI!!! Is totally my favorite. Why? Because I just like how he deals with issues. He doesn't mess around and he gets his job done no matter what the cost because he's blindly loyal to who he serves. Or, so he appears. I am pretty sure there's more to it, but I don't know. And I like what I don't know. He allures in that respect and I just like a man of action.

    And to top things off: He. Kicked. In. A. Fucking. Door.

    Nuff said.

    My least favorite? Sadly, it's Johnny. I'm sorry but I'm not a touchy-feely person IRL so a guy like him would irritate the hell out of me. It's like "Dude, srsly. Back the hell off and give me some space." You don't have to be lovey dovey all the time. We get it.

    But I understand some people are like that and I won't hate him entirely. I like Johnny because of how much he has grown as a character. He's really become less of a spoiled little rich boy, and dammit he had a "I'M A MAN" moment when he outed himself to his dad. I mean I'm sure he was expecting what happened, but to go through with it? I have to respect the kid for that. It shows leaps and bounds for his character from who I read about in the beginning of the story.

    So, in truth. I don't hate Johnny that much. Not anymore, anyway.

    And also, kudos for Johnny's dad. He didn't take that shit and was like "Okay, that's nice. You're gay and you love Riley. Now get the f*ck out mah house, noob."

    I tend to like the 'villains' of stories. >:3 But something about that made Integra the second so appealing. The fact that he didn't redeem himself by accepting his son. Because it wouldn't have made sense if he did and I'm so glad that it happened this way. It made him a very strong, dark person that you have to appreciate for that sort of hard-headedness. You really see where Johnny gets his stubbronness from.

    Anyway, I'm enjoying the story as a whole. Too bad it's coming to an end, but it was sound and full of intresting characters and growth. It had all sorts of happy, sad, thrilling, intuitive moments that define a great read. So *thumbs up* you both deserve every view and good rating.

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