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Status Updates posted by SunaoTsuji

  1. ~_~ I've got work this weekend!

    1. Laiko


      I always seem to miss you. We must have completely different schedules. I feel like a friend died; my laptop is toast. If not for my phone, I'd go through withdrawl. Til next time...Laiko

  2. :D Hi! Dropping by to see ya for a bit. Hope all is going well~
  3. :D All's well. I've been working overtime so I haven't got a chance to drop by to read Twin Thrones yet. Good thing is that I've got tomorrow and the day after to do some good reading. :D

    I can't wait! Ahem... I'm tempted to forget sleep and just read but then I'd really screw myself over. XD

    Woo~ Definitely can't wait.


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