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http://twitter.com/puppygrrrl I set this up for when we're ready to post stuff again. See if we can thrown off for real It won't be anything that explicit, just some fun for future delectation. xx
CB :- Hmmm, 'Angelica' could be fun! Gives me an idea, i think, or maybe not. As the password, it's worse than you think. I could request the forum admin guys to resend my password, but I can't remember the password to get into my own fucking e-mail account! I didn't use my regular one y'see. I'm a donkey and I know it But I'm sure Shell don't mind. And Biigoh, your signature is awesome!
CB:- This isn't No Refund writing on this thread but me (christinaboone), long story short but I can't remember the password I signed up with, but anyway, all my posts I'l start with CB, so you know it's me. (Sorry Shelly) Anyway, I think you can pretty much ignore that post by Sennheiser as it was about the original version of chapter six part two, before HE re-wrote it. But we needed to establish the place (the Bronze) and the characters available (Willow, Harmony, the Cordettes, etc). Now, all manner of degradation and perversions can take place using the place and the people we have set up. There will be LOTS more Willow. We wanted to start easy with the stripping then move into more humiliation acts of debauchery in the next chapters. I still have vicious writers block so it['s on hiatus at the moment but I will get round to it. Besides, I wanted to write the kind of fic that I would want to read, so there'll be lots more kinky fetish stuff rather than straight out fucking.
Yeah, the original version of chapter six was waaaay longer and included Dawn but I cut it for use later on as I no idea what I was going to do with her. Now I have ideas. But also, I WILL be turning Willow sub. I gotta re-write, re-think and re-approach the whole damn thing now. Tricky times ahead, but thanks for the support
Ok, how about if I set it after they've finished college. Willow is working as a computer software designer and Buffy is a copy editor/proof reader for some publisher (like in Suburban Girl, which sucked by the way). They don't legally change her name, she is just known as Puppy to her owners and her playfriends. But they get her to quit her career and she has to work at the Doublemeat Palace. It would be so demoralising and humiliating for her to work at a place she used to frequent and laughed at the drop outs. What if the manager (Amy maybe?) found out about her servitude and, with Willow and Faith's permission, acted out a few of her own fantasies with Buffy. When Buffy is at home and acting the role of Puppy I'll write it from her POV. When she is out in the real world I'll write it from the Narrators POV. It should help recognising that she is still Buffy to the rest of the world. By showing her like this (like someone, can't remember who, suggested) it would be more humiliating having to act this way. It would give a whole new avenue for exploration if she was a part time slave, but still devoted to her owners. They could text her with embarassing things to do while out on her own, testing her resolve and commitment to them. Maybe?
Hmmm, me likes it. After all, in chapter...er, five (I think) Willow got turned on by Faith when she acted out a little cop fantasy. That could be the turning point for Willow. I shall think upon it my friend and see what my brain tells me. It would leave Willow and Buffy still lovers, just submissive pets as well. Still have their wedding. Maybe when they take Puppy to the park (chapter two?), instead of meeting Vi and Rhona (two characters I threw in there just for the hell of it) they could meey Kennedy instead? But who should be 'Precious'? Tara maybe, and she gets trained and given to Xander and Anya? Once Joyce gets her xmas card of Buffy anked and pet-like I guess she'll want to know what's going on. And I did like the Dawn ideas. I was working on something along those lines, but was unsure where to head with it. Should I re-write it from the narrators POV seeing as many different characters could be doing shit now? Long weekend coming up, I think I may be spending it getting a nice PC tan Thanks so much for giving a shit.
The problem is I don't want to do a fic that revolves around magic and slaying and things like that. I wanted to keep it in the real world. Ok, if I changed Kennedy to Tara (change Tara to Kennedy for the vets chapter, and for the last chapter) would Kennedy become Faith's lover? But what about the Willow/Faith wedding? I NEED my romance, baby I'm even more confused than I was at the start Help?!
Ok, thanks chrissy. christina boone (who is taking a short break from writing The Magic Pencils as, apparently, she has severe writers block) is planning to do a scene where Puppy spreads syrup (or something) over her pussy and has to have a real dog lick it off her, whilst trying not to cum in the process. Girlfriend, you're mental, but I loves ya anyway and sort your logging in details out woman! For myself, I'm going to do a reverse tug-of-war between Puppy and Precious where they have to push instead of pull. It'll involve Puppy, Precious, two puckering buttholes and a double ended dildo. All bets taken on the winner
Title : Heel Puppy Author : No Refund Summary : AU - Willow wants her lover, Buffy, to be her slave for the weekend. With the help of Faith they unleash Buffy's true desire to be used and humiliated. Ratings : Adult ++ Pairings : Willow/ Faith / Buffy / Kennedy Spoilers : Nothing really, it's AU Feedback : Sure, why not URL : Click here To Read Heel Puppy Ok, Sennheiser wrote that he would prefer to see Willow in the role of Buffy. I had planned on doing this two or three chapters ago but I couldn't be bothered to re-write it, but I have often thought of this as it does make sense really, because:- a) Willow is much more of a sub character, B) In chapter three it would Cordelia a reason for wanting revenge, still mad at the humiliation she suffered after the Willow and Xander cheating incident, c) Now Kennedy has been added it would work out that the two of them hit it off, d) Willow and Faith are planning to meet Willow's Mom. If was changed then they would go see Buffy's mom, who is a character we are already well familiar with, e) I was trying to figure out how to add Dawn, it would remove any notion of incest, Does anyone else want to see this?, as it wouldn't take long to re-write. Let me know and we'll take it from there. But also : In the last chapter it was said that Buffy (or maybe Willow now) and/or Kennedy would be appearing in three minute movies on her pay-to-play website. Does anyone have anything they want to see? I was thinking, why not throw it open to everyone? Write your own three minute scenarios involving Puppy/Precious and any of the characters already mentioned and e-mail them to me. It won't be for the next chapter, but the one after that. It's kind of a challenge and there's no time limit as there will be more than one of these type of chapters ahead. New writers and first timers are more than welcome (zoogirl, this means you ) as I will edit all entries anyway, especially if they are really good as they may make me look like shit The rules :- Nothing non consensual and nothing featuring characters under 18. But anything goes really, but use this thread to let others know what you're planning otherwise we might end up with half a dozen fics all doing the same thing. I set up an e-mail address specifically for this challenge. So hit me up at norefund2010@hotmail.com Laters NR
The pencils are bonded to Faith's soul, and though the pictures contain the true essence's of the scoobs she wants to keep hold of them in case she gets bored and wants to re-draw them. Which she will do at points, given her short attention span it gives us a reason to change characters whenever we feel like it. You never know, some witchy person could steal the pictures and possibly release the true essences back into the bodies which would make all hell break loose. That won't happen (yet), but I do have a habit of changing my mind as I go along. Maybe Faith has a growing sense of guilt over what she is doing and will release them herself. We'll see. But another set of pencils? Hmmm, that could give things a twist. Nice one dude. Oh, and i totally forgot about the professor. Ooops, but thanks for bringing that to our attention, we'll think of something. As for Amy, as well as the Mayor, let's just say we have plans. Which may also change as I go along Thanks for reading. We do appreciate your feedback, if there's anything you want to see with certain characters give us a shout and we'll see what happens.
Yeah the pictures were erased, but thanks to the joy of the editing tool I went back to the eariler chapters and un-erased them therefore setting up the idea about what would happen if someone stole them. Yeah, the vamp Willow thing could be fun. We have a lot to squeeze in as there is much, much more to come but we'll see what happens bro.
Chapter Six. Better Dead Than Red - Part Two (Fait(h) Accompli ) Ok this is the re-write of it. Sorry to do the whole re-post thing, but Sennheiser pulled our collectve asses out with his editing skills. Kudos to the man!
Maybe I'm just an idiot? I've never done a lengthy fic with an actual plot before so I'm making this shit up as I go along. After all it was meant to be just half a dozen smutty drabbles but then people wanted a plot and it got kind of out of control. Maybe it just shows how fucked up faith is? Or maybe how fucked up I am? Take your pick really. But essentially this all just build up to Faith seeing the light and changing her ways. We'll have to see, but I keep changing the end so who knows what might happen. But I've re-edited earlier chapters to add a new sub-plot idea. I have a reputation for not thinking things through and I'd like to keep it intact..... But thanks for taking the time to think about this, 'cos lord knows I haven't!
I thought the 'murderess' Faith having therapy sessions with the Mayor would mirror how in season seven the 'murderess' Willow had therapy sessions with Giles, and got away with attempted genocide without so much as a fine. And at what point did the Mayor eat children? Must've missed that episode. And I'm editing the previous chapters all the time so I've changed more bits about the 'forever thing' too. And I'm spreading the Willow shit out too. The pussy is the most sacred of holes so it'll build up to that, and I like anal. And I want to do more fetish stuff rather than the same old smut each time as it's really boring. And I'm pretty fucking drunk at the moment too.