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  1. Yeah, she's right about the potions book--but she harps on it WAY too much. She still lectures Harry about the book even after Harry used something he learned from said book (the bezoars, or whatever the hell they were called) to save Ron's life. The second thing you mentioned is actually Hermione's worst moment in the entire series, in my view. She gets upset with Harry when she thinks he's slipping Ron the potion, but earlier in the book, she helped Ron make the team by hexing the other keeper (Cormac?) during his try-out. Her anger at Harry made her look like a GIANT hypocrite, IMO. Still, I get your point. She is seen to be "in the right" far more often than anyone else in the books. Anyway, have you given any thought to what you're going to do next, whether it be expanding this story to DH, or a new story perhaps? I hope you keep writing either way, because I really liked this story.
  2. I understand your point on Ron. Reading these notes, I seemed to realize that I didn't really have any problems with Ron until Goblet of Fire. And I didn't think he ever really recovered from that. The way JKR wrote him in DH (read: abandoning his friends) sealed the deal for me. But like I said, I do get where you're coming from; he didn't get to do much of anything heroic in the later books, so what sticks with most people is his jealous fits. I will point out that I don't hate the Weasleys in general. Mrs. Weasley, I could do without, but the rest are just fine. I also think the Harry/Ginny relationship makes little sense, but I have no problem with Ginny as a character. I didn't think Hermione was perfect in canon. She was clearly justified in her disagreement over the broom in Prisoner of Azkaban that you referenced, but I thought she came across like a rather poor friend in several parts of HBP. And she seemed a bit overbearing with her nagging of Harry & Ron throughout the series. I actually thought the way you wrote Hermione's reaction to Harry & Pansy is very similar to how canon Hermione would have reacted to the situation.
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