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Posts posted by surelyslytherin

  1. Hello,

    I'm looking for a Beta for an Other School Harry Potter fic. It will move towards being epic-ish. I will only ever post chapters that meet my personal rule of 10,000 words or more.

    This will be categorized as "Adventure," but I may put a pairing or 4 in there. If there is a relationship, it will most likely be slash. Although, I have thought of doing a het and a slash version. I won't be doing extremely heavy lemon either way.

    This will feature many of the Weasleys, though not necessarily Ron or Ginny. Dumbledore will be seen in a negative light. Right now, I'm neutral on Ron and Hermione, but my muse may bash them around a bit.

    I'm not looking to put any chapters out right away. I've got several 10,000+ chapters written, and I am really wanting feedback. The first 10-15 chapters with be leading up to the change in schools.

    If you're interested, please email me @ bleedingpastredemption@gmail.com



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