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Posts posted by denise0949

  1. Are there any good stories where Harry is dating a Weasley...Ron, Charlie, or Percy maybe!? I've had a hard time looking for a good story. I was hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I would perfer bottomHarry. But if its good I'll read almost anything! Thanks.

  2. Hello, I'm curious to know are there any other stories that have H/D in movie themed settings. I've read fics that were based on movies such as Bridget Jones Diary and How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days. And believe it or not I've also read one that was based on Jon and kate plus 8. So are there any other stories based off of movies or shows with H/D?!

  3. Hi, I'm looking for a fic that has Harry in his anigamus form as a cat. I believe it is during his sixth year and he's trying to figure out what Draco is up to. Every night Harry would transform into his anigamus form and go down to the Slytherin's dungeon. Draco noticed the cat and claimed it as his. At night Harry would come back and sleep in the bed with Draco. One night Draco was wanking and it turned Harry on so while in his cat form he began getting hisself off. It sounds weird but I would like to read it again. I also remember that Harry would lick Dracos cum when he was done. Thanks to anyone who finds it.

  4. I recently read Where's my Dragon? It was basically a story about Harry bumping his head and assumed Draco was his boyfriend...I was wondering if there where anymore stories about Harry or Draco losing there memory and thinks that they are each other's boyfriend?! I would really appreciated it if someone knew of anyother stories like this. Thank you!

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