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  1. with my avatar i tried to illustrate realistically my facial expression when i began to enter the filth of fanfic^^
  2. Seems to be fixed now
  3. just what i thought^^ hadn't read it that way before, so i asked. thx
  4. hope, you won't laugh about my question either - but could you briefly explain the meaning of "beta" as a verb?^^#
  5. is this the right subforum....? like i wrote before i am working on a blog, where i carry together all that kinky and smutty and beautiful turn-on stuff - FF-reviews, links, book-reviews, vids, pics an such. now since i'm rather new in this scene, i surely don't want to upset anybody. so here's my question: do you think, it is ok to post pics without explicit permission of the originator? because in many cases the artist is unknown or not contactable... and of course i neither would pretend, that *i* am the artist nor do hotlinking. and what about fanfic - is it ok to quote some lines of the story (of course with naming the author and linking to the corresponding site). i'm a bit unsure in this case(es)....
  6. hi, everyone! i'm Zenon, i'm from germany and since i entered the FF-sphere, especially AFF, i'm a bit worried about myself. it seems to absorbe me in a addictive obsessive way. MY PRECIOUSSS! by now i'm primary into Prison Break FF (EXCEPT FOR "MISA" - PESTILENCE!!), but i just start to discover the other ones (TMNT...^-^). since i'm not going to write sotries myself and i somehow have to deal with that overload of input (haha) i'm currently setting up a blog, which will contain reviews, links and collections of smutty, turn-onny and amazing stuff LOL
  7. yes, ima catch up on that absolutely. it's really a pity, you can't at least see on the author's page when the last login was.... but first and foremost i have to search some t-bag/LJ material
  8. this is SO not fair!! i just read the single-chapter fic Babes and Bathwater - it nearly got me off free-hand (no kidding) - and than i had to detect, that it was written in 2005 so it's pretty safe to assume, that there is no chance for any sequels OH CRUEL WORLD! *desperation* apart from that: i kinda miss the possibility to make contact with the authors - a PN-feature, a guestbook or something like that. (not that this would realyy help me with 'outdated' authors -.-) i only could spot the reviews for each story for this aim by now? are most of the authors also active in this forum anyway or rather not? *sigh* i guess i'm gonna go to bed now - enriched and awfully frustrated at once
  9. Zenon

    Yaoi Anyone?

    oh, my first post (hope, my english will work out^^°) ontopic: for years Kizuna was my uncontested favourite (i guess it also was my first yaoi). but now it has been ousted by the Finder Series - not only for the amazing style of drawing but the increeeeedible HOTTT two semes! *gasp* look at the hair of Fei Long! also cool, that the uke is not this typical womanish whiny wuss. up to now i potracted to read volume 4, since there are just those 4 if i am informed correctly?!
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