I'm having a similar problem, trying to c/p a new chapter via the control panel, using Chrome, ignoring the update by file box, using rich text editor. I can add the chapter title, but the moment I paste my chapter in the rich text editor, it snaps over the "Aw, Snap! There was an error!" webpage error. I have two other tabs open in Chrome, and no problems with them. No problems with clicking around the AFF site in general, and I edited two chapters successfully before being foiled in adding the new chapter. I keep trying, but it isn't working. Restart is problematic, as I am running a sync with Google Drive. That may actually be gumming things up, but I don't think so, since everything else online works fine except c/p of a new chapter. Any ideas? Is the rich text editor having an issue tonight, or maybe it really is my sync messing it up? Thanks so much for any info or suggestions you may have.