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Everything posted by missyxxmischa

  1. ok...im not really expecting any answers becuase im not positive if the story im looking for was on this site, or arrinfantasy, or just some random link. But i remain hopeful cos the story was so good! cries* i remember a bit of it, enough to get a gist. (it was unfinished) Ok its a vampire story - very angsty. not very romancy or fluff like. Theres this young vampire (14/15??) with red? hair who has like.... physco problems (as in - he acts like a homicidal maniac), who is under the wing of this older more mature vampire, who helps him hunt (and control his blood lust i think). These two have like a love=hate relationship and master/apprentice (stratch that - i dont think you could call it love yet, at all) anywayz-- in the first chapter the young vamp is hunting in the city while the more mature one watches him......uhhh and then something happens, .......oh yes...i remember in the beginning the red head is talking about being able to smell the fear of some guy he is hunting and he ends up all covered in blood like a crazy person. Next instead of killing this other human man (maybe he was a cop/dedictive/dadective - holy crap i cant spell) they take him back to their place..... then i cant remember a whole lot of stuff....-___- and it gets to the point in the story when the master vampire meets up with his previous apprentice and they kill all these guys together. while this is happening the red head vamp is being hunted down and gets into a fight with this bad ass vamp whom his master knows of. i think it ended after him getting hurt. OH crappy. writing this really jogged my memory, and im more certain it was on arrinfantasy. any help would be VERY appreciative! its really killing me. sob* blows nose* cries some more*
  2. heeey! sorry im very late to say thankyou! so thankyooou! my need for gay porn has thankfully passed.
  3. Quote = off some random movie i guess. Must have remembered it from my emo phase, when i wallowed in self despair. har.....har. Signature pic - My own private Idaho ---of course! starring the gorgus River phoenix. If you like gay movies or not, you should watch it. watch it now! and cry at the unrequited love River faces with Keanu Reeves! Bah-humbug!. (god i must be bored, if only the font sizes could go bigger. woe is me.)
  4. While my avatar Looks like some porno star, its Dolores Haze or Lolita, in Stanley Kubricks 1962 film based off the novel. Love, love love the movie. Though i sometimes feel bad for enjoying it so much, when its about a pervy pedophile. But its just so comical! gaah. and i just realised that Katy perrys album cover is a copy of Lolita's pose in the movie when she first sees pervy Humbert!. cough....i thought that was interesting....yeeess.
  5. I remember roughly the first chapter. Actually only the sex part. harhar. To sum it up - this manly....man vanquishes demons and incubi and stuff. Some skinny boy (who i think is rich and a loner at school? ) has an incubi inside him (or feeding off him). When Inside the boys house the tough dude basically errr.... gets rid of the demon thing by having really REALLY hard core smex with the boy on his bed........ Wow, yep thats where my memory stops. so yeah if any1 knows the name, please share it with me. Im in a pervert mood, and craving hot m/m smex. oh geez, what have i become? (p.s i think the macho dude was following him at school and talking about the boys eyes, and then after they have hot smex, the boy goes off with him...somewhere...)
  6. ________________________________________________ haha, i say we track down where she lives and stalk her. im not sure that what that would accomplish, but at least we would feel some...strange...statisfaction from it. (geez im bad at this replying/posting thing)
  7. ooer it worked yay. ok now that thats outa the way. i too am loOking for that stoRy, but it seems like the author has purposely deleted it. on her fictionpress acount she deleted her whole page. so it looks like the author has just left us hanging. o boy it really irritates me when they do this, especially after people get hooked on it. Its not like it would be the hardest thing in the world to leave one short sentence explaining themselves. anyway if you hear anythin please post it on here! it really was a good story, and they had just gotten to the good bits! UGHHHH. BLOODY ANNOYING.
  8. testing one two three testing
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