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Everything posted by lovinfanfics

  1. Thanks for replying it was a James Hermione fic. I'm still sad that I can't read malfoi and a living history from mistress malfoy anymore
  2. Looking for a fic by black lotus called pendulum. Was it on any other site besides grangerenchanted
  3. Thanks that's it. It sucks so bad that this site is still down
  4. Looking for a fix where Hermione is due to be with multiple wizards. They are the elements for her. A vampire comes and help her get centered because she has to pass all the steps to become whole or she dies.
  5. You are awesome
  6. Found it http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3208429/3/A-Change-in-the-Wind
  7. thank you all for looking
  8. yeah tried both of those sites doesnt work
  9. What happened to it. did krissy remove her stories
  10. hermione was falsely accused of murder and sentenced to azkaban. Everyone turned on her and didnt believe she was innocent until they captured draco and he told them the truth. everyone was horrified but ginny who still said she was guilty. This caused her and harrys relationship to end in d ivorce. It was a ron and hermione ship. He wants to get back together but she needs time. she eventually forgives him and everyone else.
  11. Thats the story thank you very much
  12. hermione worked for the malfoys where they treat her like family, then she goes and works for snape who needs a assistant and they end up falling in love i think hes the headmaster
  13. The story was called the year of change by donovan but has been taken down from the site
  14. This story is called the phoenix by tas http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=24482
  15. Thank you thats the one I was looking for.
  16. Looking for a story in which Hermione and Snape are married. the relationship is horrible and snape dies in a potions accident, he gets to heaven or somewhere like that and gets a second chance to make things right with hermione after viewing all the bad things he did to her in the marriage. Everyone wants her to leave him but she loves him
  17. The story is called Don't Hate Me Because I Have Fangs by LoveSpell
  18. Through the Eyes of a Child by Jamies_Lady. She had it on granger enchanted but accidentally deleted it so you can find it on the manor the malfoy centric
  19. I am looking for a fanfic where sesshomaru is not popular at all, and he was walking home from school with all his school books because he was gonna commit suicide then Kagome gave him a act of kindness and they became best friends and at his graduation he announced that he was gonna commit suicide but that kagome saved him
  20. In the story Hermione comes to Hogwarts and Harry hates her because she killed remus. Everyone sends him to another person to get the real story and finally harry and hermione go visit remus in a secret cave where he discovers why he she killed him. He has to break a connection, and Hermione is a vampire.
  21. Learning the Hard Way by Lexy Malfoy
  22. This kinda sounds like the Pulse by Chelle but Hermione wasnt a siren i think
  23. Yes this is it!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!
  24. I believe the story youre looking for is called a reason to be by Oblivion in my eyes
  25. No its not that one but its reading interesting, ill keep looking though and post the link if i find it.
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