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Everything posted by kierstenSIN

  1. Basically, i am looking for a lot of great Harry/Draco AU stories. So show me what you got
  2. Hey Everybody! Does anyone know of a fic where harry is a photographer and draco is a buisness man i believe. They met after they graduated school ( So this is an AU of Harry Potter) and draco went with harry on his trip to take photographs. In the end, Draco has to go back to london, and harry is going to continue his trip for six months but realizes he loves draco so he cuts his trip short and goes back to london to be with draco. Anyone know what this fic is called? Kinda crazy that i can remember ALL of that, but cant remember a simple title. lol Oh well. as always, any help is appreciated. (BTW, im still depseratly searching for that harry/draco exctacy fic.) Thanks, Kiersten
  3. Anyone? Please? I REALLY wanna read this story again.
  4. Hello once again. Im actually looking for a story this time. I believe it was called extasy but im not sure. I do know that in it, dudley gives harry extacy and then harry and draco end up getting trapped in a room somewhere where they do the extacy and sexy time ensues. Anyone know where to find this story????? I desperatly want to read it again. Love&Rockets, Kiersten
  5. Thanks so much!!!! i cant wait to read them all!
  6. Thanks! unfortunetly for me, i dont like anything other than Harry/Draco. Dont know why.. but if i read any other pairing i just dont like it...
  7. I am back once again on my quest to find Harry/Draco fan fiction Anyhoo... now im looking for any good stories where either harry or draco is a slave or worker to the other. But i want it to be consensual. So, i dont want the slave to hate being the slave. and nothing too gross. In truth im looking for fluffy slave fics. Wierd right? lol Any help would be great. Love&Rockets, Kiersten
  8. It does!! Thanks so much!
  9. Hey guys, Im currently looking for a story called matinee by ladyvader. I did have her story saved, but for some reason the link doesnt work anymore. The story was originally at yahoo, so if anyone knows another link that would be incredibly helpful !!! Thanks again, Kiersten
  10. Hey guys, Im currently looking for a story called matinee by ladyvader. I did have her story saved, but for some reason the link doesnt work anymore. The story was originally at yahoo, so if anyone knows another link that would be incredibly helpful !!! Thanks again, Kiersten
  11. Hey! Im really desperate. Im looking for any fics where Draco and harry were friends, then fell in love as they grew up. I dont want anything too angsty, so no fics where harry turns evil. I dont mind anything else really, i just want there to be little to no angst between harry/draco and i want it completed. Please help. im dying over here. lol (Oh!, and smut of course!)
  12. Hey... im looking for any good Harry/Draco stories where Voldemort was already defeated. I really would like very little angst and it can be either short or long but it has to be harry/draco and completed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks, Kiersten.
  13. It does help!! Thanks alot!
  14. Thanks so much! I just read it and it was awesome!!!
  15. Hey! im looking for any fics where parselsmut is involved...or any fics where parseltounge is a main theme. Strickly harry/draco. Thanks!!! i appreciate anyone's help.
  16. Ok..so im a sucker for a good christmas story. its my fav holiday. So does anyone know of any good christmas stories with Harry/Draco?? I'd really appreciate. Im going crazy looking... Thank you Kiersten
  17. Ahhh thank you thank you thank you thank you. You were most defenitly helpful!
  18. Im looking for a fic where harry likes draco but instead of telling him asks draco to teach him how to have sex. Thats all i know . any help is appreciated ! thanks, kiersten
  19. Well, im desperatley searching for a harry draco fic myself. I posted it in a topic here. if you could help me out in return i would greatly appreciate it. If you cant, i understand
  20. Hey, im looking for any fic where harry and draco are really sweet towards each other and out of character. kind of like a hurt/comfort fic with very minimal angst. Kinda just a sappy love story. lame i know, but i love it. Your help is greatly appreciated. Im desperate here!!! thanks, kiersten
  21. its called the price of valour by Weasley Wench. Her livejournal is...http://weasleywench.livejournal.com/63833.html she doestn have her stories on AFF anymore. Seriously awesome fic though. its one of my favorites.!!! Hope i helped, kiersten
  22. Hey, im desperate for some good fan fiction, and i was wondering if anyone knew of any good Harry/Draco One shots. The more the merrier! Oh and if anyone knows of any threesome pairings with Harry/Draco/Blaise and/or Ron?? Thanks so much, kiersten.
  23. For harry/draco stories, check out anything written by Slashpervert Roxierose 13 jennavere Faith Wood Jamie 2109 or Digitallace Seriously awesome writers there.!
  24. Hey! im desperate for some really good stories. If anyone knows of any stories where harry or draco are blind please tell me! and if you know of any other really good stories feel free to tell!!! i usually have no preferences. Thanks so much, Kiersten.
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