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Posts posted by Noninimicus

  1. Specs:

    Harry Potter/Young!Albus Dumbledore





    I have a plot bunny with two or three random scenes written and a skeleton of plot points to be hit, but not much else. I'm hoping to find someone who will allow me in on the writing process- not to write, but to observe and (if needed) guide.

    If you are curious or interested at all, please email me at noninimicus@gmail.com

    I will share any details with you through email.

  2. Been looking for this fic for YEARS. Reposted.

    Basically Severus and Harry are forced to attend a Muggle club as Master (Snape) and slave or pet (Harry). Harry had to wear some obscenely tight leather pants, if I recall. The part I remember clearly is that they guy they go to meet has a blond pet who's talent is dancing. And he's really really good at it. I think when they ask what Harry's talent is, Severus says something about him not being fully trained yet.

    Ringing any bells? I desperately want to read it again...

  3. I'm looking for any good (complete, please!) Christmas slash, but specifically, does anyone know if Mistletoe by Forever Then Some is archived anywhere in the great wide somewhere? I adore this fic and I can only find broken rec links anymore. :(

  4. I read a fic not too long ago where Harry speaks fairly regularly to a past version of Severus via the room of requirement. It starts off with Severus fairly young, but time doesn't pass the same and years go by between Harry's visits until Severus is near to Harry's age when they get together.

    Anyone have any idea?

  5. I recently went to re-read a fic called Da Mi Basia Mille and found the link was broken. It features Harry and Lucius as lovers in a past life and was short but very good. I believe it took place in Pompeii. I have gone all over google and everywhere else I can think of but can NOT seem to find it. I was wondering if anyone knows of somewhere it is still posted or has a copy they can e-mail me?

    EDIT: Found it! :D


  6. i am looking for some suggestions on good fics that include hermione with fred and george if anyone could i would greatly appreciate it

    Damn. This reminds me of a really good one where Fred and George are working with Hermione and totally in love with her. They invite a hooker who looks like her into the office while they think she's gone, but can't go through with it and she hears the whole thing.

    I can NOT seem to find/remember it. I hope this summary, sloppy though it is, will help someone who knows it to let you know. If I find it, I'll post it for you.

    Sorry. D;

  7. I've been desperately looking for this fic for what seems like forever.<br /><br />It's a Harry/Severus fic where Harry somehow finds himself in Severus' dreams. He's always by the lake and the motion of the water reflects Severus' emotions. I think the dreams usually had a blue tint to them.<br /><br />Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    Actually, I'm interested in any maturely rated m/m dreamfics.

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