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  1. Hey, A little about me: I'm 24, Male from the UK. I'm new to the forum but have been writing off and on for years. This is the first time that I've looked for a Beta though. I'm looking for a open minded and patient beta who is good at correcting grammar and punctuation and all that stuff, if you look at some of my earlier work on here you will see I need all the help I can get. I would prefer the beta to be female as most of my story is going to be written from a female point of view and id like it to be at least 1% realistic. Also I tend to get on better with girls than guys anyway. About the fic, Its an original piece, although I'm sure there will be elements of it which are inspired by a number of things. Its pretty dark at the moment set in a New York City type place in a not too distant future world. I don't really have a plan for how it will turn out other than I want it to have a happy ending. It already has a little violence and some rough straight sex in it. I'm planning on there being some BDSM and Lesbian scenes in it too but im not sure when or how much, I enjoy making it up as i go along really. I dont know what else i can say really. If you'd like me to post the first chapter of my story for you to look at first before you commit then ask and i shall send.
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