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Posts posted by FakeYourDeath

  1. Hmm seems you've gotten a good bit of attention.

    BUTTT if you have time to squez in one more fic I'd love you. I'm working on a new fic and I don't want to release it till it's been looked over. So after it's about 8 chapters. I don't see it going past 9.

    It is a Twilight fic. Not sure your opinons to Twilight, but it is AU and they are all human.

    Jacob is rather dementad, err Bella gets tortured quiet abit and Edward goes crazy =] I can give you a better plot but I don't wanna give to much away to anyone but my official beta sooo if you have time and your interested please please please email me at lost_and_broken_101@hotmail.com

  2. Okay, so I'm working on this really insane angsty fic. I have been for a few weeks but I haven't posted it yet. I really would like someone to take a look at it and help me to tweak it nearly perfect. If anyone is interested message me or something and I'll give you a run down of what it's about. And before you even bother this isn't a Jacob friendly fic =]


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