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Posts posted by Miss_Lizbet

  1. I'm a pretty big fan of "cockstand" (sarcastically, of course).

    For the purveyor of Victorian-era erotica, this fine barely-a-euphemism is immediately familiar, as it used to be employed with the same frequency that we use "cock" nowadays. Unfortunately, though, a lot of contemporary romance novel authors have picked it up and tossed its ass back into literary play, as it were. Which is too bad, because it is so very unsexy.

  2. (I've seen the following in various fics: Jesus, Allah, Zeus, Kami-sama... but no one mentioned Cthulhu. Yet.)

    I am totally inspired to write about a violently intense orgasm, during which the one coming shouts, "Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fthagn!"

    That would be the most hilarious, and amazing, invocation of a deity's name during a money shot EVER WRITTEN.

  3. How about calling the breasts pillows?

    Now that turned me off as I was reading a good smut and then the character reached up and gently squeezed her ample sized pillows. I was like uh, he squeezed her pillow? and it took me a while before I realized that they meant breasts!

    But by the time I realized that, I had already left the story and went for another one. It just chased me off.


    Haha. Wow...pillows? I'm sure I've seen that shaky euphemism used before in sub-par romance novels, but it's amusing to picture it intellectually barging in on 'a good smut'.

  4. I have a pretty high tolerance for just about any word, provided - and this is a big caveat - that it is used in an appropriate context. When reading a human anatomy text, I certainly don't want to be reading along and stumble across something like this:

    "The vas deferens (plural: vasa deferentia), also called ductus deferens, is part of the male anatomy of some species; they transport hot come from the epididymis in anticipation of a scorching hot money-shot."

    That being said, however, I would also not like to be happily enjoying a piece of erotica only to find this:

    " Closing his eyes, the male moans and tightens his grip on your hair when the striated muscle tissue of your esophagus constricts in response to electrical impulses and creates pressure against his male organ of human reproduction, all of his momentary gentleness evaporating in the wake of the intensity of this sensation. He then begins to initiate coitus in your mouth, looking down at you as you take all of him in."

    Now, I'm a pretty big fan of the verb "come", but it doesn't belong in my science text. And as one who can appreciate the complexities of human biology and read journal articles pertaining to the same, I don't want to see the word "penis" within ten miles of my erotica.

    So, for me, it's all about how the words get used...not the words themselves.

    However...I will say that if I see the word "juices" written anywhere, for my comfort, it had better be preceded by the word "fruit".

  5. A few things that drive me insane, no matter what I'm reading; fanfic or otherwise...

    1. Ending every sentence with an exclamation point. This is frighteningly common in garden-variety internet 'erotica' (I use that term quite loosely). Example: And then he saw her! Her hair was around her shoulders and loose! She walked toward him slowly! How did he get so lucky!

    2. Lack of appropriate punctuation, syntax, grammar and capitalization. I will freely admit that I'm a language whore, and my standards could be considered pretentiously high when it comes to perusing the written word. However, there are some basic rules of grammar, punctuation and capitalization that anyone who has made it out of Junior High School should be following, especially if they're posting their writing for the enjoyment of others.

    3. Writing/Using the wrong form of a homophone. Examples of this infuriating habit include using the wrong forms of their/they're/there or to/too/two, its/it's, etc.

    4. Putting apostrophes before the 'S' at the end of a plural word. This. Makes. Me. Crazy. Examples: The egg's were for sale. The car's on the road went fast. The girl's were pretty.

    The end. I have descended from my pedestal :]

  6. Topic Title: Cold Marble

    Topic Description: The Chronicles of Riddick fanfiction.

    Hello, everyone! I recently posted parts 1 and 2 (of 3) of a Chronicles of Riddick fanfic centered around Lord Vaako (the Necromonger Commander). It's my first posting here on AFF, and I'd love to get some feedback from all of you veteran fanfiction-ers.

    Content (based on full 3 parts) is as follows: BDSM, D/s, Dom, HJ, Language, M/F, Oral, Other (Knifeplay, Penetration), Violence (In D/s context), WIP (part 3 to be posted presently). Thanks to everyone for taking the time to check out my little literary commercial!

    Title: Cold Marble

    Author: Lizbet Lautrec (Miss_Lizbet)

    Summary: Lord Vaako returns from a long absence to re-stake a claim and take what is his.

    Rating: Adult++

    Pairings: Lord Vaako and, well, the reader.

    Spoilers: N/A

    Feedback: More than welcome and heartily encouraged!

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092957


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